Forum Administrator, moderators plz pay attention

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delete this....

i guess report button not working as it has been reported at 1.30AM...


One way is to give an MCQ quiz to those who register. Only if they pass the quiz will they're membership be fully activated and they be allowed to post. The idea is NOT to make them learn the rules by heart, but to force them to refer them and answer the quiz, then ignorance will not be an excuse
saurabh kakkar

saurabh kakkar

D i s t i n c t l y Ahead
^^ cool Funda :D

I think Rather then scrolling

What's in Digit this September? Click here to find out!

they should scroll

NEW Members Plz read the Forum Rules before Posting

or something like this :)


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Forum rules are there for everyone to see... still we're too used to ignoring readmes, EULAs and rules that it's a useless effort. I'd rather rely on the community to influence newcomers than treat them like idiots forcing them to read rules. This forum has thrown open it's arms wide for anyone even remotely interested in computers (mainly for Indians, but open to the world), so let's take the junk or misplaced threads and just be polite and inform people about the rules instead of trying to force feed it to everyone.

As far as I can see you guys are doing a great job of the same. If you see someone breaking the forum rules, please don't insult him, just point him there politely, and you will see him doing the same for others. Politeness is contageous, let's spread it like a virus.

Thank you,

saurabh kakkar

saurabh kakkar

D i s t i n c t l y Ahead
Thanks Raaaboo sir for Ur Feedback and Ur Suggestions and appreciating our

Work :) .

at last some Admin responded to this thread :D


* Teh Flirt King *
Yes politeness is the key.....

And actually scolding the thread starter when he is confused and in urgent need is a bad idea.
Not everyone is geek and techie you know...and it may be possible that they dont even know whrere to post a particular thread or maybe they dont even know that they need to read rules.
(Believe me 2 of my friends who visit this forum don't even knew that there exist rules which must be followed here. )

Offtopic : Hey Raaabo sir... those are amazing words....
I wish to meet Digit team one day..(Maybe the day when I join your team as a writer. :))
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