Both panels (benQ & Dell ultrasharp) are vastly different. IPS Panel has much better colour reproductions than a TN panel. and both of them do not display 16.7 million colours. Manufacturers of Tn panels use a technology called dithering to improve the colours on the panel. But this doesn't really help and is actually a hoax. The colours displayed are actually 262144.
Now if you see that an IPS panel or an 8 bit panel has to produce many more shades between the gray to gray as compared to a TN panel or 6 bit panel, you will understand why the response time is higher. With such a high budget, it would really be a poor decision to buy a TN Panel especially when you are also involved in professional work. In fact, since you are into max, maya & photoshop we would have expected you to know the difference between TN & IPS, instead you don't understand it even after reading articles on the Internet.
And what with HDMI ports, they are becoming popular, but DVI is not going anywhere and you can always use DVI to HDMI converter since monitors do not have speakers (like televisions) anyways.
And I was definitely shocked by the title

. I thought this was another of those hoax threads where a person had claimed to buy a PC for 623k but never posted pics even after repeated requests from the users. I'm not complaining about the title, just a bit more care