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Firecracker to the moon
Had a LOL match in dota 2 today,
Nature Propeth teleported to our base even before the creeps came and thus started feeding us, then again he teleported to our base troll killed him, that way it went on he gave us 3 kills before 3 mins itself, There was no one in mid, so easily i took out the mid tower(I was drow)
But a boring MATCH

Im learning blood seeker now pretty good hero :)


Puppies like to chew almost anything they find curious. Make sure you have some of those chewy toys with you. Puppies need a lot of care :)
Chuck DOTA for a while, yes. This new friend of yours your attention now.
Btw which breed?
Breed is Pomeranian,and yeah i bought some chewy bones for him.Searching online for some chewy toys cuz i am lazy to go to a shop now :)

Some ridiculous Dota 2 fails :

LOL,that venomancer illusion thing is so cool.AM would have cried there :)


Ambassador of Buzz
i have started playing with Invoker, played one game with bots (never played this hero before) and jumped straight into MM games and played pretty decent Exort invoker...i always thought that Invoker is very difficult to play but he's actually not that difficult...so if anyone here plays good invoker, can you please share some tips to play this hero like spell combos, spell + item combos,leveling the Orbs etc...invoker is really fun to play...


I'm not good at invoker, but play decent enough to make team fights easy. I usually play Quas+ Exort. In early game1 level to Quas and rest to Exort makes you good harassing machine. And after you have 2 spells slots, making Cold Snap + sun strike can be handy. USe snap and start hitting the hero. By this time his health would reach around 40% and he'll start to retreat. Activate phase boots and hitting him and place a sun strike according to his movements. You may get a kill this way easily.

Getting first blood is easy with invoker too. Make sun strike as your 1st spell and keep an eye on the 2 lanes. Some noob should be getting harassed often. Lay a SS and you've got the 1st blood.

In mid game, you should have spent spent some more points to Quas and Wex too. IF opponents have heroes depending on mana a lot, then use Tornado + Emp as combo in team fights. Use tornado to levitate as many as possible heroes and simultaneously place and EMP below them (as EMP requires some time to detonate). Emp will burn their mana and will do damage equal to the mana burned.

Similarly you can do Tornado + Meteors combo.
Defeaning blast + Meteors combo


i have started playing with Invoker, played one game with bots (never played this hero before) and jumped straight into MM games and played pretty decent Exort invoker...i always thought that Invoker is very difficult to play but he's actually not that difficult...so if anyone here plays good invoker, can you please share some tips to play this hero like spell combos, spell + item combos,leveling the Orbs etc...invoker is really fun to play...
Played with invoker quite alot.I usually play Quas Exort build just because i suck being a support.I usually play only with Cold Snap and Sun Strike till both my Quas and Exort reach lvl4 so that i can have 2 Forge Sprits.Forge Sprits are very powerful because combined forge spirits can do 166 dmg,which is very good.I just use Cold Snap(or Ice Wall if there are multiple enemies infront of you) and killing them is very if you have both the Forge Sprits ready.You cannot use more than 3 abilities at a time till your Invoke reaches lvl4because the ready time of invoke is more.

If you want to play Wex Exort build,use Tornado + EMP and Chaos Meteor immedietly after that.Wex Exort build help alot in team fights.And about the item build,i will make Force Staff,Aghanims reduces your invoke time significantly,Eul's Scepter of Divinity(using Sun Strike with this),and finally Scythe of Vyse.Invoker is the only hero who don't need any damage items to pawn enemies :)

If you want to have fun trolling the enemies,use Ghost Walk and wall near them :) i always do this when we are losing :D


Ambassador of Buzz
@Piyush i have tried Deafening Blast + Meteor really good combo, if spammed correctly it will kill support heroes almost instantly

@Ramu i want to try forge spirit and cold snap combo, so how to level quas and exort? cause now i am getting one level of quas and wex and maxing out exort first..


Hardcore Gamer
BloodSeeker can use Force Staff to give Burst Dmg,but you have to make him to move to your friends or your Tower
because he can escape with rupture since Duration is 7/8/9...


Na'vi gets 2 new faces for this tournament. Ars-Art and LightOfHeaven left the team :(
Both of them joined sparate team and its not even finalized if their team will be qualified for The Internationnal 3
Really wanted to watch them both

For those who dont know about them, LoH is the best Dark seer player while Ars-Art controls Rhasta to the level beyond Pros.

EDIT: Ars-Art team (Virtus.Pro) is invited for TI3, not sure about LoH's Team Empire


@Ramu i want to try forge spirit and cold snap combo, so how to level quas and exort? cause now i am getting one level of quas and wex and maxing out exort first..
lvl1 - 1Exort(For last hits)
lvl2 - 1Quas(Just to get cold snap at lvl3)
lvl3 - 1Invoke(And get Cold Snap,and get Sunstrike when an enemy is fleeing with 100 or lessHP)
lvl4 - 1Exort(To harass the enemy at mid)
lvl5 - 1Exort(To harass even more)
lvl6 - 1Exort(You know what this is for :) )
lvl7 - 1Invoke(To get Sunstrike or Forge Spirit)

After lvl 7 i will get 3 more quas so that both Quas and Exort will reach lvl4 and i can get 2 forge spirits.Remember that you should get Force Staff very quickly,because you will not have any wex for now.So you cannot use ghost walk,so Force Staff will be useful to escape in some cases.


Na'vi gets 2 new faces for this tournament. Ars-Art and LightOfHeaven left the team :(
Both of them joined sparate team and its not even finalized if their team will be qualified for The Internationnal 3
Really wanted to watch them both

For those who dont know about them, LoH is the best Dark seer player while Ars-Art controls Rhasta to the level beyond Pros.

EDIT: Ars-Art team (Virtus.Pro) is invited for TI3, not sure about LoH's Team Empire

Light of Heaven is a very old dota pro.Sad he left Navi :(


Wise Old Owl
Yea man :(
But good thing is Kuroky is great hard carry player
Just watched some of his Lanaya matches... he plays a lot better than Ferrari430 from iG

@Off topic

if you are feeling sad, take a look at the match the serpent is talking about. :lol: gonnna cheer you up.


Bored to Death
Guys after playing with u guys, here are my 2 cents on how to make better experience out of DOTA 2. I know these are fairly regular and well known points but i can see guys are NOT following these basics.

1. Always pick equal or greater number of Ranged heroes in comparison to enemy team.
----------i never farmed successfully when there are 2 melee on my lane and even if 1 ranged in enemy lane, which eventually leads loss of lvls and gold when compared to enemy.

2. Always go for last hits ONLY on creeps. Making it a habit can help you harass enemy heroes and deny creeps for enemy heroes. Believe me it gives a significant GOLD and level advantage.

-----------i saw most guys auto attacking, pushing lanes to enemy tower so early, not denying creeps and not harassing enemy melee hero either. This is the most nooby thing u can do in DOTA.

3. Do not go for morbid mask etc unless you have atleast a 100 damage for relatively low dps hero, Ring of health is a better item till then. Similarly upto or less than 32 intelligence Ring of aquilla gives better mana regenration than void stone. After stat 33 void stone is better.

------- Rushing vlads with 70/80 damage is waste of gold at that stage.

4. Always gank when u have a single hero visible in lane even if it means switching lanes.

5.Discuss among team and try buy auras which can help whole team.

6.Staying in lane till u have 5/6 lvls and then jungling can help you gain fatser lvls, damage, stats and can also help you and your lane partner get an understanding of enemy lane hero's capability and skill level.

7. Don't crave for kills. Winning a game is more important. Play to win and u will get kills(i know its redundant but still).

8. You can farm, you can jungle, but with most heroes being aggressive is the best way to play dota. There lies the fun in playing DOTA.
------I saw some tournament games and i can say literally they never farm/jungle for the sole purpose of farming unless there is time for enemy hero's respawn or enemy hero's themselves jungling.

9. And during ganks, target 1 hero at a time. killing 2 hero's is ALWAYS better than 90% damaging 5 hero's.

These are somethings on top of my head.
Comments and suggestions to improve DOTA experience are most welcome and share your thoughts guys.
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Nice work man, but I wonder how many guys will actually follow
Most of the dota players here play this game just for fun, so only few actually go through game mechanics in detail. And I dont blame them, its just that Dota has so much in it, it makes it difficult to gulp down all at once.

But good work there Kevv.
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