Girls and geeks....(Branched off from the thread on girls on TDF)

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I am not an Owl
yup its really universal fact
geekness is inversely proportional to having gf...

Disagree. Inability to hold a meaningful conversation (outside the geeky things), shyness, a downright lack of guts, the view that gfs are things rather than respecting them for the person they are, a blatant belief that appearance is more important than personality and the desperateness for having one- they are far far more important.

actually you didnt got my point some do actually will prefer to spend time on high end gadgets like ps3 or gaming pcs rather than to spend time with their gfs also i meant to say that these thread are necessary in tdf as they bring curiosity...

Considering that this is the chit chat section guess this is an okay thread but its fast getting out of hand..
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as Kratos
Girls are her not because no other girls are here :mrgreen: they are like ants who move only where other ants move. :lol:


The Power of x480
Staff member
First of all many thanks to OP for opening this thread. I too would like to clarify a few things.

5) As for Vyom's post about laws......well, it's true to some extent but not if you choose your girlfriend carefully. Not all girls are just clamoring to get money out of you, that is just false.

Well, R2k reflects my thoughts which was in my mind while posting those laws! ...

And I'm sure most of those comments posted on the other thread were not supposed to be taken seriously.

While those theories were true to many extent, it was more in line to be humorous. So, I apologize if it hurts anyone's sentiments. :)

You on the other hand have explained the reasons very subtly and pretty much nailed it.

And to all those shouting to close down this thread, well, no offense, but you just ain't cut out to have a civilized discussion! :/


as Kratos

Awesome girls. Hats off!! But none of 'em is Indian :mrgreen:

First of all many thanks to OP for opening this thread. I too would like to clarify a few things.

Well, R2k reflects my thoughts which was in my mind while posting those laws! ...

While those theories were true to many extent, it was more in line to be humorous. So, I apologize if it hurts anyone's sentiments. :)

You on the other hand have explained the reasons very subtly and pretty much nailed it.

And to all those shouting to close down this thread, well, no offense, but you just ain't cut out to have a civilized discussion! :/

Those theories are totally rocking dude..!! :-D


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Usually threads get locked when kids over here start to make facepalm worthy posts.

We know when to lock a thread and when to not.

Here's a small example:

"I went for a date and this is what happened...." "Need ideas! Going for a date" ---> good thread. We won't lock it. Instead, we will delete the lolwut posts. (like I have done in this thread)
"any girls in here?" "how to impress gals?" "I JUST GOT DUMPED" + a lol post ---> followed by "weird" posts ---> Lock. Can't bother with clean up.

Few people over here can't figure out the difference between comments made in jest.
Example of a report:
Report said:
harrashment ,use of double meaning words...

I was reading this thread a little:


and some of the stuff I found was....unnerving. Maybe it's because most of the users here are very young, but a few things I really want to clarify are listed below:

1) Yes, there are girls on the internet and on forums. They don't stick around for long mainly because they are slower at typing than us and it's more boring when you're taking longer to post a reply while the guys there can do it near-instantaneously (a little practice will solve that, though)

2) The comment on Amy Farrah Fowler was a little unnerving. I don't watch Big Bang Theory, but I've been through enough to know that personality matters 100 times more than looks. Comments like "eww" aren't in good taste, even as jokes (perhaps it's just me, but....)

3) I don't think that most girls really hate geeks. It's just that you can tell someone's a geek from one look, and geeks behave a little oddly at times (come on, do not deny!). Girls like a nice guy regardless of personality, but you must be able to hold a conversation - what use is talking about touch pads and the latest games when she cannot make head or tail of it? :)

4) Gamer girls do exist, but like I said, they don't like fast paced games too much (mainly because of finger stress). For that reason you'd find a lot more girls in racers and roleplaying games than in something like COD4.

5) As for Vyom's post about laws......well, it's true to some extent but not if you choose your girlfriend carefully. Not all girls are just clamoring to get money out of you, that is just false.

6) Girls are not impatient as many of you may think. A lot of them are just insecure. Insecurity at young age is common for girls and I don't want to get into details but there are issues there that I will not discuss now.

Girls are very patient when they trust the guy.

An important thing is that, for girls: Trust is the number 1 priority in any relationship (friendship, love, etc.)
For guys, getting the job done (any job) takes priority (in general). Trust and other factors come after that.

I just wanted to clarify a few things for you guys because I've been noticing that every time one of these girl related threads come up, people really aren't doing them justice.

If a moderator feels right to close this thread, please do so, I have no objection. I just wanted to get my message across. :)
Nice post. :p

I just wanted to clarify a few things for you guys because I've been noticing that every time one of these girl related threads come up, people really aren't doing them justice.
Pretty much the reason why we choose to lock those threads.


Swimming, eh??
Wow, you know...I mean it really is stupid how young people behave when anything related to female gender comes up.
Really, the theorys and facts might be ostensible, but its like why are we even having this conversation.
I am like, female TDF user...ok, so?
Gamer girl, girl intrested in tech stuff...meh.
Why does it become such a big deal to have girls around places like this?
Firstly, we are no one to set boundaries about what a girl should or shouldn't do. Secondly, even if they are, why does it has become an enthralling subject. People queuing up to stare and comment. Its pathetic, really..
Upon that, the guy (rider) with the ant theory, dude, thats lame. Stop stereotyping girls into categories like that.
And my opinion for the geeks and love life theory for any tech lover out there, blaming girl kind for not liking geeks. Try not to spit food at her face next time when you talk during dinner, or maybe more of holding the door open for the lady instead of "cover me, i'm going in" sort of things.
What i mean to say here is that as long as you are/try/pretend to be a normal human being, your insane, to-the-point-of-mental-instability love for the tech is not going to influence your love life at all. Period. So you might aswell stop blaming entire female kind for this.
For the OP, i appreciate your initiative buddy. But the things bout slow typing and finger stress is really not right.


toad_frog09 said:
For the OP, i appreciate your initiative buddy. But the things bout slow typing and finger stress is really not right.

Those are just my personal theories and based on observations (hell, my own fingers hurt if I play shooters for hours on end because of all the button crunching - mouse button 4 for grenades! Another for medpacks, etc.)

if it causes strain in my hands, would it not cause strain in women who are known to be more receptive to pain than men? It's somewhat logical if you think of it that way.....

I mean, I'm not going to tell someone that my hands hurt playing shooters. I'll instead say I'm not a big fan of shooters. See? :)

As for slow typing, well, it's not strictly true, I agree. But I did say practice will solve that (and let's put it this way: The first few times you do something, you're going to take longer to do it. That includes making posts on a forum)

<That being said, all of the above things are generalizations and are probably not applicable to everyone>
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Firecracker to the moon
Well,Some Specific girls clarify boys as Geeks.
There are very few girl Geeks.I have seen some 2 girls in Cybers there pros In DOTA.
And Many girl gamers are found in flash game sites.They are really good in it.
But,Some girls.Get mad when a boy talks about tech.Even some boys dont like geeks.
Like Me and My friend were discussing about which alienware is good.A boy told were soo big Nerds.


Firecracker to the moon
Wow, you know...I mean it really is stupid how young people behave when anything related to female gender comes up.
Really, the theorys and facts might be ostensible, but its like why are we even having this conversation.
I am like, female TDF user...ok, so?
Gamer girl, girl intrested in tech stuff...meh.
Why does it become such a big deal to have girls around places like this?
Firstly, we are no one to set boundaries about what a girl should or shouldn't do. Secondly, even if they are, why does it has become an enthralling subject. People queuing up to stare and comment. Its pathetic, really..
Upon that, the guy (rider) with the ant theory, dude, thats lame. Stop stereotyping girls into categories like that.
And my opinion for the geeks and love life theory for any tech lover out there, blaming girl kind for not liking geeks. Try not to spit food at her face next time when you talk during dinner, or maybe more of holding the door open for the lady instead of "cover me, i'm going in" sort of things.
What i mean to say here is that as long as you are/try/pretend to be a normal human being, your insane, to-the-point-of-mental-instability love for the tech is not going to influence your love life at all. Period. So you might aswell stop blaming entire female kind for this.

For the OP, i appreciate your initiative buddy. But the things bout slow typing and finger stress is really not right.

+1. Exactly Be yourself.Don't try to pretend your not how you are.Then they will feel weird about you.And if they ask you You have changed.Please dont say you googled it.Say is natural

Pretty weird to see gamer girls on the roll eh..

Nop.There are quite a few.There are many many girls who game on social Games(in fb)


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Its pretty genetic. Just like there is say, one effeminate man per 1000 men (rough estimate), similarly, there is one girl with masculine qualities per 1000 women (again, rough estimate). So, its not surprising that such girls show a tendency to deviate from normal girl-like behaviour towards more male dominated arenas. I can explain in more detail, but I think I've made my point.
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
Its pretty genetic. Just like there is say, one effeminate men per 1000 men (rough estimate), similarly, there is one girl with masculine qualities per 1000 women (again, rough estimate). So, its not surprising that such girls show a tendency to deviate from normal girl-like behaviour towards more male dominated arenas. I can explain in more detail, but I think I've made my point.


Wow, you know...I mean it really is stupid how young people behave when anything related to female gender comes up.
Really, the theorys and facts might be ostensible, but its like why are we even having this conversation.
I am like, female TDF user...ok, so?
Gamer girl, girl intrested in tech stuff...meh.
Why does it become such a big deal to have girls around places like this?
Firstly, we are no one to set boundaries about what a girl should or shouldn't do. Secondly, even if they are, why does it has become an enthralling subject. People queuing up to stare and comment. Its pathetic, really..
Upon that, the guy (rider) with the ant theory, dude, thats lame. Stop stereotyping girls into categories like that.
And my opinion for the geeks and love life theory for any tech lover out there, blaming girl kind for not liking geeks. Try not to spit food at her face next time when you talk during dinner, or maybe more of holding the door open for the lady instead of "cover me, i'm going in" sort of things.
What i mean to say here is that as long as you are/try/pretend to be a normal human being, your insane, to-the-point-of-mental-instability love for the tech is not going to influence your love life at all. Period. So you might aswell stop blaming entire female kind for this.
For the OP, i appreciate your initiative buddy. But the things bout slow typing and finger stress is really not right.
your avatar is funny.:D


as Kratos
Upon that, the guy (rider) with the ant theory, dude, thats lame. Stop stereotyping girls into categories like that.

Sorry, but I'm not stereotyping girls. I support girls like you, its just the general fact, that generally girls do what other girls doing, exceptions always exists. Hope you agree. And Sorry for that if it hurts you, forgive me. :-?


Staff member
My all characters in skyrim and Fallout are opposite ones with maximum strength. Looks cool when a slender body beats the **** out of gigantic mammoth with bare hands.

And brawny muscular males as stealth characters.
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as Kratos
My all characters in skyrim and Fallout are opposite ones with maximum strength. Looks cool when a slender body beats the **** out of gigantic mammoth with bare hands.

And brawny muscular males as stealth characters.

yea! mine too
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