Making UBUNTU looks like OS X

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Web Entrepreneur
If you like the UI of OS X and want to get that kind of touch & feel on your UBUNTU box... then it's here... okay... this is a guide on making your UBUNTU box Desktop UI looks like OS X... first I thought I should post it in Tutorials section, but I didn't found any OSS/Linux related tutorial there so I'm posting in its native section.

If it doesn't fit... Mods, Move >>

Okay, This is not a tutorial by Me... ...But this made me re-try UBUNTU... I'll mod my box soon :)

The guide is written by Lauri Taimila, a pro-web desiger from Finland, and one of best detailed tutorials on OS X emulation in Linux... :)

Here: *

Happy modding :)

PS: I'm a n00b to Linux modding, so post along in this very thread if you find some good OS Xish icons/themes/fonts/stuff for UBUNTU/GNome... :)


Wise Old Owl
That's cool. I installed Mac Theme in Ubuntu today. Found one mistake in what the
author says. Install the theme Tish - ok. Now you need to add the icons. Download
the file OSX3.1.tar.gz. Unpack it using Archive Manager to the same folder. After
unpacking there will be a new folder called 'OSX'. You need to move this folder to
'/usr/share/icons/' . For doing this login as Root (you must have already created a
Root account) . after opening a terminal ie., su - (enter) (type password)
Now we need to move the folder 'OSX' :
$ mv OSX /usr/share/icons (U don't need to type $ !!)
Ofcourse for the command to succeed to need to be in the same directory where
the folder OSX exists. Now exit from Root login type 'exit'. Thats all now all works well.


FooBar Guy
JGuru said:
After unpacking there will be a new folder called 'OSX'. You need to move this folder to '/usr/share/icons/' . For doing this login as Root (you must have already created a
Root account) . after opening a terminal ie., su - (enter) (type password)
Now we need to move the folder 'OSX' :

There is no mistake in the article.. You will get the same effects if you move the OS-X icon directory in your $HOME/.icons/ (hidden directory) ... you should use the Theme Manager to do this automatically..

If you move the directory to /usr/share/icons then the icons are available to all users.. and if its moved to .icons in home dir then it is available to that particular user.

Btw, my mac desktop is looking just uber cool..
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