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clinkz needs as much damage as possible so that he can kill a hero very fast and escape so first item should be always orchid as this gives silence (renders enemy hero useless and easy to kill support heroes) and also deals damage over time to the hero...and the next item should be MKB as this item gives ministun and a ton of dmg and is useful against heroes who will tp when you are attacking them...next if your game is going really good get a skadi as this stacks with the fire arrows or else go with buriza or butter....also dont forget to use death pact on any big neutral creep before going on the hunt or joining team fights as this gives a lot of hp and dmg and increase survivability....also bone is very squishy so u need to stay far away in team fights and aim for enemy support heroes first

happy playing with bone clinkz...he's a great hero and he also has great hero responses :-D

I never knew that Skadi can stack with his fire arrows!!! Thats good thing.
Also, what is buirza/butter?


BIOS Terminator
I hereby declare Visage as my *favourite* hero.

my mistake its Daedalus (was called buriza something not buirza in dota 1) / Butterfly

I still prefer calling buriza. Full name is buriza-do-kanon or something (We sometimes call it aloo-do-pyaza humorously :D) :p


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Changes from Dota 1 to Dota 2

Buriza-do-Kyanon - Daedalus
Lothar's Edge - Shadowblade
Cranium Basher - Basher
Stygian Desolator - Desolator
Guinsoo's Scythe Of Vyse - Scythe Of Vyse
Circlet Of Nobility - Circlet
Nathrezim Buckler - Buckler
Headdress Of Rejuvenation - Headdress
Khadgar's Pipe Of Insight - Pipe Of Insight
Ancient Janggo Of Endurance - Drums Of Endurance
Armlet Of Mordiggian - Armlet
Mask Of Death - Morbid Mask
Sobi Mask - Sage Mask
Planewalker's Cloak - Cloak
Ancient Tango of Essifation - Tango
Ogre Axe - Ogre Club
Eaglehorn - Eaglesong
Messerschmidt's Reaver - Reaver

These are the ones that I can remember. There could be more.


Hardcore Gamer
1)Is there any better disabler for Clinkz?
since Orchid only Silence but they can use item such as SB to escape
and Sheepstick is great and but costly(3.5 sec)
for clinkz it is more than enough time(5 sec) to Kill Intelligence and Agility type heroes


Firecracker to the moon
Had one of those few matches where everyone in your team goes in a killing spere or becomes unstoppable.
I Was drow and rock2702 was axe, it started with NXY assassin and pudge feeding us and it went on and on, in the other lane two it was the same case, sniper fed another hero of our team, the only good hero from the enemy was skywrath and pudge was also good.
But the match was kinda boring as we were easily pawning them :|

Any one up for a party match today at 4:30, be online in steam


Will be taking break from DOTA now as lost too many matches lately. Will be playing only bot matches if possible.


I will be taking a break from Dota2 for around a month from now.The main reason is my semester exams,and other reason is my new dog.It is not letting me play :(


Hardcore Gamer
to disable Clinkz foes
using Orchid it silences the enemy but items can be used(i tried)
Dont do that and you cant:lol:
just dont play with new players like me


No,he is biting my laptops power cable which is under the table.He is just a puppy,so still biting everything he see.

Puppies like to chew almost anything they find curious. Make sure you have some of those chewy toys with you. Puppies need a lot of care :)
Chuck DOTA for a while, yes. This new friend of yours your attention now.
Btw which breed?

Dont do that and you cant:lol:
just dont play with new players like me

I dont want to play pub alone either
Now when I think of it, it was with Akshay[HERO], FierySoul, Ramu and Light whom I won most of my matches with.

Some ridiculous Dota 2 fails :

That AM consequent deaths, pudge fail hook, NP fail teleprt and Chaos knight noobness were the best ones
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