Help with using Ubuntu 7.04

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You gave been GXified
@ mehul

closed source doesn't sux. Software patents do suck though. Lets rade the Patent office of america together. :D

By the way, amarok also didn't play all WMAs. No worries cos this even I would blame on MS for not relesing even proprity decoders which they should. They will just get another market of users who can play wma files easily.

@ freebird

You are absolutely right. Linux is not Windows. Linux provides only 40% features of Windows so obviously Windows is much better. There are many users who will like to go for windows either legally or pirated cos it just works for them.


Well saurav, your comments baffled me especially when many here are praising Linux and showing Windows in bad-light. Your comments came just in time I am trying out Linux. From past 1 week or so, I have been in the process of downloading Foresight Linux. Now it's done and in a while I am going to try out GNOME using the Foresight Linux distro. But this long thread is making me think twice. However, that doesn't refrain me from trying out. All linux gurus here, I hope you all will help me out...


El mooooo
Please don't let a useless "rant" scare you away but when you use Linux...use it with Open Mind. Linux is not Windows and you cannot keep saying..."Oh this was in Windows...not in Linux...negative point". Rants can go as long as any one wants. If I had the energy, I could have also come up with a two page long rant claiming Windows has 60% less features then Linux. Would you believe me?


You gave been GXified
El moooooooooooo

that wasen't a rant ok, that was my own experience which I faced in linux.

Linux is not Windows and you cannot keep saying..."Oh this was in Windows...not in Linux...negative point
Here is the thing, to those who you are saying to switch to Linux will obviously expect similar features from Windows. I just found out Linux lacks many features. The moment you start customising it it shows it's ugly face. This time you cannot say that I have not tried linux. I tried it extensively from the last 3 days for timepass.

I could have also come up with a two page long rant claiming Windows has 60% less features then Linux.
:) Plz do post some things in which windows has low features compared to Linux. Will be an eye opener for us.

@ kiran

If you got broadband connection then do try linux. We really need to show to the world where Linux lacks & prevails & that the linux users should start making things properly & concentrate on improving the potential of Linux insted of singing the "M$ Monopoly" tune.

Next Up, MacOS X 10.4.9 on my PC :D (Real installation)
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@gx : U surprise me. This is the first time I'm seing a noobie taking so much time to get settled!
Y r u wasting ur time on VMWare? Install Ubuntu on a separate partition. Sabayon Linux is easy and good for extreme noobies, even the extreme lamers r liking it! U may try that.

This time you cannot say that I have not tried linux. I tried it extensively from the last 3 days for timepass.
And please I request u if u want to learn linux then do it with an open mind. It seems u have created this thread to prove how hard Linux is for a noobie and use it as a back up for ur statements in some debates or to show that there r people dumber than Americans?

If you got broadband connection then do try linux. We really need to show to the world where Linux lacks & prevails & that the linux users should start making things properly & concentrate on improving the potential of Linux insted of singing the "M$ Monopoly" tune.

Next Up, MacOS X 10.4.9 on my PC (Real installation)
Is that a proof of what I said above? And yes please do show the world where linux has its pros and cons as it is a duty of an MVP. Most of the people still have the rumour that it is for geeks. I hope u show the latest linux distros to them and not pocket linux!!

* is the place where most of the noobie questions have been answered in a step by step manner. Please visit it.
So if u wanna learn something that has a learning curve attached to it, then u shud remove any hatred u have for it.

For using windows properly, I had to struggle for 2 years. I didn't know how to install things, doing stuff with "regedit" etc. I used to install 2 antiviruses on Win98, copy start menu shortcuts to floppy thinking that they r needed to start a program and didn't even know how to shutdown properly. It was just a straight main power off thing! And then I used to call system engineers. This is the situation prevailing in most of the houses today also where there is no computer literate and all that people and oldies do is to type a word document and surf the net. They don't even know how to install windows. And then they call system engineers. So u have to have patience for wateva new u r trying. Learning is never a waste. I gradually learnt windows, how it works, what all is needed and that saved me from calling the system engineer who used to bankrupt me on every visit. Asking for help here and when someone gives help u say "Too late, I reinstalled the whole thing....etc" is just a sign of immaturity and short temperedness!

So if u further wanna mock Linux closed mindedly then be my guest. Ur statements here r telling the purpose of this thread u have created!!

Plz do post some things in which windows has low features compared to Linux. Will be an eye opener for us.
Linux can read/write fat,read ntfs partitions by default. Its a pity that windows can't even read the linux partitions!
and for features....Y not compare the kernel itself?

As the thread creator says "You can judge the winner."!

I hope that was an eye opener. For full fledged enlightenment, use Linux without having any hatred for it....with an open mind! :)
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Debian Rocks!
First of all,@gx_saurav,Ur review may be better if u tried Ubuntu or any Linux distro from a hdd partn.
To all New wanna be Ubuntu Linux users,First Check below site after install:

gx_saurav said:
If you got broadband connection then do try linux. We really need to show to the world where Linux lacks & prevails & that the linux users should start making things properly & concentrate on improving the potential of Linux insted of singing the "M$ Monopoly" tune.
Oh!Now I understood,U though GNU/Linux is only for BB users waah!
I started using Linux even before i got an internet connxn (dial up!) that's way back in 2003!I used it for a month or so with additional CD's to configure.

But that was before.Now Ubuntu got DVD,OPen SUse does got most of its packages installed by default.even Debian comes in with DVD's and a no of CD's to trash ur claim.
as @eddie said ur review is here bcoz u wanted it to be bashing Open Source and lacks Open Mindness.
Now with ur review #58
1) Linux without internet is nothing. Synaptic helps a lot but you will have to rely on the repository for packages. If some application is not in synaptic then u r mostly out of luck
I think i answered it in early paragraph.Ubuntu by default packages only those which are frequently used by average users.Linux cant take multimedia by default bcoz of the various licenses and patents.FOSS hardies :p like me in turn changes all my audio even videos to ogg vorbis and ogg theora even!
2) Most of the apps which are not available in the native .deb format, have no other way to install for a general user.
@debian-sid:~# apt-get install 
Display all 27746 possibilities? (y or n)
^^ see i pressed TAB key twice to just see how many packages are available via apt.native .deb is advicable and Debian and Ubuntu makes 90% of packages and most new packages u see for install from source are may be already queued in Debian and Ubuntu for a release!
Installing from Source-U can do it it two ways
1)after ./configure && make
do a checkinstall to make a .deb package.(apt-get install checkinstall)
2)GNU Stow:(apt-get install stow)
GNU Stow helps the sysadmin organise files under /usr/local/ by allowing each piece of software to be installed in its own tree under /usr/local/stow/, and then using symlinks to create the illusion that all the software is installed in the same place.

I know of many new Linux users searching for source packages while .deb apt repos are already available!just be in sync in ubuntu forums.
3) I on my trial refrained from using the command line as much as possible. Its 2007, a general home user doesn't want to learn commands & type them, even though some might argue that command line is easy. For some users it is, for some it is not.
^^ this is ridiculous!.Command Line is the power source in UNIX* and its a privilage.but MAC effectively hides it,making its users not tasting CLI power.
Now see,what u see in win32 "cmd" is NOT U see in a shell like bash which by pressing TAB key completes the commands and more.Command Line makes it available to you the real stats of ur system to You.
You dont buy a book for commands in Linux unlike in Windows.All documentations are already packed in the system(most of them,even u missed a command doc,just google "man cmdname")
in man package.U just need to use it as "man commandname" and it releases.
In Today or tomorrow also Linux and UNIX® must be carrying command line.A small set of commands are only used by most.
Yes,Linux Newbies must be knowing something like nano editor(very easy) as of now to edit ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf for correcting DIsplay drivers etc.this is my experiance.I have a question?does windows user's Virtual TTY's?runlevels?
Now increasing ur knowledge with using bash shell or any in CLI is not a sin,eh?:p

just for You;):a newbie command line guide:
4) A unified codec system is very much required. There is gstreamer & XINE. Now I don't know which one is better but in Totem using gstreamer & every plug-in available for gstreamer installed, I was not able to play all of my wma files. With XINE backend I was able to play all my wma files in totem but again the video quality suffered which I am attributing to the VMware video card (Software emulated).
gstreamer as of v 0.10 is almost well integrated.xine is a library which can use different player gui,for that matter mplayer too(available for win32 too)
Totem-xine and totem-gstreamer both worked very well in my Ubuntu installation.
Linux distros cant carry by default many multimedia apps and format support due to patents,license restrictions etc,the foremost being M$ wma,wmv etc codecs(which u can play by w32codecs pkg installed)
with all these plugins installed any Linux distro can play Multimedia audio-video content at ease.
Linux has no proper music player & library manager available. I used exaile & rythembox which both are based on gstreamer so the same problem as above. Some wma played while some did not. I couldn't even switch the engine to XINE in these. I installed everything, restricted codecs, win32 codecs, XINE FAAD everything, still no go.

Like I said a unified codec approach is really required. So that all codec’s are at a single location & shared, meaning all the media players can use the same codecs. If I go in control panel & select the XINE engine means all the media players switch automatically to XINE engine. Some users might argue but this is a good thing that Windows have been using from ages. Unified direct show codecs for audio & videos which results in any media player which is directshow compatible to play using that centralized codec.

Or if u do want to use multiple engines then make a player such that it switches the engine if one engine is not able to play a file. Like in my case, totem should have switched to XINE engine automatically when it encountered new WMAs.
This is FUD!.Linux got 100's of players for video and audio which are very capable.exaile and rhythmbox plays very well here.may be in that case u dont have esd sound server running that u can enable by going to menu System>Preferences>SOund>Sounds=enable sound mixing(esd) or via gstreamer-properties from a run dialog(ALT+F2)

all my test .wma,.wmv files played with out any glitch!FUDing ?:shock:
For ur Debian/Ubuntu to play all these codecs(try from installed partn in hdd,I dont know anything about Vmware:mad:)
Use Automatix to install all these codecs and other support.

Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. The Ubuntu community doesn't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to install a fresh copy of Ubuntu.
  • Get this package (Be advised that the package version can change, check for the latest here):
  • *
  • Install with this command:
sudo dpkg -i automatix2_1.1-3.10-7.04feisty_i386.deb
  • Automatix2 is available in Applications > System Tools > Automatix
  • Automatix2 Installation guide with Nice Screenshots
try these from a terminal(Applications>Accessories>Terminal)
:~$apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-tools
and for windows media download and double click to install w32codecs.
and read more about RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs
About photo management in Linux, well I was not expecting an ACDSee clone but atleast an XNView clone. Again both FSpot & gthumb are not upto the mark. FSpot doesn’t shows a folder view while gthumb doesn’t let me increase the thumbnail size. Anyway, gthumb was a bit good. Again, linux needs some good apps to achieve desktop acceptance. Fpost & gthumb are severally limited in features compared to any windows counterpart.
there are many a s/w available for this.Dont expect Windows Clones be available mostly for all apps.
as with ACdsee like ui,try gtksee - GTK-based clone of ACDSee (an image viewer) for widows movers.
These 2 point, audio video & photo management summarize the multimedia flaws of linux. Unless these are solved Linux is not a threat to Windows in desktop market.
these are not the flaws of Linux,but of the License and legal restrictions that cant be accepted along with a GPLed Kernel and to distros which mosty composed Of GNU softwares .But..........U can buy a Linux with all these proprietory codecs installed by default for eg:SUse Linux(not opensuse),Linspire etc (even something called freespire also bundles these all)
Now coming to the usability part. I wanted rythembox to be my default audio players. Means when I click on wma file it should open in rythembox instead of totem. How do I do that? I selected an audio file -> & the open with dialog in from Windows 98 in functionality. I had to write rythembox cos it was not showing up in the dialog. Ok fine, I wrote but it opened rythembox but didn’t play the file as I intended for it to. There was some other command like “ rythembox –u “ or something like that. Go tell this to a noob who is just trying to play an mp3.
stop these waste whining.
Simple to associate any apps to be the default for that purpose.for eg: as u told to make rhythmbox,the default audio player,just right click the media>properites and browse to Open With to select the player as default.
“ rythembox –u “ is u dont mind that.just enter rhythmbox and start playing
I tried GAIM for IM & it looked & worked like some 2001 era chat client. No webcam support, no voice chat support. (yahoo can be attributes that it is proprity)
I went to Trash & where is the "restore" button?
Yes,In IM with video support etc LInux still lags,as with the no of games for this platform too.
As with Trash,dont compare with Windows as u did again.restore?why!bcoz a UNIX/Linux users got only /home/username directory to work with!all other areas are locked for local user and external ppl too.drag-n-drop is supported in trash.
In nautilus>preferences>U can have a delete command too if u want.
the virtues of Linux can be seen:
Now be opened to Linux and FOSS philospohy,that one thing windows fanatic users lacks:(


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
that wasen't a rant ok, that was my own experience which I faced in linux.
Your experience would have mattered if you would have actually used Linux with an Open mind. Your post clearly shows that you just wanted a certificate that you "used" Linux but it is far from reality. If you would have honestly wanted to use and experience Linux then you would have seen excellence at the very FIRST STEP. Have you seen any official release from Microsoft booting to a completely usable system right from CD? NO!!! Did you even mention it in your rant? NO!!! Try connecting your printers, scanners, USB drives to that CD booted system and you will have all of them working. Did you mention that? NO!!! You kept ranting about wma's. Seriously Saurav...we all know you are a partial person and we have started to accept you like that but please don't try to paint yourself as unpartial. You can't manage just can't!!!


left this forum longback
I want MR.WIndows fanatics to show me a workinG BIshta OS without any drivers installed?possible kya?
Linux kernel includes most free drivers,but some hardware companies are not yet opened up their standards,hence Linux support for those H/w looks minimum.
GNU/Linux and FOSS ROCKS!!!

Open Minds makes the way for faster growth of Technologies by sharing.unlike the devil which protects inventions and sues others if they got some technologies developed themself.
eg:double clicking ur mouse is fscking patented into Bill gates Brain!


You gave been GXified
My god didn't know using Linux as a user mind only will create so much bashing. Mehul was right "why the hell did I tried Linux :( ".
And please I request u if u want to learn Linux then do it with an open mind.

What would I do with an open mind? I m a home user & I want my work to be done. Linux was unable to do it so I said it here. Did I do something wrong here?

So if u wanna learn something that has a learning curve attached to it, then u shud remove any hatred u have for it.

This is the biggest problem with Linux & its users. Everyone doesn't want to learn. I tried not to learn anything just like a noob to a new computer & followed what was said to me on screen. I was working as a complete computer illiterate when it comes to Linux. :D

For using windows properly, I had to struggle for 2 years. I didn't know how to install things, doing stuff with "regedit" etc. I used to install 2 antiviruses on Win98, copy start menu shortcuts to floppy thinking that they r needed to start a program and didn't even know how to shutdown properly.

Plz bhai, do not compare Ubuntu with Windows 98 or Ubuntu with Vista :D. What benefit will an open mind do to me if I m unable to play my music or manage my over 2000 pics collection? As a user I want my work to be done, that’s it.

First of all,@gx_saurav,Ur review may be better if u tried Ubuntu or any Linux distro from a hdd partn.

Why, ok fine I understand there are benefits obviously. I tried in VMware but in this thread I never said Linux is slow. I know it is slow cos it is running in VM with 512 MB RAM given to VM. I just wanted to check the usability & features which I found VMware good enough to do in.

Oh!Now I understood,U though GNU/Linux is only for BB users waah!
I started using Linux even before I got an internet connxn (dial up!) that's way back in 2003!I used it for a month or so with additional CD's to configure.

And? Care to explain how much you had to download? I had to download 230 MB data to get things to work (that’s the size of my /cache/apt/archives folder). The offline package management is very bad in Linux. If deb is not there, all which is available it source code which doesn't installs using some gdebi like app. M I wrong when I say you need a fast internet connection (broadband) to get things to work in Linux? I faced the problem so I mentioned here.

But that was before.Now Ubuntu got DVD,OPen SUse does got most of its packages installed by default.even Debian comes in with DVD's and a no of CD's to trash ur claim.

Fine, so you saying that if I had DVD version installed I wouldn't need to download anything? Gr8, will check this too.

Installing from Source-U can do it it two ways

Yup, I did that & it gave me error that C Compiler can't make executables which later on Kalpik told me that I need development libraries. Another big download so I went on to find a deb package for avant window navigator which I was unable to.

Command Line is the power source in UNIX*

Yo, bro I know it is, but what would a home user prefer more?

Typing "play linkin park - what have I done.wma"

Or double clicking a file. CLI is good, but home users will try to stay away from it.

& No, the last time I used dos in Windows was in 1999 when I was learning computers in school. :D I don't like it even in Windows.
Linux distros cant carry by default many multimedia apps and format support due to patents,license restrictions etc,the foremost being M$ wma,wmv etc codecs(which u can play by w32codecs pkg installed)
with all these plugins installed any Linux distro can play Multimedia audio-video content at ease.

For this & many more lines below. I installed everything possible using XINE & gstreamer in Ubuntu. Kalpik gave me whole sudo apt get ***gstreamer code & everything was installed. Still, gstreamer played some WMA's while it didn't play some others. But XINE did, though screwing up the video quality. Now tell me what to do? I installed W32 codec, the ugly & bad pack too. Still no go. I mentioned myself that amarok played all songs using XINE so in the end I was using amarok for audio with XINE & Totem for video with gstramer. Compare that to windows where these files play of the box.

What’s ESD sound driver? If they were not available then why some wma were playing while some were not? I do agree that Linspire or Suse should be advertised more but without spreading FUD like Mac ads.

I do say that MS should release decoders for WM Codec.

just right click the media>properites and browse to Open With to select the player as default.
“ rythembox –u “ is u dont mind that.just enter rhythmbox and start playing

You think I didn't do it? It started rythembox & didn't play the file nor associated it. I clicked on play button & then it played. I tried doing the same "Open with" Amarok still no go. Ok fine, what If I don't know the command for rythembox, then? It was not showing in that list of available apps.


What would I do with an open mind? I m a home user & I want my work to be done. Linux was unable to do it so I said it here. Did I do something wrong here?
When exactly did u do ur work when u cudn't even set up Ubuntu right which is one of the easiest distro for the noobies? I dunno if their is a category dumber than that which needs to be told explicitly to have a "common sense"! Quite ironic that they can't have common sense in setting up Ubuntu! So yes u did "something" wrong here. U left ur common sense behind!!

This is the biggest problem with Linux & its users. Everyone doesn't want to learn. I tried not to learn anything just like a noob to a new computer & followed what was said to me on screen. I was working as a complete computer illiterate when it comes to Linux.
Like I said before "Learning is never a waste". If u don't want to learn anything, then y did u even started this thread? Parents obviously can't make their obese child healthy if he keeps on eating unhealthy stuff all the time can they? The child needs to be patient and shud give up his hatred towards vegetables and fruits.

So just like u learnt windows and adapted to it, have patience here too.

Plz bhai, do not compare Ubuntu with Windows 98 or Ubuntu with Vista . What benefit will an open mind do to me if I m unable to play my music or manage my over 2000 pics collection? As a user I want my work to be done, that’s it.
Atleast win98 didn't have that file copying issue that VISTA suffers with! So again if u want ur work to be done then have patience. U r saying like VISTA can play all the formats when it is installed nude! It can't even support most of the hardwares. U have to install 3rd party drivers. And then u say u r being impartial and wateva!

Yo, bro I know it is, but what would a home user prefer more?

Typing "play linkin park - what have I done.wma"

Or double clicking a file. CLI is good, but home users will try to stay away from it.
Majority of home users can't even install windows, so shud they stay away from it? Depends? I think I already eloborated about CLI being easy and effective than GUI in many cases and about "the ease of use" u r so concerned with. Please don't sing the same tune now!

Its better to show some experience and not to boast about ur inexperience. Have some self respect man! If u don't like people enlightening others about MS-monopoly, then this is in now way a fitting reply to them by showing ur inexperience and immaturity. U may try to show where Linux still lags in return or ateast verify MS's FUDs about linux. Wat say?


Debian Rocks!
@gx_sourav:seriously Man!U love only Windows!.I am fed up:rolleyes: with ur accuses!!I cared to answer to ur accues(not doubts!!) and ur here to put tar on Linux and Open SOurce aint u?
Then why Ubuntu and many GNU/Linux distros are getting popular and taking Windows Vista's market?It is due to be a superior product and Open SOurce.Your accusicion are wrong.because I personally had installed Ubuntu on my friend's and even helped installing a newbie windows user via phone, Linux on his PC's.The so called Windows XP users they were ready to accept the change;to say more they got acquainted to GNOME fast.they are Open for Changes.They dont start comparing this and that.Only thing called was "does our win partn mounted?".
You are Only a M$ Lover;whether U like it or not.leave below tags from ur mind
MVP,Windows, Vista,Bill Gates,Not ready to accept Open Source
^^leave all of these and come here to try Linux:) We are ready.
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You gave been GXified
Yup, I am a windows lover cos it does my work properly, insted of me configuring it.

Meditator, just like Windows requiring drivers for 3rd party hardware, Linux also needs you to install 3rd party drivers isn't it?

pquote]When exactly did u do ur work when u cudn't even set up Ubuntu right which is one of the easiest distro for the noobies? [/quote]

Plz no fights here. I was trying to make a small photo library of 100 pics in ubuntu. the nevigation & customisation was not what I expected from Linux. I wanted a treeview of folders which I didn't get in gthumb & F-Spot.

eave below tags from ur mind
MVP,Windows, Vista,Bill Gates,Not ready to accept Open Source-leave it and come here to try Linux We are ready
I just did that and found that Windows does everything I want fine & properly, so why bother switching. It's an OS for gods sake not a life style. If tomorrow GX OS 20009 does my job properly I will switch to it. I have said it & saying it again, Linux has potential but right now it isn't upto the mark to compete with Windows when it comes to features.

By the way, my vacation of 2 days is over, so i m back to windows. Deleted the VM. Got studies to do


Meditator, just like Windows requiring drivers for 3rd party hardware, Linux also needs you to install 3rd party drivers isn't it?
Well I "never" installed any 3rd party driver. U may create a poll to find how many users actually installed any separate drivers! Just like windows update, Linux has also got the update thing from where u get ur kernel updated and hence the latest drivers!! So there is no need to roam around and search for drivers. Just upgrade the kernel!

Plz no fights here. I was trying to make a small photo library of 100 pics in ubuntu. the nevigation & customisation was not what I expected from Linux. I wanted a treeview of folders which I didn't get in gthumb & F-Spot.
I'm too not into any fight. But have u realised how much time u wasted of ur fellow digitizers who wanted to help? They helped and u said "Sorry, too late...I reinstalled already" and now without any experience u r trying to give ur verdict about it? This is not just annoying, but very "kiddish"!

I don't know much about photo library system! But did u try picassa?
It's a good idea not to tell Picassa to search your whole hard drive for photos - it found more than 20,000, mostly graphics associated with apps and help files. The good news is that Picassa's tree view of the file system made it easy to turn off the unwanted icons et al.
This link atleast tells that u have ur software. Did u even cared to google? Please use some "common sense"! Its not that u'll recieve any help or enlightenment about available softwares telepathically or is it?

I just did that and found that Windows does everything I want fine & properly, so why bother switching.
Who asked u to switch? But u shudn't have wasted other's time in this silly thread! Noobies usually get their solutions and get satisfied in 2 (or less) pages of the thread they start. I was wondering y is this thread an exception!!

Now try to get some experience and spend atleast a few months before speaking further!


left this forum longback
hmm..wasted some effort helping this guy! thinking one of our M$ fanboy is changing...wasted :|


You gave been GXified
They helped and u said "Sorry, too late...I reinstalled already" and now without any experience u r trying to give ur verdict about it? This is not just annoying, but very "kiddish"!

Would U mind reading why i reinstalled it? Cos after installing VMWare tools something went wrong & metacity was not starting.

I don't know much about photo library system! But did u try picassa?

Picassa? For linux. It uses Wine, but what the hack, it would have atleast worked. But isn't that a Windows software, i was looking for a linux software.

I better leave, it was a mistake using Linux. My condition is just like MS now :D

Damned if i use linux, damned if i don't

hmm..wasted some effort helping this guy! thinking one of our M$ fanboy is changing...wasted :neutral:

What wasted, i appriciate your concern & help. I tried linux thinking it might be good for my needs. I found it is not good enough for my needs so I refused to use it & told here why I disliked it. Simple as that
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Would U mind reading why i reinstalled it? Cos after installing VMWare tools something went wrong & metacity was not starting.
And u want us to believe that now? U already gave ur verdict about LInux by installing Ubuntu that too on VMWARE!!
For any ubuntu noobie the is more than sufficient.

Picassa? For linux. It uses Wine, but what the hack, it would have atleast worked. But isn't that a Windows software, i was looking for a linux software.
Another tale where u show ur inexperience, lack of ability to read the links or to google!

Damned if i use linux, damned if i don't
Ur wrong! U wont be "damned" if u use ur "common sense" if any!


left this forum longback
as with ubuntu reinstall a simple cmd from terminal "metacity --replace" should've done the job. :? now wat 2 say?


Guys, Please stop it. Just chill-out. Some Linux users are also too fanatic about Linux. Putting anti-microsoft comments in Signature, Avatar...etc. Why is it necessary? We Windows guys are not indulging in such activities. These things often do the damage provoking flame wars. It's a fact well-known to all that Windows has improved a lot. XP and Vista are some great offerings from Microsoft. Linux is also doing good. There is no need to blame each other. Use the one you like.
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You gave been GXified
Wise talks Kiran, but then again Linux users are not quiting from advertisement. Its like they are marketing agents for Linux so that whereever they go they sing ther MS monopoly song. I wonder If I was there with freebird, he would have made me switch to Linux on gun point :D
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