GPU goes offline when dual channel DDR2 ram installed



Ambassador of Buzz
ok guys is it wise to upgrade to g41 combo board getting for 2.6k including shipping.

I am moving only for this reason as i cant use 4gb at all .

if this can be resolved in this board itself i can save that money. Kindly advice.


Ambassador of Buzz
I am planning to assemble one by end of this year. Let me see for the time being use the current one with 2gb or upgrade the mb with g41 later if possible used quad core push to this year and get the latest pc next year


Human Spambot
OP, why don't you try a 1GB DDR2 800MHz RAM to see if the system works with 2GB+1GB+1GBvRAM.
But IMO there is no link of vRAM and RAM, the total expandable memory of a system is the max amount of RAM one can use, w/o the VRAM and not RAM+VRAM.

BTW, is that CM eXtreme PSU working fine till now??


Ambassador of Buzz
I intially tried that but my fate the 1gb i had was 533 mhz only since very low profile the bios cant downgrade my 800 mhz to that and giving me beep sound.

Actually i hate this board very oldest board not even support the fullest capacity. simply gives error.

my only this is just for this small ram issue i am changing board where this cheap slow pentium d processor wont deserve at all except my gpu.

Tell me if the g41 will do the needfull.

i would be happy to see if any quad or c2d decent cpu for sale.


Ambassador of Buzz
But here the psu is working fine. the gpu also works fine when only 2gb is installed. I had played hours of game. Just adding 2gb wont make the psu down more over the psu i had is a overkill to this config at 600 watts.


Adam young
^^ you better run this system with 2 gb and later upgrade everything with latest config rather getting a g41 mobo right now.


Ambassador of Buzz
Thats true. One Small correction the gpu is not refused to powerup the board refused to boot when 4gig and gpu is there . Its board which is not booting with 4+ ram

Take a look at here :

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