ya... steganography became famous (or rather infamous) sometime back with terrorist activities... osama-type message passing methods.
But there are 2 catches..
1. It'll need u to install the steganophing software everytime u need to pack/unpack the file. Nothing like an auto.. or exe file.
2. The file size changed to sum of both the files. So supposing u r putting a 1mb word file in a 50kb jpg file, the new jpg'll be greater than 1mb in size. Those with sharp eyes (or attention to detail) 'll definitely catch the difference as a 50kb jpg'll be small in viewing size and low in quality, but a real 1mb jpg'll be huge and of extremely good quality.
Also to be noted, Steganography is not done only on jpgs, u can put any file format in another file format using it. So an "innocent-looking" cartoon clip can have "bigger-rating" material!!!
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