I have two reason in my mind.WTF so Late
Xbox 360's assassin is released then why so late 4 PC![]()
Well, after trolling some forums I guess a paper launch about Jan 09, with some boards for reviews about Feb and a soft launch in march, expect full availability by April least.@Psycho [] - Yeah, how can they ever improve graphics for PC, eh? Darn! More Phucin' 3 or 4 months
. I have lost all my hype for that game, we, PC users will be playin' when the console owners are bored of playin' it, sh*t! Have you bought yourself an X360 that you were tellin'?
@tkin - Fermi's comin' out in Q1 '10?
I'm super-addicted to Total Overdose, yeah. Is there any games - havin' good graphics - like Total Overdose? I love Mehico..err..Mexico
. People, I'm gonna shop, suggest me Crysis-like, TO-like games, please. I have MW2 and Borderlands in my list, can't think of anymore.
Me Me Me Me Me Me, just got a bit excited, anyway yes, I completed the whole game, with all DLCs and everything 3 times with total of nearly 500hrs logged in game, total size of my saves were 12gb(4gb each time).Any one here - completed FALLOUT 3 all DLC 's ???
any one Explored all places in fallout 3 and also all quests ??
i continuously playing for 4 days still there is PITT, Point Lookout to complete
Go here: *www.fallout3nexus.com/^12 gigs!? :eeksign: Darn! I'm installin' it right now, RIGHT NOW!! Yo! tkin, suggest some awesome *voice gap* awesome mods, a'ight?
Nice, now do something, go back to food plant and carry all those assault rifles back to your house and keep it, needed in a later unmarked mission, also never leave any weapon behind, always carry them back to your house, these you can use to repair your weapons later, also make note that the repair skill is the most important in F3, better the cond. of a weapon more damage will be done by it.