AFAIK just bumping up frequency does not get you card fried.Decreased life I don't care, I mean it's not that it is going to go kaput in the next 12 months when the company selling itself offers an oc utility for the product.Power consumption who cares and about heat, man I live in a cold place and if the heat keeps me from firing up the heater, so much the better

Hmm looks like I am unlucky or whatever I don't care.Anyway nice it works for you.
@vaibhav Bishnoi: Bro, if you are going to buy a card don't buy the HD4850 1GB vers because there wont be that much of an increase in performance because the chip runs out of steam at the resolutions where that size of frame buffer is needed and at low res the 512MB is adequate. Try n get the 4870 1GB version.