Well 1M doesn't tell much if you think about it- barely it puts any stress and that too for a short period of time. Makes sense for older obsolete processors, but not the new ones since they are pretty fast. Super PI 32M runs longer, requires more memory and system resources, and tests the CPU, memory, system and their stability more than that offered by SuperPI 1M which completes in a much shorter period of time. If you see international tech forums, they do have 1M and 32 M runs, but 32M runs is where it counts the most as it tests the real potential of a processor's speed- against 1M. 32M is considered standard by OCers since 1M doesnt show much of memory tweak's potential as well.
If people who are testing e5200 and e6600, please provide screenshots like this:
This way we will know which chipset and the type of memory is used.