DAMN! BEST START EVER! This defines bang starts. Awesome game! This can shyt on Crysis 2 any day at any time. One of the best graphics I've ever seen, if not THE best. Runs super smooth.... DX11, all high, HD5850, 1440x900, 30fps. Yes. 30 frames and it's locked. Constant 30. My beloved HD5850's doing it's work awesomely. After the letdown of ACIII, this brings back love for my card. Insane game, really. You instantly get connected with the player as he talks. He talks like a normal guy stuck in an island with freaks, normal in the sense, out of his f***in' mind! Fear, anxiety and the voice actor brings it up good. Can't believe how this game has evolved from FC2. It was all dusty, but this.... this is insanely awesome! Graphics, the best these two years. That's it, I'm stuck to my chair till my exams. Some screens.
This guy's amazing!
Suck on this, Crysis.
Yep. First time.
FC3 >>(gazillion times)>> FC2