Call me Sumit
why charan bhai ..samajh main nahin aaya ??esumitkumar.. /me runs for cover..
You Dont mess with Zohan --7/10
wat a s*x comedy...zohan ..baba tat how isrealis are
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why charan bhai ..samajh main nahin aaya ??esumitkumar.. /me runs for cover..
That's the recent one with Brendan Frazer, right? How are the visual effects?Journey to the center of the Earth -7/10
eggman ...CW is a very dark film indeed..the beginning of the movie was so violence,rape etc . filled that i left it watching after 45 mins..I have to see again y r u recommending it 10/10..can u plz explain ?
Watch The Shining you may like it.
I heard its slooooooooooooooooow!!!
Anyone seen Wanted ? How is it ?
And I just bought Ugly aur Pagli for my sister after she was insisting for it. Is it worth seeing ?
Movie is :13 Tzameti
Why make it difficult to read??
@esumitkumar: lol dude give a spoiler warning before posting it.
I saw it, but didn't like it too much. Its creepy though.Watch The Shining you may like it.