Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
If you liked Clerks, also watch Dogma and Mallrats by the same director.

The same director also directed a masterpiece, Chasing Amy, one of the most complex movies on human relationship. Kevin Smith rates Chasing Amy very highly amongst his own works. Highly recommended movie for open minded people. Again, most of the people would end up not liking the concept. So be warned.

Was watching TV after long time today. Came across this channel(can't recall its name but something like united movies etc.) which was airing some asian movie with english subtitles. Is there already a channel on tv dedicated especially to asian movies?
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Sith Lord
Staff member
The movie was either Eye in the Sky, or the Iron ladies and the channel was most probably UTV World Movies. They show a lot of films from around the world, but they repeat too many films.


Democracy is a myth
OK guys, came from Quantum of solace----7.5/10
Its full of action and not previous bond like sophisticated action but hands on action. And I like this.
Story is punched b/w the action scenes, so........
It has>

  • Daniel Craig
  • Lots of action
  • Car chase, man chase, boat chase, airplane chase

It has not>

  • Those typical those "bond scenes" for which I was not allowed to watch bond movies when I was young:D
  • Implementation of brain(actually this bond didn't have time to put brain, he was busy killing)
  • Typical BOND style
  • hi-fi gadgets
Ok thats it.
I liked the movie for a personal reason:) [offtopic]In previous bond movies, when Bond used to get caught, our villains used to beat him very hard, and was clueless why he's not fighting back. At least he's fighting now:D[/offtopic]


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Dear Member , a humble request , please do not post spoilers for Quantum of solace.
Im trying hard to get a few tickets for tmro, its in 18 theaters in bangalore :shock: , next is a kannada movie which is screened in 16 theaters :p.


Excessive happiness
going to see Quantum of Solace today 7:00 PM....Will post the feedback by monday.. coz i am busy in sundays coz of damn datings... :D


Aspiring Novelist
Quantum of Solace - 7/10. Again a good Bond flick but totally composed of action & storyline was very linear. Casino Royale was better than this. After watching the movie I thought the game could have been so much better but Treyarch had to f*uck it up.


The Devil's Advocate
I didn't like QoS. Gotta bored at times, was too predictable and had a very stupid plot.


Aspiring Novelist
^He does & that too with style. My best bond till now has to be Pierce Brosnan as he is the most suave bond of all time. Craig is a very rugged bond & plays the character with great intensity. Pre-Casino Royale, I always thought that he would look very old for the character but I was wrong. He can really kick some serious ass.

^^I am looking forward to QOS any day this week..... lots of people saying its not better than CR, but as a stand alone movie its good, CR set the standard to high, infact critics say it was the best Bond Movie since Sean Connery days....... so in that sense QOS must have performed good......
CR was a good redemption for a modern Bond movie. It produced a much darker side of Bond & he didn't have any fancy gadgets or cars that go invisible. Though I missed that part but it was built up over a good storyline & raw performance from Craig. The action was enthralling & the twist towards the end was completely exciting. QOS was very disconnected from the main storyline. It took CR's elements & drove it off track for sometime. This movie didn't have a hot Bond girl either (WTH!). Action formed a major part of the movie & that's about all you would get. May be the next one would have a better storyline & please for the love of god include some gadgets.
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