Google's Open Source Browser: Google Chrome

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You gave been GXified
After using it again, I can say one thing. The browser "Software" is really fast on Vista. The browser engine is equally fast but the browser in it's current state hardly provides any features or extension ability. Google Chrome will die slow death if the development isn't rapid cos despite of speed, Firefox & IE/Opera provide much more features. Just speed isn't enough to switch.

Here is the direct download link for Google Chrome. The Chromesetup.exe downloads this file. There is no configuring option or any dialogs or notifications. It will just install & ask u where to import date from.


99.9% Idle
^^ agree..browser without addons is nothing now, as we see in the case of safari for windows which I feel is the fastest among current browsers but have to skip using it mainly bcoz of no extensibility.


is NOT a PC/Mac
Here is the direct download link for Google Chrome. The Chromesetup.exe downloads this file. There is no configuring option or any dialogs or notifications. It will just install & ask u where to import date from.

But I already gave a link from Mediafire which is much better than Rapidshare. ;) Check this post from the same thread : *

The Conqueror

Yeah I Miss my AdblockPlus in Chrome, If i am able to get ABP then I shall switch to chrome immediately :)


Boom Boom Boom
I would like to run it on my Macbook Pro.
But I haven't tried on my PC. Might do it later, when I have taken off the habit of FF3.:D
I felt its faster than FF, but no extensions as of now. :(
and every tab has its own process (max 4 processes), hence i felt its a bit heavy on resources for ppl like me who have a bad habit of clicking on every link to open in new tab :D

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
I don't understand why all of you call Google Chrome a "shameless copy" of other web browsers. That's the job of the developers of the other browsers. For us users, it's convenient having all the features in a single browser. As for the privacy point, what's the re to worry about? There's millions of people using Google's services. Why should you worry about your own privacy? Does it matter if someone in the US knows that a certain guy watches pr0n? Millions of mails are sent everyday through Gmail. So do you think the guys at Google read each of them and sit grinning? Of course not. There's nothing to worry about.
I'm surely going to try out Chrome.


Bond, Desi Bond!
How someone with a web browser and a working Internet connection can ever get bored, I’ll never know. What do those Firefox extensions do? Make you candy?

You would never understand!!!! :)

You need to step into open-for-all environment to know how sweet that candy is :)


Juke Box Hero
How someone with a web browser and a working Internet connection can ever get bored, I’ll never know. What do those Firefox extensions do? Make you candy?
Hahaha :D No, please don't mind me, I am just passing through..I wouldn't want to explain :) [[/note to self: ..I can't believe he said that..]]

Most of us limited brain lower mortals would perceive something like this :p.


 Macboy
How someone with a web browser and a working Internet connection can ever get bored, I’ll never know. What do those Firefox extensions do? Make you candy?
I remember I used to use:
1. A FTP tool.
2. A music controller.
3. A weather widget.
4. Adblocker
5. and a coupla others more which I can't remember now.

So basically you use these extensions, where other dedicated applications would be much better. I don't know what monster extensions have come through now though.
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