1) What is your budget?
Ans : around 15K-17K(at maxx)
2) What size notebook would you prefer?
Ans a. Netbook; 10” screen or less
b. Ultraportable; 11" - 12” screen
(Is there any netbook with 11" -12" screensize in this range,maximum upper limit being 12")
3) Which country will you buying this notebook?
Ans :India
4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
Ans a. Like
ell, Samsung, Toshiba, Asus, HP, MSI, Acer
b. Dislike:Olive, Wipro, HCL ,SImmtronics .
5) What are the primary tasks will you be performing with this notebook?
a. Surfing
b. Presentations and documents and excel
d. Videos( I do have a Dell inspiron 15( I3, 4Gb, dedicated graphics for lil bit gaming and other geeky chores,but its feels too heavy and hot to move with around.)
6) Will you be taking the notebook with you to different places, leaving it on your desk or both?
Ans :Taking places(portability ,and LESS HEATING !! please)
7) Will you be playing games on your notebook? If so, please state which games or types of games?
Ans : Never ever, but then again can occassionally play HD(720p) videos and "playing" around with android and symbian ROMs and CFWs(if thats a game )
8) How many hours of battery life do you need?
Ans : Greater, the better,but can sacrifice a bit for the screensize(11" or 12", only if available within my range)
9) Would you prefer to see the notebooks you're considering before purchasing it or buying a notebook on-line without seeing it is OK?
Ans : Possibly yes, the feel of the keyboard is a important attribute to consider)
10) What OS do you prefer? Windows (XP or Vista or Windows 7), Mac OS, Linux, etc.
Ans : No preferences , I know my way.
PS: Can i get any netbook with dual core atom and Nvidia Ion( both or either one of them) in this range? or even a AMD one with decent processing power and good graphics will suffice. Again can sacrifice on the graphics processor for a larger screensize(11" or 12"), with HD video(720p) being the tradeoff,but am game with it.
There is a EEEPc model at something around 17k with a 12" display, is it available now?what is the current price as well?
A secondary research suggested at the Dell inspiron mini 10 (mini 10v to be more precise,to test the "forbidden fruit" in it as well,but then again heard that i heats up and one of the deciding factors in getting a netbook is my lappy getting excessively hot,though can sacrifice a bit if it has dedicated graphics(again a tradeoff
Cheers ...\m/
It will be kind enough if you guys can put in your views ( I am not that inclined towards the tablet,coz i need to give presentations and seminars as well and tablets do not have a VGA out and m not that comfy working on excel or powerpoint,that too in a touchscreen)
BUMP,no reply, BTW I too researched a bit and found the Asus EEEpc 1215B as a good option(fitting my bill of portability ), but priced on the higher side,can anyone confirm w\if its available in India,and at what pricepoint? Also any other options in this 12" segment,does the dell inspiron mini has integrated graphics as well?
Ans : around 15K-17K(at maxx)
2) What size notebook would you prefer?
Ans a. Netbook; 10” screen or less
b. Ultraportable; 11" - 12” screen
(Is there any netbook with 11" -12" screensize in this range,maximum upper limit being 12")
3) Which country will you buying this notebook?
Ans :India
4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
Ans a. Like
b. Dislike:Olive, Wipro, HCL ,SImmtronics .
5) What are the primary tasks will you be performing with this notebook?
a. Surfing
b. Presentations and documents and excel
d. Videos( I do have a Dell inspiron 15( I3, 4Gb, dedicated graphics for lil bit gaming and other geeky chores,but its feels too heavy and hot to move with around.)
6) Will you be taking the notebook with you to different places, leaving it on your desk or both?
Ans :Taking places(portability ,and LESS HEATING !! please)
7) Will you be playing games on your notebook? If so, please state which games or types of games?
Ans : Never ever, but then again can occassionally play HD(720p) videos and "playing" around with android and symbian ROMs and CFWs(if thats a game )
8) How many hours of battery life do you need?
Ans : Greater, the better,but can sacrifice a bit for the screensize(11" or 12", only if available within my range)
9) Would you prefer to see the notebooks you're considering before purchasing it or buying a notebook on-line without seeing it is OK?
Ans : Possibly yes, the feel of the keyboard is a important attribute to consider)
10) What OS do you prefer? Windows (XP or Vista or Windows 7), Mac OS, Linux, etc.
Ans : No preferences , I know my way.
PS: Can i get any netbook with dual core atom and Nvidia Ion( both or either one of them) in this range? or even a AMD one with decent processing power and good graphics will suffice. Again can sacrifice on the graphics processor for a larger screensize(11" or 12"), with HD video(720p) being the tradeoff,but am game with it.
There is a EEEPc model at something around 17k with a 12" display, is it available now?what is the current price as well?
A secondary research suggested at the Dell inspiron mini 10 (mini 10v to be more precise,to test the "forbidden fruit" in it as well,but then again heard that i heats up and one of the deciding factors in getting a netbook is my lappy getting excessively hot,though can sacrifice a bit if it has dedicated graphics(again a tradeoff
Cheers ...\m/
It will be kind enough if you guys can put in your views ( I am not that inclined towards the tablet,coz i need to give presentations and seminars as well and tablets do not have a VGA out and m not that comfy working on excel or powerpoint,that too in a touchscreen)
BUMP,no reply, BTW I too researched a bit and found the Asus EEEpc 1215B as a good option(fitting my bill of portability ), but priced on the higher side,can anyone confirm w\if its available in India,and at what pricepoint? Also any other options in this 12" segment,does the dell inspiron mini has integrated graphics as well?