Far Cry 4


Do you know the meaning of insanity?
Its posting the same offtopic sh!t over and over again and expecting discussion to change!!


Lost in speed
If you've watched the Lockout movie, you will find the villain character looks similar to him.


Training To Beat Goku
i like that we can tame elephants to use them against enemies. But we'll have to sacrifice them everitime we use them :cry:
But why are those Americans inspired by INDIA so much ?! So, much holi colors in the game feels **** to me, but whatever UBI has done its great at least for the scenario.
I personally liked the "Wing man Suit".


Training To Beat Goku
So here's more detailed far cry 4 story. There was a resistant movement led by Mohan
Ghale and under Pagan Min's leadership. But
Mohan Ghale was frustrated with Pagan Min's
supremacy with tactful guerilla skirmish.
However, Pagan and Mohan isn't just fighting
for a country (Kyrat), they were fighting for the love of a woman whose name is Ishwari. But
Mohan won her heart and they had sex . But the love triangle ended after Mohan's
Death. Ishwari fled off from Kyrat and never
returned. And so, Mohan's son Ajay Ghale is
born. After his mother died, she made a last
wish of scattering her ash remains across the
top of Kyrat's tallest mountain. By the time Ishwari flew off the country, Pagan
Min retreats to his palace and leaves Kyrat
under his' lunatic governments. Btw, Pagan isnt GAY. Sometimes he is fun and
charming and sometimes he is terrifying. He is
evil... But weirdly friendly.

Source- *www.gamepur.com/news/15117-far-cry-4-villain-pagan-min-not-gay-terrifying-evil-weirdly-friendly-says-u.html
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