Yea, its really good to be back again.
Well, I came down with an attack of Idiopathic acute pancreatitis, bilirubin levels rose a bit too, doctors weren't able to find a proper cause, also went to hyderabad(asian institute of gastroenterology), they couldn't find anything wrong either, must have been all the fried foods and soft drinks that I've been eating through the night while gaming

, its ok now, but doctors advised me to lead a totally restricted life for the next 6 months atleast, can't eat biriyani or pepsi

Anyway can you answer a few questions for me?
1.When you bought the GTX460 were there any other models available?
2.Which cabinet are you using?
3.What's the load temperature? use this tool to check: Download - OCCT Website english
warning: this tool increases temperature beyond furmark levels, so keep an eye on your temps, specially since the memory chips are open.
4.Using MSI afterburner can you increase the voltage of the card?(is the option available?)
PS: Nice purchase, the corsair PSUs are awesome to say the least, also the GTX460 looks damn good, specially since it's so close to HD5850.