This thread in nice.
, because honestly I have run out of ideas, for spending idle time at workplace.
I usually get around atleast 4-5Hrs(everyday) idle at my workplace out of 8hrx5days a week.
When I was new , I used to spend time procrastinating over Facebook .
But now I am damn bored from FB.
1)*Browse forums , like thinkdigit,xda,overclockers,physicsforums,etc.
*Read random articles related to my topic of interest .
*Spend some time sitting idle in chair and thinking about how life works ( you know all those mysterious theories , etc..etc..)
*Play chess , flash games , excel games , ( and all those type of games that can be passed in to hardened system.)
*Discussion with team members about who's going to be the next PM , blah..blah.
*Studying ( if bored with everything else.)
2)*Sleep for an hour at least.