Broken In
Just finished Torchlight (main story part) this weekend.
Finished CoJ:BiB last weekend.
Currently also playing :
NFS Shift (unlocked all tiers but am not goo racer... so not able to control works upgraded viper :'(. will try a new car this weekend.
Which car is best control... high acceleration at low speeds but also very hig traction in tiers???
RE5 Loving the graphics in the game and also apprecitate the avaliability of mouse controls
... Once hell of good survival horror game.
I have heard RE4 is better, but anywaysl i am loving this one.
Currently finished chapter 4-2. Playing 1 chapter per session.. which is around once or twice a week.. 
Next in Line:
BIA: HH... till i get my hands on MW2
Hope MW2 wont cause problems running at high settings on my PC
I have faith in Activision
Its activision rite?? :O
Finished CoJ:BiB last weekend.
Currently also playing :
NFS Shift (unlocked all tiers but am not goo racer... so not able to control works upgraded viper :'(. will try a new car this weekend.
Which car is best control... high acceleration at low speeds but also very hig traction in tiers???
RE5 Loving the graphics in the game and also apprecitate the avaliability of mouse controls
Next in Line:
BIA: HH... till i get my hands on MW2
Hope MW2 wont cause problems running at high settings on my PC