Was watching gunda again.This time i discovered something new.
In the scene where bulla and his men meets prabhuji aka mithun for the first time ch*tia says to bulla "yeh aapka sada hua tiger jaisa nahi hai" pointing to the pet cheetah bullah was holding.
Now after seeing this scene i got confused and spend around 2-3 hours thinking why ch*tia is calling a cheetah tiger when according to my subtle knowledge on animals both are different.

What was the hidden message behind this?What kanti shah wants to tell us? what?

Then it stuck me.Look who uttered those words?No one other than ch*tia himself.ch*tia:! Thats it! Kanti shah really wanted to show people the IQ of ch*tia.By saying this ch*tia proves that he really is a ch*tia!

Thats why bulla's family named him ch*tia!

There are many other reasons too one of them kanti shah wanted to show people that he does not disrespect homosexuals.Bullas brother is not called ch*tia because he is gay but because he is an idiot.Very intelligently kanti shah escaped from the scissors of the censor board.Kudos!
Damn this movie deserves an oscar!
Kanti shah ke prati respect aur bad gaya hai.
This guy is a genius.Aamir khan should take some lessons from him.