how to setup home network???

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I just bought a switch so that I can share internet connection with the rest of other computers in my home. I think what I'm trying to do is Networking...I'm not sure (I'm DUMB). Please somebody try to give step by step how to do networking in home? I did try to do myself but I'm too DUMB--It did not work. Each time I try to connect internet in other computers it either say conflict IP address or username and password is not valid in this domain (something like that)....HELP!

are you using windows XP on all system??..and do you want to share internet also??

You need straight crimped LAN wires.


yup..I'm using all windows XP on all computers...

I want to share internet also on all computers.
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what internet connection you are using??

Do you have these hardwares ready:
1) switch
2) straight climped LAN wires.


There are 3 system. And I have bought a switch and the LAN cables. I did the assembly (although I'm not sure if it's the right assembly) and I can access my shared files from other computers. The problem occurs only when I try to connect to internet from other computers. Internet is working fine in my computer. The systems are all in different location, not in the same room. What do u mean by ' What internet connection I'm using'? I'm using wireless for sure. I'm using broadband if that's what u trying to ask.


Wise Old Owl
it dun seem to be spam

btw @elink13
what internet connection means is it BSNL or some cable modem connection..ull need the dns address for that

make sute the PC with internet has two lan ports [a lan card additional to the onboard]. Use one for internet, and other to switch.
assign an address like for the lan card.
assign addresses like and change the last digit for every PC.
give default gateway as the address of the host's NIC, ie 0.1 on all other PCs except the host.
also set the ISPs dns for all NIC connected to switch including the host's NIC.

then open host's network connections and select properties of the NI connected to internet and click on advanced tab. Then tic "allow other n/w users to connect thru this PCs internet connectio' and after than net shud be available on all other PCs.

this is the simplest method.


I'm not a SPAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just DUMB!!! :).. I don't even know how to spam. btw, I only posted it twice not four times!

alicemcline, that website helps a lot. I solved my problems. All I need is router not switch. So It did solve my probs. Thanx a lot!!!! :)


Broken In
I'm not a SPAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just DUMB!!! :).. I don't even know how to spam. btw, I only posted it twice not four times!

alicemcline, that website helps a lot. I solved my problems. All I need is router not switch. So It did solve my probs. Thanx a lot!!!! :)

welcome my friend.. :) :)


Wise Old Owl
u can get the job done easily with a switch, but u need to turn on the host PC, for internet to be available on other PCs.
And switch is cheaper too.
btw, router will cause conflict with some ISPs, coz most ISp will give u only one IP, and dont give separate IP for each PC connected to router. But there is no such problem with a switch.


dOm1naTOr, Thanx for the info. Now I know how to do networking by switch and router. Both has pros and cons. I learn this from the website alicemcline gave me. It turn out that my internet modem (BILLION ASDL) has router build in. So I don't have a problem now and I can access to internet from other computers. I'm not DUMB afterall. :)
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