whatever the disuccion maybe, but one thing we all have to admit that nothing is perfect and every os has is pros & when choosing a os one should look advantages & limitation of it & choose whatever suits him most.afterall its all personal if a user does not want to type a few commands & is willing to shell out around 5k-10k for os,firewall,antivirus,office suite & many other fancy softwares(i unextimated the price of software it should be even more).so he should go far windows.the thing i like in linx is that i am safe without any av sanner or firewall eating my resoucres becuase i only have 256mb RAM so when my computers runs faster in linux than windows
as far as linux/gnu is concerned don't expect to spoon feed u as u pay nothing to them
. how can this be free.u should be feel thier greatness they are taking so much pain in guiding u.i know learning from e-books is not a easy job.consider this sitution that when u first used the computer u felt it as hard as linux.its only because of ur friends, family members or some basic course in computer help u.
so i just want to say that u should learn linux from anyone near u if u are not eased with learing from reading books. a live demo is very easy to gasp instead of reading piles of if are having some difficulties in linux do join some classes or find a friends with vast know-how of linux(not very hope ful to find one).its just the matter of getting used to it.
as far as linux/gnu is concerned don't expect to spoon feed u as u pay nothing to them
so i just want to say that u should learn linux from anyone near u if u are not eased with learing from reading books. a live demo is very easy to gasp instead of reading piles of if are having some difficulties in linux do join some classes or find a friends with vast know-how of linux(not very hope ful to find one).its just the matter of getting used to it.
Adaption is the key to success
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