Help with Setting up an Open Source Cybercafe....

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You hit the nail on the head infra_red_dude
I too get the feeling its all pirated unpatched systems (both OS and 3rd party softs).


I too get the feeling its all pirated unpatched systems (both OS and 3rd party softs).

Theres no doubt in that in his case. As I said before most likely a vast % of folk running cybercafes don't have licensed software. Being able to have a maintenance free system at no extra cost is a good thing :D

neither does he wanna spend.
All of his systems were/are assembled by one of the local dudes. Considering the cost of investment one has to make to get legal software into his system would anyone want to run a cybercafe on it? I guess the answer would be based on the return he got for the investment. But in a small town like the one where I live I see no way hes going to earn that back in any time soon.

By the way this might go beyond the point of the subject but you don't actually need an original version to get updates. (He doesn't have any Vista boxes)


Wire muncher!
^^^ Yeah, No wonder he's considering going opensource rather than keeping "piracy" alive; which is, as I said, appreciable :)


You gave been GXified
He needs genuine Windows to download, but not to install :D

I think the reason he doesnt block any exes is because h basically allows folks to install the programs they need on computers that dont have it.

Here in my friend's case, the customar simply tells the admin (my friend) that he needs so & so application & my friend then downloads & installs it for the customar using his admin account....the end result is that the user got the application too & my friend was saved from the headache of a useless download.

The point is that the owner of the cyber cafe is unable to prevent malware infections and is tired of re-installing.

You can prevent malware on IE 7 & Windows too


Wire muncher!
gx_saurav said:
He needs genuine Windows to download, but not to install :D
Jis thali mein khaata hai usi mein ched karta hai??!! :)) :D :D Lolz...

gx_saurav said:
You can prevent malware on IE 7 & Windows too
Arey yaar, this is the main point! He is not able to do that....!!!


You gave been GXified
^^^^ sure, why not ask for help here. Infac I was thinking of writing a tutorial for this in tutorial section.

infra_red_dude said:
No Ravi, the point is not forcing users. The point is that the owner of the cyber cafe is unable to prevent malware infections and is tired of re-installing.
If he is unable to prevent malwares infections on IE..than he will also not be able to get rid of these on firefox.IE is not open for malwares attacts.

Plus, as to what I can make out, he doesn't own a single legal copy of any software; neither does he wanna spend.

So the only choice left is get an OSS setup. Firefox is the only decent browser (or least considered so). Hence all the discussions. He just wants to take a step in the right direction by not continuing to use illegal software. This is something to be appreciated :)
I appreciate his decision.
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Tribal Boy
I know one guy running an internet cafe in Cochin. Hes using Linux for quite a long time, will ask him more about it.


exx_2000 said:
Hi all,
Before I start my question here goes. No you don't get to browse for free :D . . Ok now that that's out of my system let me clear my doubt. I know an internet cafe nearby who is willing to convert all his systems to Ubuntu or any other Linux Distro since hes absolutely had no problem on his newer machines which are running Ubuntu. However there are some problems he faces in setting up the whole internet cafe with Linux.

1. Need for single client messengers. Well since its an internet cafe he can't ask folks to create a profile and leave their profile on the computer and go. He needs something where the person can enter in a User name and their password and chat. No whistles no bells.

2. He needs it to work for his low end machines as well. Most of them have onboard stuff and aren't the most common equipment around now a days.

3. He doesn't want a slow down in his system.

4. He doesn't want the folks to be intimidated for browsing.

Reasons why he wants to change.

Reinstallations - Period
He probably does about 10-20 of them each week.
1. Yahoo messnger for Linux, gyache. Try amsn also.
@ cheeta:

I would like to point out that this case is of a guy who runs a business. You charge for a service. Now, all he needs to do is to Change the service.

This is not deprivation of freedom.

And one more thing: unlike in your case, he was lucky enough to get linux positive results from the users. So all he needs to do is to use a simple light distro with a windows like look and feel. You get special builds of FF too for linux, which emulate IE 6 in looks. This is not cheating. Infact, he can clearly state something in a banner that often attracts the simple minded users:

This Cafe runs on superior Linux OS and Firefox Engine thats better than Windows

<<Place a pic of Tux with a guitar and A cool Firefox Logo here>>

Sure, it means nothing to you and me, but it does create a placebo effect in the mind of the user who is unaware of it. This will result in an eagerness to learn or accept something.

The only problem is the IM. Has anyone thought about running Google Talk on Wine? What about the various web based services that allow taxt chat for most services like yahoo IM, google talk, MSN messenger, jabbin, etc?


OK so I went down there to check out his Internet Cafe Software Details. Couldn't log into all systems to get hardware details so that will have to wait.

What he has
Windows 98 x1
Driver CDs
The End :D

I asked him what if someone conducts some kind of Rapid Action Raid or something. He nods and says " Hah My friend has one in Cochin. Once he gets caught he will think about getting licensed versions" .

So I ask him why not use an AV ? For the love of God , install at least a free one. Well here is something I missed from my earlier understanding of his Internet cafe . There are some students who come to Work on office and other programs. Guess what, they bring thumb drives and he basically allows them to do so . The problem is that he says that some time ago a person stormed out insisting that his thumbdrive was clean and that it was something wrong with his computer. (he was using norton at this point) He claims that the person hasnt come back yet and that he browses at the internet cafe at the other place. (This kind of worries me that hes possibly keeping tabs on everyone :O !) Further more he works on Kids projects as well. Most of the media the students bring are infected so it becomes a nusiance to have an AV <-- According to him.

Yahoo messnger for Linux, gyache. Try amsn also.

But that only solves the problem of two IMs. What about Jabber, Rediff Bol etc etc.

I know one guy running an internet cafe in Cochin. Hes using Linux for quite a long time, will ask him more about it.

Please do let me know what you find :) .

^^^^ sure, why not ask for help here. Infact I was thinking of writing a tutorial for this in tutorial section.

Please do post one :D . I'm just being a sort of Mediator I guess. I get experience running Ubuntu on a few extra computers and a sense of satisfaction. If you're suggestions work for him Ill be more than glad to try them out!

Today a professor from a nearby college came and used Ubuntu (He asked for it especially, I think he wanted to see what all the fuss the CM was making about supporting Linux). "I am very interested in this new System you have in the Cabin over there. Is there a trial version I could use?" . Well I was there and told him I have the DVD copy :D and told him he could try it without installing anything either. He got my address and said he would come by next week ! I asked him about the experience and although he didn't mind the changes in the menu the part where you had to create a profile for IM is a pain and you have to remember to delete it also so no one gets your details (I think he saved the password)


But that only solves the problem of two IMs. What about Jabber, Rediff Bol etc etc.
Use wine for the rest or may be meebo? :neutral:
Also I think creating Ubuntu repository (if u r using that) wud be a good idea. Then u can update one of the PCs and update the rest from the updated one. In such cases I think using mint like distros wud be nice for a quick deployment of necessary softwares and codecs!

Choto Cheeta


Yes true I have never advertiesed Linux, neither I have advertiesed Windows either...

I have no problem under Windows, I dont see any reason in which I should write such statement...

I can offer a complete open source setup... which I do, how ever those setup's usually stays empty.... and eventually after few days my brother starts to condem me :lol: so Open soirce platform goes in to dual boot, and after few days its only me who goes and runs linux as for my hobbey of testing stuff :(


Mate, Once again your actions are suggestiong me to push open source, which I dont agree, why should I puch any thing ??

as to me it is voilating freedom of choice... what I can do and what I did, is offer a alternative and let the users to chose for that alternative...

I never wanted to buy MS Office so offered MS office in few system and Open Office in few and once again those setups stays empty, NO MS Office, no customer and mind u, its not me who will serve as the operator, so true cafe operators do lack the knowledge of Open Office.... but in anyway we had to shift to Full time MS Office solutions !!!!

at-least in Kolkata / WB I can confirm you will be out of business if u completely switch from MS platform :lol:

its okay using Ms platform as long as you are using licenced copy of softwares windows,office,anitvirus etc.


You gave been GXified
MetalheadGautham said:
This Cafe runs on superior Linux OS and Firefox Engine thats better than Windows

So, just cos u r shouting, we all should assume that Linux is good for cyber cafes :D

The only problem is the IM. Has anyone thought about running Google Talk on Wine? What about the various web based services that allow taxt chat for most services like yahoo IM, google talk, MSN messenger, jabbin, etc?

Lolz...customars will leave the cafe, yaar really do u even think with your head once. Customars in cyber cafe want IM clients, a fast internet connection & some office suite....

Use wine for the rest or may be meebo? :neutral:

Meebo is web based, it's a no go in cafes.

at-least in Kolkata / WB I can confirm you will be out of business if u completely switch from MS platform :lol:

Even in lucknow yaar


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@exx_2000: I remember using rediff bol with wine.. but it was a long time back..


Id rather prefer not to have him Run an application With Wine. Cause it seems like its complicating the process a bit. Anyway Im keeping watch on a few messengers out there and keeping my fingers crossed that someone will develop one .


Many companies that I have worked in have all of them as in ur little tute. But still people cry about e-infections. U gotta understand that its windows after all and u simply dont have a chance of running VISTA on low end machines!! We all know how latest softwares for windows demand more RAM and highers specs.

I tried to run IE7 on a newly installed low end machine with 256 MB RAM and 1.8 GHz loaded with Avast AV and Zone Alarm running on XP/SP2 and the system was like crawling.

I hope u dont want to make a dead beat out of that poor cyber cafe owner like that, do u?

@exx : Install mint or create repositories then n Njoy! Ur problem lies in messengers only which u can resolve using wine. Neways its ur wish. :)


You gave been GXified
mediator said:
u simply dont have a chance of running VISTA on low end machines!!

Ok first of all, many companies are still running Windows XP SP2 & the tutorial also applies to XP SP2 as Windows defender is available for WinXP too.

2nd, many companies don't upgrade there software unless they absolutely have to. Employees in HP bangalore are still not allowed to upgrade to IE 7 on there office given laptops, so is in Vertex delhi.
I tried to run IE7 on a newly installed low end machine with 256 MB RAM and 1.8 GHz loaded with Avast AV and Zone Alarm running on XP/SP2 and the system was like crawling.

I doubt that....Memory usage of IE 7 is less then that of Firefox. Why don't u try again with antivirus disabled. You don't need it running all the time if u have a firewall.

I hope u dont want to make a dead beat out of that poor cyber cafe owner like that, do u?

One of my friend is running his cyber cafe here since the last 4 years without any problem, having configuration or AthlonXP 2000+, Windows XP SP2, 512 MB RAM, 40 GB HD , IE 7 with IE 7 pro, Opera, Firefox , Ad muncher, Spybot S&D & Kaspersky antivirus on his main system.

The user account is limited on the nodes due to which customars can't download & install anything they want. They first have to tell the admin (my friend) that they need some software & then my friend installs it for them on the node & saves the setup on his server for later use.

Customars also can't execute any exe other then a few predefined ones, this takes away the problem of Virus. For example, a user inserted his pen drive in one of the nodes & it double clicked it but the brontok infected exe didn't run due to restriction.

The system's are now running a n-lited edition of Windows XP SP2 with proper runtimes like .net 2.0, JAVA runtime installed. Since the hardware configuration of most of them is same, he has simply made a norton ghost image of one computer which he can quickly deploy on c:\ drive of any node when required in case of failure.

Documents of customars are saved in D Drive not C, due to which a replacement by ghost image, the documents & files of customers stay intact. C drive only contains the OS & program files.

Deployment using Windows XP for a cyber cafe isn't tough or impossible or high system requirment demanding, it's just don't know how to.

Ur problem lies in messengers only which u can resolve using wine

The interface fonts of Google Talk & Yahoo messenger 8/9 will not work once used via wine
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