Malaysian Airlines crashes near Ukraine


Cyborg Agent
If ine tampers with bb will get ?

No use if it's noticed or not... The crucial data will be missing/replaced... And, anyway, they could just wipe/damage the FDR and the CVR and say that they were damaged in the post-crash fire... Or, as a result of the g force encountered during the crash!!! :-x


Sith Lord
Staff member
why has this become a US-Russia thing?
this whole episode is becoming embarrassing for US and Australia

On one side we have Russian military posting many questions, backed by RADAR and satellite imagery. On other hand we have Australia and US representatives citing videos from social networks and tweets. I guess ball of smoke rising and and alarmed radio chatter is more tv friendly than a bunch of blips and an old balding man talking about military buildup and RADAR activity. According to Russian media, US has privately agreed that it has no proof of Russian involvement in the crash at all. The only evidence USA is even suspected to have so far is that it was a certain type of missile (SA-11, US allegedly has satellite images to support this) most probably fired from a BUK M2 Launcher, but the bit about who was in control of those is a connection made with unverified social media feeds. We also have Kiev taking absolutely no responsibility, and answering none of the questions about about the safety of its own air space.
US intelligence: No direct link to Russia in Malaysia plane downing RT USA

The western media is going haywire, even to the extent of showing photos of Ukrainian Military next to BUK launchers and calling that evidence of Russian Rebels. Russian media is not doing the opposite of that because that would be pointless misinformation. Ukraine news itself showed photos of its own missiles and called them the launchers going back to Russia, when you can see identification markers of it clearly belonging to Ukraine.


Sith Lord
Staff member
This episode is now being called "information warfare"
to get an idea, visit the news sites and comments section of washington post and russia today. its the same thread.

- - - Updated - - -

"No evidence or indications of manipulation of the recorder was found," the Dutch Safety Board (OVV) said in a statement.

Read more at:
MH17 black box data downloaded, no evidence of tampering - The Economic Times
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