Firefox for Android.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member

I want to uninstall Chrome too. How do you do it without rooting the phone?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
But that won't remove its binaries. It would still exist on the phone taking up space.

- - - Updated - - -

Disabled it, it uninstalled all updates and restored it to the factory default version.

But it has gone from the quick launch section.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
But that won't remove its binaries. It would still exist on the phone taking up space.

Disabled it, it uninstalled all updates and restored it to the factory default version.

But it has gone from the quick launch section.
That's as close as you can get to an Uninstall.

It's gone actually. You can't use it anymore.


Nope. I disabled Chrome altogether from the phone.

My friend was the one complaining about tabs not being there anymore. But he also disabled Chrome and is using Firefox now.

Still Chrome is bloat and too heavy. I suggest everyone to use Opera instead.

Move over to Firefox/Opera.
I tried firefox 6-7 months ago .it was also laggy.But now i tried once more feels smooth.

- - - Updated - - -

That's as close as you can get to an Uninstall.

It's gone actually. You can't use it anymore.
Factory ver. means less space dont and take up ram.If you want a clear uninstall root is the only option(i think)


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Now here is what Google does to lock the competition out.

Try using Google Image Search on Firefox and on Opera/Chrome. The interface sucks on Firefox. Google detects you're using Firefox and gives you a shitty interface.

But their nonsense is not going to stop me from using Firefox and suggesting it to others.


Creating New Worlds
Now here is what Google does to lock the competition out.

Try using Google Image Search on Firefox and on Opera/Chrome. The interface sucks on Firefox. Google detects you're using Firefox and gives you a shitty interface.
Google is EVIL. :evil:


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Now here is what Google does to lock the competition out.

Try using Google Image Search on Firefox and on Opera/Chrome. The interface sucks on Firefox. Google detects you're using Firefox and gives you a shitty interface.

But their nonsense is not going to stop me from using Firefox and suggesting it to others.

Now that I think of it, even the preview image quality is low for Image Search on Firefox.

Haven't tried on Chrome, so if anyone can check it out and let me know if it is the same or better...


The Power of x480
Staff member
I actually liked Chrome on my Moto X. I have enabled the tabs. And it works fast. But yea sometimes sites leads to automatically opening of Play store. But I like the way I can switch to another tab. Just slide by pressing the address bar, and it shows all the previews of tabs from where you can switch to another one. Just slide the tab preview and it will close. You can even undo closing the tab, if you accidentally closed a tab.

But if Google is on purpose trying to sabotage Firefox by returning low quality image then I guess I would need to try Firefox on my Android.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
How is this different from normal Firefox with Adblock Plus? I have been using Adblock Plus on Firefox and it works just as well.
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