Ho hum ... History repeating itself ... XP yesterday, Vista today.

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Wire muncher!
Well, the thing is: Vista will hafta be "made" to look better. This is coz most of the improvements in Vista are indiscernible like better networking stack (of corz borrowed from BSD), DX 10, better speech engine etc.

Except for "Aero" there is no enhancement for the average joe and with software like Windows Blinds, ViStart, Sidebar etc., all those things can be had in XP too. So unless MS restricts the underlying updates to Vista there is no point in upgrading!

From Win2000 (Probably the best version of Windows by MS!!) to XP was a major change in the interface, which is not so in case of Vista. For a normal user apart from "Aero" Vista offers NOTHING to him! All the "enhancements" in Vista can be had by 3rd Party Apps. For the gamer, the only reason why he'd wanna get Vista is DX 10! So DX10 is the only reason, imho, which justifies the upgrade to Vista.


Staff member
Cyrus_the_virus said:
lol.. this is like those who say.. PS3 will be.. will be...

It aint.. so. it is not.. when it will be, we'll see.. If linux can catchup so much within 18months, by the prediction about Vista in 4yrs.. Yes, it will be good.. but by then majority of the world will be on OSS.

So, I'm saying.. in 4 yrs times, OSS will rule.... then you say... lets see when it will be... so i say.. lets think about vista after 4 yrs.. coz it aint good now... simple as that.

PS3 is still better, u cant install ubuntu in 360:D. Though i will wait for the time being.

I would love to hav an open source world, total freedom, the sharing joy

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Cyrus_the_virus said:
about Vista in 4yrs.. Yes, it will be good.. but by then majority of the world will be on OSS.
Half-Baked knowledge is much worse than no knowledge at all .

Seems like an Enthusiastic FOSS first-timer me .

din said:
LOL, sorry, no offence, but it sound like - New computer buyers should suffer, they should not get XP or any other OS !!
XP Hasn't changed much over the years , the User's perception has .

Plus the majority changes in Vista are in the inernals , And with addition of .NET 3.0 support n WCF+WPF support by default , Vista will soon be the Preferred OS.


Tribal Boy
Zeeshan Quireshi said:
XP Hasn't changed much over the years , the User's perception has .

Hmm, i am not sure, but I think XP had one or two service packs, lot of bug fixes, patches and updates which made it a better OS and that is why lot of people use it rt now. But thats my guess, I may be wrong ;)

And again, it is the author's opinion and not mine ! I mean the author and source feels so. They think XP has improved a lot and that is the reason people like XP now, and in future Vista will improve like that and people will like Vista then etc. That is not my words - but I think it is right ;)

What I was telling is, Vista will be a mature OS (again as per the author) in 4 or 6 yrs, so why some of the PC / Lappy manufacturers force users to use Vista ? Why not giving Vista when it is ready, instead of giving some thing 'Half-Baked' now ;)

Zeeshan Quireshi said:
Half-Baked knowledge is much worse than no knowledge at all .

I am really sorry, but I couldn't get what you meant, would you mind explaining it a bit more ? Thank you.
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Unmountable Boot Volume
Zeeshan Quireshi said:
Half-Baked knowledge is much worse than no knowledge at all .

Seems like an Enthusiastic FOSS first-timer me .
Whatever mate, I've been using Windows products and been with OSS for sevearl years so you don't need to get so angry because i told something against your beloved OS. Shows your immaturity, but I can make out that you are a hardcore MS addict who might have probably sold his soul to MS. Enjoy!

T159 said:
PS3 is still better, u cant install ubuntu in 360:D. Though i will wait for the time being.

I would love to hav an open source world, total freedom, the sharing joy

I'm certainly for the PS3, I was just giving back the same crap back to the MS XBOX fanatics saying that XBOX is the best now and that's what matters and the saying PS3 will become doesn't mean it's good. So, I was just giving that back saying Vista "will become" doesn't make it good now. And look how personally they got offended by it.. lol..
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Tribal Boy
Cyrus_the_virus said:
It aint.. so. it is not.. when it will be, we'll see.. If linux can catchup so much within 18months, by the prediction about Vista in 4yrs.. Yes, it will be good.. but by then majority of the world will be on OSS.
Thread may be getting diverted but I think what you wrote is close to the fact. Majority may / may not use OSS, but looking at the numbers, people using Linux or OSS, countries changing to open source, companies moving to OSS are increasing, so within 4 yrs, miracles may not happen, but sure there will be a good progress in Lin / OSS part.


Unmountable Boot Volume
din said:
Thread may be getting diverted but I think what you wrote is close to the fact. Majority may / may not use OSS, but looking at the numbers, people using Linux or OSS, countries changing to open source, companies moving to OSS are increasing, so within 4 yrs, miracles may not happen, but sure there will be a good progress in Lin / OSS part.
I didn't mean to bring in linux fight here..the point I was making was just giving a comparison to these guys who keep saying 'Vista will become'! lol...

If these guys keep saying Vista will become, will become, will become even after such massive failure repeatedly for not staying up to expectation, what makes them think that I can't say that Linux will become majority by then when it has shown such massive growth in the last 18months?? lol... makes sense @din? ;)
Cyrus_the_virus said:
lol.. this is like those who say.. PS3 will be.. will be...

It aint.. so. it is not.. when it will be, we'll see.. If linux can catchup so much within 18months, by the prediction about Vista in 4yrs.. Yes, it will be good.. but by then majority of the world will be on OSS.

So, I'm saying.. in 4 yrs times, OSS will rule.... then you say... lets see when it will be... so i say.. lets think about vista after 4 yrs.. coz it aint good now... simple as that.
I remember linux of the yesteryears. It hardly had grapphical tools when XP was released. Now it is as graphical as it can get, and is developing faster than ever thanks to the time dely between XP and Vista which exposed many who were sick, tired, fed up and bored with XP to newer pastures like GNU/Linux, Macintosh OS, Bakerly Software Distribution, Sun Solaris, etc. And I think the winner among them is linux and the loser is MAC. The rest are still niche.

Now with the full focus of ammature developers on linux, I am sure linux will develope much faster than Windows, with only a handful of employees. The same company which was concidered a previlage to work for has been out throned by Google and Sun Microsystems along with Infosys and Wipro as far as India, the supermarket for employee seekers, is concerned. The rest of the world too, wants to work for the new emerging king Google, thanks to its relaxed workspace, instead of the dying microsoft. Microsoft will soon sccumb to lack of manpower and creativity. Already, it coppied AmigaOS's and MAC OS's interfaces, then mythTV's concept in Media Center. What next? MS Compiz? All this will only add to linux's advantage because the current tech generation is exposed to linux. If the teen of '80s were called the X gen, and the current as Y gen, then the future will be the L generation.

Who says vista will rule? When XP was released, it was largely unrivaled. But now competition is so high from superior unix based technologies like Mac, Lin, BSD, Sol, etc that who ever wins, AT&T gets the credit.

*www.unixica.com/images/thompson.jpeg *www.unixica.com/images/ritchie.jpeg

all hail the gods of operating systems. Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan


Staff member
MetalheadGautham said:
I remember linux of the yesteryears. It hardly had grapphical tools when XP was released. Now it is as graphical as it can get, and is developing faster than ever thanks to the time dely between XP and Vista which exposed many who were sick, tired, fed up and bored with XP to newer pastures like GNU/Linux, Macintosh OS, Bakerly Software Distribution, Sun Solaris, etc. And I think the winner among them is linux and the loser is MAC. The rest are still niche.

Now with the full focus of ammature developers on linux, I am sure linux will develope much faster than Windows, with only a handful of employees. The same company which was concidered a previlage to work for has been out throned by Google and Sun Microsystems along with Infosys and Wipro as far as India, the supermarket for employee seekers, is concerned. The rest of the world too, wants to work for the new emerging king Google, thanks to its relaxed workspace, instead of the dying microsoft. Microsoft will soon sccumb to lack of manpower and creativity. Already, it coppied AmigaOS's and MAC OS's interfaces, then mythTV's concept in Media Center. What next? MS Compiz? All this will only add to linux's advantage because the current tech generation is exposed to linux. If the teen of '80s were called the X gen, and the current as Y gen, then the future will be the L generation.

Who says vista will rule? When XP was released, it was largely unrivaled. But now competition is so high from superior unix based technologies like Mac, Lin, BSD, Sol, etc that who ever wins, AT&T gets the credit.
Kernighan and ritchie - God of C.
T159 said:
Kernighan and ritchie - God of C.
they are any software programmer's role model. They even look cool at 64. With all this hype about linux and mac, nobody bothers to credit them, the ones who caused it all. They deserve the most respect form the computer user community.

As far as the title of the topic is concerned, I say that yes, Vista will surely be better than XP in a few years. But it need not better the unixes.

As far as XP is concerned, it will live for another 4 years due to SP3.

I end my last 2 digit numbered post thanking kenny dhadha, denny dhadha and briany dhadha for unix for the third time. Its unrivaled. Even today.
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Yes Vishal, you are right, I get your point. Looks like they haven't learnt from past mistakes. Its history repeating itself.


Stupid Member
Justifies how Microsoft never learns from its mistakes.

Such History being repeated isn't something I'd be proud of.
vista would have been in a much better position today if MS had installed Vista by default on the XboX 360. As 360s are cheaper than PS3, this would have created a better expoture to vista.

If apple were to release a gaming console, just like the iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, etc this would also feature an OSX version stuffed in it. Perhaps it might even be the fullfledged version, concidering the power of a gaming console...
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