I hate Linux

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In the zone
I ain't trying to start any war. Just discussiong issues, that all. Now if Linux fans start poking fun, just because someone made some criticism about Linux, then we have a problem.

I have tried ubuntu as well as Mandriva. I don't agree that synaptic or Yum or anything equivalent for that matter is sufficient. These are fo installing software from the net. What if i have a CD for example?. I can't install using synaptic or yum, can I?.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
For that, there's the rpm or dpkg command. If you have the software on CD, it would most definately bundled with the dependancies.
if one needs to be a programmer to be working in an OS, how can it be so inviting? so effective?
earlier DOS was despised because you needed to learn all the commands. windows is so user friendly. no need to remember any commands. i'm not a windows programmer. but i've been using it effectively for 4 years.
i'm a new user of linux. just have installed a fedora. i'm not able to install a modem driver and connect to the net yet. i can't figure out what the problem is. red hat was no better.
therefore, even if windows is paid, it is better. it has evolved. win 98 was a little difficult. but the current win xp is the best


Broken In
sarincv said:
I hate linux for the following reasons.

---It is very difficult to install on a system having another OS

---Irritating when installing packages due to dependancies

---All linux do'nt support all audio n graphics cards( I had problems with SUSE
.screen goes blank after booting)

---It is not at all user friendly. A new user always struggles

---Don't have our favourite applications
(Can't play mp3s and videos in ubuntu)

Windows is the best!!!

Oops.. Ayyo! How can anyone hate Linux? It's the best OS I've ever come across! Come on friend, once you start using it, you'll get to love it's sheer potential!


kalpik, u r just saying what i hate the most about linux, commanding

Ok, it's true that i like Windows cos it just works, linux maybe a secure OS as stated by the users etc, cos no one attacks linux, due to the reason only a few will be affected, & plz don't start the IIS vs Apache like discussion here

But, Linux is nowhere user friendly like Windows, Mehul, u yourself were having problem in burning the Windows Vista beta 2 DVD ISO with linux isn't it, u had to download some udftools, just to recognise the UDF format in K3B ,although we assumed the file is curropt, but u didn't even try burning it in Nero

when i said, there is no standerd in linux due to which one driver for one distro doesn't work with many others, was i wrong?

Explorer crashing the whole system, plz stop comparing Windows 98 with Ubuntu 6 etc, in Windows XP even if explorer crash, it simply restarts, & nothing else crashes along with it, atleast this has never happened with me

The hardware manufacturers have a bussiness to run, thye don't support linux properly, cos they will have to make many drivers, for many distros out there, remember in linux, one size doesn't fit all, in case of drivers, this is where i say, it lacks a standerd

RPM also asks me to chose an application to open it with, this is something which should be inbuilt in linux

If u remember, the only thing i liked in Linux until now, is XGL, as the capability that it used Hardware based UI rendering....although with Vista, this is something i won't miss anymore...so again linux seems inferior to Windows as far as user friendlyness goes


18 Till I Die............
gxsaurav said:
But, Linux is nowhere user friendly like Windows, Mehul, u yourself were having problem in burning the Windows Vista beta 2 DVD ISO with linux isn't it, u had to download some udftools, just to recognise the UDF format in K3B ,although we assumed the file is curropt, but u didn't even try burning it in Nero
I did try burning in nero and it threw me 1001 errors without any explaination. In the end it did turn out that the iso was bad. Infact MS could have made it easier if it had given md5sum or sha1sum. I compared md5sum of the torrent and my downloaded file. They didn't match. So, I do beileve it was corrupted.
gxsaurav said:
when i said, there is no standerd in linux due to which one driver for one distro doesn't work with many others, was i wrong?
gxsaurav said:
Explorer crashing the whole system, plz stop comparing Windows 98 with Ubuntu 6 etc, in Windows XP even if explorer crash, it simply restarts, & nothing else crashes along with it, atleast this has never happened with me
It has happened to me in XP. Not only at my house but also at the cyber cafe. I haven't used any version of windows before XP.
gxsaurav said:
The hardware manufacturers have a bussiness to run, thye don't support linux properly, cos they will have to make many drivers, for many distros out there, remember in linux, one size doesn't fit all, in case of drivers, this is where i say, it lacks a standerd.
You can't complain if the hardware manufacturer's aren't ready to support linux. How can it be the fault of linux. If you were let alone in some maze without any help on how to come out of it, would you be able to come out by the most easiest way? Now, what if you had a map of the maze. It makes a big difference. One driver always fits all distros. If manufacturers can give out open source drivers then they can even be bundled right within the OS without end user ever having to care about it.
gxsaurav said:
RPM also asks me to chose an application to open it with, this is something which should be inbuilt in linux
OK my fault here. I haven't used rpm based distros for quite a while. Lately I did use FC5 but I am lot more at home with command line. Maybe I had made file association or something then. I can't be that sure right now.
gxsaurav said:
If u remember, the only thing i liked in Linux until now, is XGL, as the capability that it used Hardware based UI rendering....although with Vista, this is something i won't miss anymore...so again linux seems inferior to Windows as far as user friendlyness goes
That depends on each person's point of view. As I said I am equally used to windows and linux and find myself at equal ease with both UI's. As I said before. if you don't like linux, why do you care to use it? To make it function as OS X. Man OS X is a different OS and Linux can't function as OS X.
As I said before too. Each OS has it's own strenghts and weaknesses, so does linux and windows.
Both have diffirent aims. So, of course their designs and objectives will differ.
And I am not saying that any OS is superior, cos I don't know any of the OS'es inside out.


In the zone
The RPM/Deb way of installing is pathetic to be honest. It is really arcane & it doesn't give you any info at all. I remember, the first time I installed using rpm, I had no idea as to where the application was installed or if it was installed at all. No confirmation, no nothing. These are small things which have been totally ignored by the Linux designers. these small things go a long way I must say. A totally new way of installing software needs to be built.


Broken In
sarincv said:
I hate linux for the following reasons.

---It is very difficult to install on a system having another OS
How can you say that is it difficult ? Just partition disk, and select that using a gui - distros like PCLinuxOS, Fedora, SUSE, Ubuntu have friendly graphical installers, so this is made very easy !

sarincv said:
---Irritating when installing packages due to dependancies
Ever heard of "apt" and "yum" ? And if you want gui, "synaptic" and "pirut" ?

sarincv said:
---All linux do'nt support all audio n graphics cards( I had problems with SUSE
.screen goes blank after booting)
Did you report bug on the suse bugzilla ? If you dont help the community, how can you expect perfection ? If you say "but, windows does it", it is because most manufacturers would do anything to get their hardware work on windows, since that is what most people use - linux enjoys no such support.

sarincv said:
---It is not at all user friendly. A new user always struggles
If you dont find PCLinuxOS and Ubuntu friendly, how can you even tolerate Windows ? PCLOS and Ubuntu are way more friendly than Windows, assuming that by "friendly" you mean a person will be able to find his way around. Atleast in most distros you don't click on "Start" to shut down your computer !

sarincv said:
(Can't play mp3s and videos in ubuntu)
Here, from #suse
Novell did not include MP3 decoders/encoders in their distro because the Fraunhofer guys are greedy assholes. $60,000 is far from reasonable, *www.mp3licensing.com/royalty/software.html
Do you understand that though microsoft has the money to pay Fraunhoffer, Novell and other linux
companies dont ! How about donating ?
Read the ubuntu page to know why linux can't support mp3 and other video codecs out of the box ! And ofcourse guides exist, to do just that - *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30367
And, PCLinuxOS includes every possible codec by default - try it !

sarincv said:
Windows is the best!!!
Go troll somewhere else !

Most of your comments are made out of ignorance..


If support is a prob with Linux then try Ubuntu forums and community pages. These are almost like technical support official. I was able to configure my dial up modem form dialuphowto in the ubuntu site. I solved many newbie problems through ubuntu community, Just search probablry you don't have to post anything; It wil be there just posted by someone else.


Right off the assembly line
people like convinient method-it is only humane!! but everyone will agree that the satisfaction one gets after he achieves his goal with much difficulty is quite different from winning the easy way!! so pay for windows and dull your mind and work at linux and improve the open source revolution!!
Any person who has done any course on linux knows very well that you can do anything and everything imaginable -but you have to dedicate time and patience or else you may pay bill gates so that he puts in the time and dedication for you!!!


Wise Old Owl
You buy a commercial version of Mandriva Linux Power Pack. Comes with 2 DVDs.Install software from the DVD, play
VCD/DVD. Install drivers (NVidia, Radeon etc.,) 'Shutdown the PC using the Start button!!). Everyone will agree that
how easy Linux is!! Most of you guys are using free version of Linux that can't bundle proprietary things like drivers,
codecs etc., So you have to install them from the Net & configure it. Try to learn new things and unlearn things you learnt before.


Broken In
Dont want to do any self advertising here, but have a look - *dhruva.be/index.php?page=Item&item=2006-02-13 16:44

And that is for a simple software like audacity - try installing something that doesnt have an installer for windows.

On most modern linux distros, installing packages is even simpler - no need for a terminal. And borg, no one is poking fun - I will tell you what you did.

You went into a building full of gujjus, and there you said "gujjus suck" .. and this is what you get. Coming into an open source forum and saying something to the effect of linux sucks, is bound to start a flamewar.


rohandhruva said:
On most modern linux distros, installing packages is even simpler - no need for a terminal. And borg, no one is poking fun - I will tell you what you did.

So, u r saying that follwoing this page to install a simple package like nvidia driver is better then the Windows method of clicking next & then clicking restart

Just one word......unless u r a geek, or coder etc, no one likes to go for command line, ok, it might be good to learn linux, but why should one go for linux, configure & compile it for 10 days, just so that it works properly (driver, packages etc), when in Windows or MacOS this happens easily.

make it user friendly, else linux will always be in the state in which it is today, & never make it to serious desktop use


FooBar Guy
gxsaurav said:
make it user friendly, else linux will always be in the state in which it is today, & never make it to serious desktop use
GX, wait for 2 more years. As we talk here, there's a huge amount of work going on in usability improvement in both GNOME and KDE... Its just a matter of wait and watch.


18 Till I Die............
And I don't agree 0.5 % with you'll. How can you blame linux if the thing is not the fault of linux at all.
Do you'll know what GPL is and what it says?
All linux distros are released under GPL. So, the distros are not allowed to bundle anything that is not compatible with GPL. Apps released under other OSS licenses are allowed but propreitory softwares cannot be given out at all. Or else people would not be free to distribute the cd's and a few other freedom's offered by GPL will be lost.
Now, the problem is that these vendors release their drivers as proprietory/ closed source. So, it is impossible to bundle them into the distro. This makes it harder to install drivers. So, with peculiar hardware like graphics cards life becomes a bit harder.
FOSS community is working on making things eaiser. But, unless the vendors don't co-operate it is going to be a difficult job.
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