I am the master of my Fate.
Including me....Who the hell says that Far Cry 2 was epic fail dude. That was a good success IMO. Most gamers loved that game.
Far Cry 2 was never a fail it was a very good game with some glitches which sometimes irritated gamers.

ya some glitches r there in FarCry 2 but whats the big deal..every game has that....
thumb rule: there r developers so there r Bugs....
Prince of Persiaso you want to say, Ubisoft games = FLOP? you judge games looking at who is the damn developer?
AI is superb as compared to other gamesStupid AI? where? i found the AI to be really good even at medium difficulty. yes sometimes they fail to spot you even if you are standing infront of them. but like Crysis they try to flank you & ambush you.
in day light they will see from distance coming....
& in night time u r safely hidden from their views....