Is technology really affecting our Human Skills


first of all am not here for any debate..... am just putting my 2 real time experince...

1:last week i went to our village office in my native , it is for getting some approval for house construction , for that i need to write a request on paper..
after leaving my college it was the first time am trying to write some thing on paper... [after some 6-7 years...] am getting the sentence in my mind but when i am trying to write it on am not able to get the correct spelling as well my handwriting is completely screwd.....

2: 3 weeks back on the way back to bangalore from my native i lost my mobile and completely lost my all contacts... am not remebering any single phone numbers except mine.. even my fathers mobile number also i forgot.....

what i was trying to post is ,whether the dependency in the technology is decaying our natural human skills..?

we have google map for finding the correct path.... .
spell check for finding any errors..
PDA for storing all personal data....


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
I experienced same when recently I tried to write something in hindi, I forgot how to write झरना!!! O maaan. I was so freaked out. But then I realized it was natural because I stopped writing in hindi since long time.

My father encourages us to calculate in mind rather than using calculators, but it keeps mind working in that direction only. What I mean to say is that may be useful for a shopkeeper or a person who works in banks not for me.

Those people do not need to know technology because they are not into it, I do because it is my career, my life.

Some people say that spending on smartphones is foolishness. I say, going by that we would still be living in caves. If we don't use new technology, what will encourage us to research more? If people would be happy with computers that needed a whole room to fit in, we won't be having laptops today.

Remember, when man started using wheel, that was technology too. :)

The Conqueror

You have to "effectively" use technology for your benefits without hampering your skills. Technology is not responsible for our laziness.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Technology and Interwebs have improved my spelling and grammar to be honest. Mind you Facebook, Twitter, Orkut have actually made people worse and particularly "d txt spk syndrm" or the low attention span courtesy of Twitter.
As for numbers, earlier you referred to a diary log or piece of paper, now it's a gadget no difference for me.


Grand Master
I believe technology have made my english writing skills poor...
And yes I just never ever try to remember mobile nos of parents, gf, or any imp nos...just keep it in speed dial.

Even I say latest photography devices like SLR or cams r soo smart nowdays that u dont have to learn anything...they just work good on auto...I remember those days when my dad used to teach me how to focus on film SLR...there was no image stabilization megapixel...just u and ur camera:razz:


the m0nk who sold his PC!
Technology and Interwebs have improved my spelling and grammar to be honest. Mind you Facebook, Twitter, Orkut have actually made people worse and particularly "d txt spk syndrm" or the low attention span courtesy of Twitter.
As for numbers, earlier you referred to a diary log or piece of paper, now it's a gadget no difference for me.

i'm a heavy texter nd that practise of mine hav taken a troll on me...for example, whn i write sumthng, newhr, instinctively i begin to use "d/da" instead of "the", "dat" instead of "that" and the list goes on and on! :'( it's BAD, and i'm trying to control the habit by turning on the T9 input mode on my cell.

I believe technology have made my english writing skills poor...
And yes I just never ever try to remember mobile nos of parents, gf, or any imp nos...just keep it in speed dial.

Even I say latest photography devices like SLR or cams r soo smart nowdays that u dont have to learn anything...they just work good on auto...I remember those days when my dad used to teach me how to focus on film SLR...there was no image stabilization megapixel...just u and ur camera:razz:

completely agree with u buddy!


Technology is like a medicine - Use it and enjoy it's advantages, Over-use it and enjoy it's disadvantages. As simple as that.

Never take the wrong pill. It always ends badly.
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i'm a heavy texter nd that practise of mine hav taken a troll on me...for example, whn i write sumthng, newhr, instinctively i begin to use "d/da" instead of "the", "dat" instead of "that" and the list goes on and on! :'( it's BAD, and i'm trying to control the habit by turning on the T9 input mode on my cell.
I've always felt SMS language is stupid, kiddish and immature and I never bothered trying it. Most of the Indians still use the same language in Facebook, you know what I say after seeing them...."stupid".

Although some words like - u, ur and short forms like - btw, tbh, lol nvm, nm feel just usual and are great for "everyday" use.

The moral, never take the wrong pill. It always ends badly.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Technology is like a medicine - Use it and enjoy it's advantages, Over-use it and enjoy it's disadvantages. As simple as that.

Never take the wrong pill. It always ends badly.

Yeah, totally agreed. And ultimately its the preference of the user.
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