Govt bans bulk SMSes to quell rumour-mongering for 15 days

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In search for Tech Gyan!
^ Registering DND doesn't help that great. I do get some of them in a while or so. And moreover lodging complaint doesn't work either. Everytime I recieve one, I lodge a complaint on airtel's site, get one complaint reference number after a day or two, but, don't know what they do with the complaints. In the last one year, have lodged atleast 12-15 complaints, but was informed of just 2, and that too because the senders were unregistered. I think we need something effective, which private telcos won't provide us anytime soon.


In search for Tech Gyan!
^ On your service provider's website. Is mandated by TRAI, but don't know how many of them abide by this. BTW airtel has it, though can't say how effective.


Lost in speed
I would say its a funny amendment!
Blocking 5-SMS/day for 15 days wont make a "dent in the universe". I accept that, SMS is a faster tool than calling someone.

In the per-call/per-sec world, calls are pretty cheap compared to the earlier times (STD @ 2/-per min)
Whatif someone call someone and spread the rumours?

I would calm myself that these 15 days are SMS-booster-pack-less-days!


The Slowest One
yeah but see messages can be send to group which might contain like 30 people, so its easy. And if someone has to call one by one to each person say 30 then it is time consuming. But today WhatsApp kind of apps are there, and many are using it too, so the method of limiting messages will not be that effective.

Vignesh B

where... ?
^ On your service provider's website. Is mandated by TRAI, but don't know how many of them abide by this. BTW airtel has it, though can't say how effective.

Send an SMS in this format: COMP TEL NO XXXXXXXXXX;dd/mm/yy;hh:mm;short description to 1909

Here, XXXXXXXXXX is the number against which you are complaining or the sender code in case of bulk SMS without a number. The next two are date and 24-hour time at which you received the unsolicited message or call. At the end, add a short description of the call you received.

e.g. COMP TEL NO 9999900000;31/01/12;16:45;ABC Bank about loans

Alternately, call 1909 and follow instructions to register a complaint


Hello from chennai....

BSNL here has also done the same in prepaid.... I sent exactly 5 sms from today morning and now can't send anything :cry:

They really don't know how to manage (read: silence) their own people/citizens.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
The government must educate people to differentiate between bullshit and true information. Hell, even the people should learn to use .01% more of their brains, they will learn to differentiate on their own.

But, educating the people will take too much effort and money. So, the government takins the easier way out: Ban bulk messages. Bravo!


Human Spambot
I just wanna know when this childish thing gonna stop, nonsense Govt. should know that all are not kids and some people use SMS for work too. Rule applied till 31st August right?
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