Malaysian Airlines crashes near Ukraine


Wonderful. Who gives a **** who shot at it? I just don't understand one thing, when they shoot at a plane they see it right? I mean if it's a passenger plane or not. Now if it's not a passenger plane, I don't give a damn honestly if some politician dies or not, but how on earth they shot a passenger plane for ****'s sake?

What is this, playing Counter Strike?
Exactly... shooting down a passenger plane carrying 300 innocent lives and stating it as a mistake doesnt seems justified.
Its like commiting genoice and getting excused because it was a mistake.


Wise Old Owl
Wonderful. Who gives a **** who shot at it? I just don't understand one thing, when they shoot at a plane they see it right? I mean if it's a passenger plane or not. Now if it's not a passenger plane, I don't give a damn honestly if some politician dies or not, but how on earth they shot a passenger plane for ****'s sake?

What is this, playing Counter Strike?

Seeing a plane which is flying at 33,000 feet (10,000 meters) is not like watching Simpsons in TV. Its all in radar there. An inexperienced crew of BUK operatives have a high chance of mistaking a commercial airliner with a military aircraft. It takes 22 seconds for the BUK launcher to detect and fire. After the mistake is made, there is no chance to revoke it.


Seeing a plane which is flying at 33,000 feet (10,000 meters) is not like watching Simpsons in TV. Its all in radar there. An inexperienced crew of BUK operatives have a high chance of mistaking a commercial airliner with a military aircraft. It takes 22 seconds for the BUK launcher to detect and fire. After the mistake is made, there is no chance to revoke it.
No one intentinally kills a plane filled with 300 lives.
But still someone has to pay for the mistake made. someone has to take the it the Malaysian airliner control for flying over a hostile air zone or be it the rebels who were handed the weapon of destruction.
One must take the blame.


Cyborg Agent
There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this.
1) Who shot the plane down: Pretty certain pro-Russian rebels, but exactly who?
2) Who gave the command to shoot down the plane?
3) Did they knew if the one they were shooting down was a civilian plane?
4) Was the air-craft flying low or what was the altitude of the flight when it was shot down?

Chances are
a. The plane was shot down by pro-Russian rebels mistaking it for an Ukranian military cargo
b. vice-versa

Hot-headed US is already blaming Russia (not even the rebels) as if Putin commanded to shoot down the plane. Did they forget this so soon: Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Human Spambot
No one gives a sh!t. people forget if the issue is unanswered just like missing malaysian airline


Wise Old Owl
Dumb headed. Who really hears them anyway?

Literally everyone.

1) The question about who exactly gave the order to shoot down the plane is less important right now, a crime at this level will not be judged over a person, it will be on a group/community or command level , so will be conviction and sentencing or acts towards it.

2) There are sources which have revealed communication between Rebels and Russian officers.

3) Did they know or did not, that is the most pertinent question here, if they have shot down a commercial airliner just to test their MTS and radars then that means very close to war. If not, then its questionable in multiple areas..such as

a) How the hell the airliner decided to set a route over a marked war-zone where multiple military planes were shot down using SAMs.

b) The pro-Russians who allegedly has shot down the plane are actually the separatists or is it Ukrainian rebels or pro-euro revels weaving a conspiracy to make it look like Russians did it. Plane flying over Ukraine, separatist looking dudes take it down. Simple but big.

c) If the above is true, why pro-euro rebels would shot down a plane which had mostly "Europeans" ?

d) Russians are in the deepest shite here, They are not the holy paladin of righteousness , they sell weapons across the world. Reports has a sighting of a Buk missile system moving between the cities of Torez and Snizhne, both within in Donetsk Oblast area few hours before the plane was shot. If Ukrainian separatists have just blown up a commercial airliner using a Russian weapon, we are almost certainly looking at a massive geopolitical chaos here, with the rest of the world too.

e) BUK has a range of 22Km above surface upto where it can detect targets, detecting a subsonic target at 33000 feet was too easy for it. Even if the plane had gone above stratospheric heights, the missiles would still blow it to pieces.

And lastly it does not matter whether US is hot headed or cool-ass because what matters is information, and they are bloody damn good at it. If it turns out that Russia has really got bloody hands, then it will totally justify their recent actions over Ukrain and call for a war.


The Vagrant Seeker
one should honestly give a damn if a critical leader/politician is killed, in such an attack or in any other way. can affect a whole nation directly in profound ways.

even the US has a blot with such an incident on its supposed white-collar. when the US navy itself couldn't identify a civilian aircraft from a hostile military one, then what to expect from some masked nincompoops running amok over a territory?! don't know what 'high price' has the US paid till now for its blunder; moreover, nothing can compensate for such criminal blunders. just like 'big' men manage to go scot-free after committing serious blunders and heinous crimes, 'big' nations too tend to/manage to skirt around. microcosm meets the macrocosm! the world's rotten!

P.S. - BTW, the malaysian airlines had released an excerpt of communication between the ill-fated airplane's pilot and the Ukranian ATC, wherein, the ATC had instructed the pilot to lower down the elevation of the plane to 33k ft, just above the limit of flight-elevation in a warn-torn region. any update on this?
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In the zone
Really sad. My guess is that they mistook it 4 enemy aircraft and nw are trying to cover it up, no big conspiracy. Modi's plane nearby? I thnk media is lying a bit to get sensationalism and mass hysteria. I am sure some dumb UFO nut will say the plane crashed with an UFO!! Wth is the world upto!


Sith Lord
Staff member
1) Who shot the plane down: Pretty certain pro-Russian rebels, but exactly who?
2) Who gave the command to shoot down the plane?
Rebel Leader in Alleged Leaked Audio: We Just Shot Down a Plane

3) Did they knew if the one they were shooting down was a civilian plane?

4) Was the air-craft flying low or what was the altitude of the flight when it was shot down?
It was flying lower than planned. It was asked by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at 33000 feet instead of filed approved plan of 35000 feet
Why Was Malaysia Airlines MH17 Flying Over Ukraine? Time, Money - NBC News

P.S. - BTW, the malaysian airlines had released an excerpt of communication between the ill-fated airplane's pilot and the Ukranian ATC, wherein, the ATC had instructed the pilot to lower down the elevation of the plane to 33k ft, just above the limit of flight-elevation in a warn-torn region. any update on this?
Yes. The war-torn region elevation limit was set at 32k feet.

All of this anyway does not make much difference because,
e) BUK has a range of 22Km above surface upto where it can detect targets, detecting a subsonic target at 33000 feet was too easy for it. Even if the plane had gone above stratospheric heights, the missiles would still blow it to pieces.

- - - Updated - - -

Russian Military is holding press conference right now
highlights so far

-flight tried to maneuver away from the area, could not complete the movement
-Why did Ukraine deploy the BUK launchers in the area, and against whom, as the rebels don't have aircraft
--Ukraine moved SAM missiles on day of crash
-There was a graph showing RADAR activity of the Ukrainian military. The graph showed number of active stations peaking on 17th (9 active stations), with increase in operating stations on 16th (8 stations) and 15th (7 stations). Then suddenly the RADAR stations go silent after 17th, to barely 2-3 operating. The Russian military is asking what is the reason for this.
-Russian RADAR and satellite systems picked up a Ukrainian Su-25 which has capability of Air to Air missiles in the skies at the same time as MH17 and at the same flight level. It was tracking MH17. Russian military is asking why it was there and what it was doing.


The Vagrant Seeker
^^ yes, the movement of the missile-launchers in the area was also highly suspect and had been in the news at times. the findings that the russian military have come up with are intriguing; let's see what ukraine has to say/clarify on these.


read yesterday in news paper, it may be that, those who fired the missile, might already been killed to wipe out the traces. god knows what is going on there.....


Sith Lord
Staff member
Latest from Russia

The leaked tapes on the social networks are doctored. Just look at the audio spectrogram of the video, and you can see the cuts. Subsequent statements in the audio are allegedly hours apart.

starting to believe Russian version of events.
Which is actually at this point, the rebels may have fired the missile that got the plane down, but at the moment there is no hard evidence of it, there was suspicious ukraininan military activity leading up to the day and on the day, and that it is not the whole story anyway. Wait till a proper investigation before jumping to conclusions and politicizing the issue. It's sick the way opinions are exploding on social networks and then to the news, and through them to pressure from official diplomatic channels, (Russians say this is unprecedented so far) based on flimsy evidence.

most of that seems reasonable enough


Human Spambot
was looking at the news related to this incidence and came through this video...not sure if this is true or the dude is just trying to get attention...

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