Oh, and perhaps a little history will help explain what happened here...
For the past few months, we were getting terrible service from our hosting provider, plus the dedicated server we were on was a little old. Towards the end of May, we shifted to our new server, and upgraded the forum. Then for some reason search engine traffic just dropped drastically. The older forum version was brought back for a week or so to ensure that it was not the cause of the traffic drop.
Once it was ruled out, the latest version was made live again. However, a small bug in SQL caused recaptcha to die, which caused spammers to have a field day here (posting porn, and all sorts of rubbish).
Simultaneously, we're working on a new thinkdigit version, we had the rather fat anniversary issue to bring out, and also have the ongoing anniversary carnival to attend to.
I certainly wish I had as much time on my hands as I did when I started this forum years ago, but sadly, I just do not. Although I will still continue to disappear from the forum fom time to time, I will be available on irc://irc.thinkdigit.com quite often, and mods and members alike are free to bug me in #digit.
For now, I've spent all mmy free time over the past week, trying to get things working, and I certainly hope things are a lot better now. I tackled the critical stuff first, so use the forum for a few days, and then let me know if there are any improvements required. PLEASE do not suggest a theme change, because it is not possible right now, but hopefully we will have one soon enough.
My sincere apologies for the delay!