@Mikael - What was the religion of your people before Britishers? Which region did you pledge allegiance to before Britishers? What was your diet before Britishers? What was your language before Britishers? And yes, can you explain me your mentality before Britishers?
From Indonesia, to Bali, to South America, India etc one can find the Indian architecture all along. Keep going back, who was the founding father of the philosophy in your region? What was the thought process and how deep?
In NCERT, they said Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, now they have started promoting Rahul Gandhi, we are taught that Mughals created beautful designs and architectures, that Qutub-Minar was built by Aibak. Now the researches shows clear examples, facts and proofs, on how most of the monuments that we are being "told" were built by Mughals were built by Indian Kings. You can google for "Dhruv Stambh" and their significance -> Qutub Minar
You can read the works of David Frawly, Stephen-Knapp etc, Francious Gautier etc.
Which other country can you find which glorifies the invaders?
I'm sure that had we been ruled by Mughals for another 100 years then Jantar Mantar, Konark Temple, Iron pillar would all be called as some "mughal creation". Similarly, do you know the extent of damage done by Christianity? Please read the "minutes speech" alone by Lord Macaulay himself.
We are told that British used English to 'educate' Indians. But why not Sanskrit which unites entire India, a mother of many of the world languages? What was the real purpose of injecting English in our veins?
macaulay said:
In the past, the educationist named Lord Macaulay wanted to do away with the spiritual heritage of India. He stated, “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.”
“I have no knowledge of either Sanskrit or Arabic. But I have done what I could to form a
correct estimate of their value…. I have never found one among them (Sanskrit or arabic scholars) who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia.”
Lord Macaulay wanted Christianity to replace Hinduism. In a letter to his father, a Protestant minister, Macaulay declared: “Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of this education on the Hindus is prodigious. …It is my belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolator among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence”.
The Max-Muller Syndrome

istorting Hinduism (Part 1) | The Chakra News
The Max Muller Syndrome: Deceiving Hindus (Part 2) | The Chakra News
Most of the Indians disapprove of Nehru's actions and participation in breaking of India in 1947. Many people are coming to terms at how Nehru used an "Indian Name" to appease the Indians and Gandhi appeased the muslims (Moplah, Ali Brothers etc). But still in books they are being shown how nice and idealistic they were.
Who is writing these books and why are they distorting the truth? Why a loser like Rahul Gandhi (who think India is a beehive, stated that he is ashamed of being an Indian, 70% of Punjab youths are drug addicts where the report said that 70% of drug addicts are youths and now mocks the poor by saying "Poverty is state of mind"; he was absent during Ramdev and Anna Hazare Anshan and celebrating in Swiss/America; absent during Uttarakhand's floods and celebrating his birthday in Sweden/Spain and partying after 26/11 attacks) being promoted in NCERT and the real heroes degraded? What is the problem if Gita and Indian history is taught in schools? Can't a country teach her own philosophy and history to her own sons? Did a term like "religion" ever existed in India before the abrahamic faiths (class of theism which defines god) invaded India? If you are conditioned by the term religion, then what aren't there terms like aurobindoism, sri-ravishankarism, vivekanandism like you have for buddhism, jainism? Who coined Hinduism?
I don't know about Sikh battalion raping North Eastern Girls. But, I would like you to give proper reads for it, as apart from military code of conducts, sikhs do have a high standards of morality and service to the nation.
Who divided the Indians as "Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs" for all these (mahavira, buddha, 10 gurus of sikh, 1000s of rishis for Upanishads/Veda/Puranas/Tantras) are gurus orginating from India? Even before these gurus, there existed many other gurus like Parashuram, Droacharya, Kripacharya? Have we ever heard of terms like Dronacharyaism, Parashuramaism etc? You can't help but laugh at the utter stupidity of a mindset who created these terminologies, mapped them as "religion" and those who blindly followed without questioning it.
Had there been something called Dronacharya-ism and the mentality of Arjun as weak as that of people in today's "modern age", he couldn't have fought a dharmic war, but instead followed Dronacharya blindly like many religious people do and behave towards the 'commandments' and religious laws which are often dividing te humanity between us/them, believers/non-believers.
So much distortion and poison injected in our brains which clouds the orginal meaning, the terminologies and aims at creating an inferiority complex amongst the Indians starting back from Mughals and British, would it be right for Indians to give up and surrender to that poison? Would you surrender to a disease which is weakening you or would you rather fight back?
mikael said:
Now i ask you guys--
1.Should i proudly recite the national anthem?
2.Should i say "I am proud to be Indian" ??
3. ...and should i be criticized for not being India-patriotic?
1. Upto you, for Sindh is not a part of India, and we need to know who this "adhinayak" is.
2. The whole world is looking at India today. NASA, Russia, China etc all are researching upon Veda and trying to induce Sanskrit into their advancements except for India. Go back as far as you can, learn your roots and about your forefathers and how hey died for India. You should be proud of being an Indian!
3. Learn as much as you can about India, from the works of Fa-Hein, Huein-Tsang, Japanese explorers and philosophers, works of Aurobindo, Vivekanand etc before you talk about India!
From your reply, it is clear that you are not mad at Indians, but Indian politicians and you are very much affected by the turn of events that has shaken India starting from early ADs! You need to decondition and start looking again.
65+ years of Congress rule has destroyed India as much as Britishers did or may be more than that, looted India, caused more than a dozen communal riots, ignored Uttarakhand even after repeated CAG and MeT department warnings where the sources say that atleast 1 lakhs have been killed, raped Sikhs during 1984 (a genocide that it was, not a riot), divided India on religious and cast basis etc. So should I keep crying about me, accept the injustice or voice proactively for India, to establish her once again like a true Indian? Should I debate whether I should be an Indian and if there is any pride in it, while debating "Is there any worth to the National Pride" or should I being an Indian, define "How India should be"?
I'm sure in your own house you must be thinking and idealising as to how your house should look, what cars you should own, what lifestyle you should have. Why a different mentality towards your own Nation?
Your solidarity, love and loyalty defines the foundation of your own home. A cheating wife/husband can easily break that home. Then why a different attitude towards your own nation? Indians have already faced that with the result of Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. You should understand the feelings of Indians by now.
Anyways, since you mentioned about Sikh Batallion, I'm curious about your views on how CHristianity is raping the North-East of India and in the past with its present ripple effects destroyed and still destroying Indian history?
Christian Conversions and Terrorism in North-East India - Christian Aggression
Karsevak India: Partial History of Christian Missionary Atrocities
Just research yourself about CHristianity in North-East and southern states like Kerela!
ANyways, if you knew about Chinese history, you wouldn't call Arunachal to be a part of China. Remove tibet from China and half of China is gone. Just like China is using Paki to weaken India (yes it is) and Paki are thinkin Chinese to be great friends, similarly the politics goes deep in case of Arunachal Pradesh and yes Indian government is doing nothing about it! But I find it sad, that people instead of spreading the Indianness and integrity to fight these external forces which are further trying to break India, are rather discussing "Is there any worth to National pride"! :'(
I don't know how many people in this forum alone goto vote for I have heard cries about that "I don't care/all politicians are same/Nothing can be done/India is ****" and all idiotic pessimism and attitude too much now. These people have no right to be protected by the Indian soldiers anyways.
@Mikael - What was the religion of your people before Britishers? Which region did you pledge allegiance to before Britishers? What was your diet before Britishers? What was your language before Britishers? And yes, can you explain me your mentality before Britishers?
From Indonesia, to Bali, to South America, India etc one can find the Indian architecture all along. Keep going back, who was the founding father of the philosophy in your region? What was the thought process and how deep?
In NCERT, they said Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, now they have started promoting Rahul Gandhi, we are taught that Mughals created beautful designs and architectures, that Qutub-Minar was built by Aibak. Now the researches shows clear examples, facts and proofs, on how most of the monuments that we are being "told" were built by Mughals were built by Indian Kings. You can google for "Dhruv Stambh" and their significance -> *valmikiresearch.com/Qutab%20Minar.htm
You can read the works of David Frawly, Stephen-Knapp etc, Francious Gautier etc.
Which other country can you find which glorifies the invaders?
I'm sure that had we been ruled by Mughals for another 100 years then Jantar Mantar, Konark Temple, Iron pillar would all be called as some "mughal creation". Similarly, do you know the extent of damage done by Christianity? Please read the "minutes speech" alone by Lord Macaulay himself.
We are told that British used English to 'educate' Indians. But why not Sanskrit which unites entire India, a mother of many of the world languages? What was the real purpose of injecting English in our veins?
macaulay said:
In the past, the educationist named Lord Macaulay wanted to do away with the spiritual heritage of India. He stated, “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.”
“I have no knowledge of either Sanskrit or Arabic. But I have done what I could to form a
correct estimate of their value…. I have never found one among them (Sanskrit or arabic scholars) who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia.”
Lord Macaulay wanted Christianity to replace Hinduism. In a letter to his father, a Protestant minister, Macaulay declared: “Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of this education on the Hindus is prodigious. …It is my belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolator among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence”.
Most of the Indians disapprove of Nehru's actions and participation in breaking of India in 1947. Many people are coming to terms at how Nehru used an "Indian Name" to appease the Indians and Gandhi appeased the muslims (Moplah, Ali Brothers etc). But still in books they are being shown how nice and idealistic they were.
Who is writing these books and why are they distorting the truth? Why a loser like Rahul Gandhi (who think India is a beehive, stated that he is ashamed of being an Indian, 70% of Punjab youths are drug addicts where the report said that 70% of drug addicts are youths and now mocks the poor by saying "Poverty is state of mind"; he was absent during Ramdev and Anna Hazare Anshan and celebrating in Swiss/America; absent during Uttarakhand's floods and celebrating his birthday in Sweden/Spain and partying after 26/11 attacks) being promoted in NCERT and the real heroes degraded? What is the problem if Gita and Indian history is taught in schools? Can't a country teach her own philosophy and history to her own sons? Did a term like "religion" ever existed in India before the abrahamic faiths (class of theism which defines god) invaded India? If you are conditioned by the term religion, then what aren't there terms like aurobindoism, sri-ravishankarism, vivekanandism like you have for buddhism, jainism? Who coined Hinduism?
I don't know about Sikh battalion raping North Eastern Girls. But, I would like you to give proper reads for it, as apart from military code of conducts, sikhs do have a high standards of morality and service to the nation.
Who divided the Indians as "Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs" for all these (mahavira, buddha, 10 gurus of sikh, 1000s of rishis for Upanishads/Veda/Puranas/Tantras) are gurus orginating from India? Even before these gurus, there existed many other gurus like Parashuram, Droacharya, Kripacharya? Have we ever heard of terms like Dronacharyaism, Parashuramaism etc? You can't help but laugh at the utter stupidity of a mindset who created these terminologies, mapped them as "religion" and those who blindly followed without questioning it.
Had there been something called Dronacharya-ism and the mentality of Arjun as weak as that of people in today's "modern age", he couldn't have fought a dharmic war, but instead followed Dronacharya blindly like many religious people do and behave towards the 'commandments' and religious laws which are often dividing te humanity between us/them, believers/non-believers.
So much distortion and poison injected in our brains which clouds the orginal meaning, the terminologies and aims at creating an inferiority complex amongst the Indians starting back from Mughals and British, would it be right for Indians to give up and surrender to that poison? Would you surrender to a disease which is weakening you or would you rather fight back?
mikael said:
Now i ask you guys--
1.Should i proudly recite the national anthem?
2.Should i say "I am proud to be Indian" ??
3. ...and should i be criticized for not being India-patriotic?
1. Upto you, for Sindh is not a part of India, and we need to know who this "adhinayak" is.
2. The whole world is looking at India today. NASA, Russia, China etc all are researching upon Veda and trying to induce Sanskrit into their advancements except for India. Go back as far as you can, learn your roots and about your forefathers and how hey died for India. You should be proud of being an Indian!
3. Learn as much as you can about India, from the works of Fa-Hein, Huein-Tsang, Japanese explorers and philosophers, works of Aurobindo, Vivekanand etc before you talk about India!
From your reply, it is clear that you are not mad at Indians, but Indian politicians and you are very much affected by the turn of events that has shaken India starting from early ADs! You need to decondition and start looking again.
65+ years of Congress rule has destroyed India as much as Britishers did or may be more than that, looted India, caused more than a dozen communal riots, ignored Uttarakhand even after repeated CAG and MeT department warnings where the sources say that atleast 1 lakhs have been killed, raped Sikhs during 1984 (a genocide that it was, not a riot), divided India on religious and cast basis etc. So should I keep crying about me, accept the injustice or voice proactively for India, to establish her once again like a true Indian? Should I debate whether I should be an Indian and if there is any pride in it, while debating "Is there any worth to the National Pride" or should I being an Indian, define "How India should be"?
I'm sure in your own house you must be thinking and idealising as to how your house should look, what cars you should own, what lifestyle you should have. Why a different mentality towards your own Nation?
Your solidarity, love and loyalty defines the foundation of your own home. A cheating wife/husband can easily break that home. Then why a different attitude towards your own nation? Indians have already faced that with the result of Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. You should understand the feelings of Indians by now.
Anyways, since you mentioned about Sikh Batallion, I'm curious about your views on how CHristianity is raping the North-East of India and in the past with its present ripple effects destroyed and still destroying Indian history?
Just research yourself about CHristianity in North-East and southern states like Kerela!
ANyways, if you knew about Chinese history, you wouldn't call Arunachal to be a part of China. Remove tibet from China and half of China is gone. Just like China is using Paki to weaken India (yes it is) and Paki are thinkin Chinese to be great friends, similarly the politics goes deep in case of Arunachal Pradesh and yes Indian government is doing nothing about it! But I find it sad, that people instead of spreading the Indianness and integrity to fight these external forces which are further trying to break India, are rather discussing "Is there any worth to National pride"! :'(
I don't know how many people in this forum alone goto vote for I have heard cries about that "I don't care/all politicians are same/Nothing can be done/India is ****" and all idiotic pessimism and attitude too much now. These people have no right to be protected by the Indian soldiers anyways.