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Winning matches with the bounty hunter but one question : what to do with the gold? I bought most of the recommended items like Vladmir's Offering, Sange and Yasha, Medallion of Courage, phase boots etc but still had plenty of gold left towards the end game, is this always like this or am i doing something wrong? 11, 2, 8 stats of the match :)


In the zone
Buy a rapier XD. But more seriously, get more expensive items. Like your boots, replace them with Boots of Travel. Also try getting items like butterfly,heart,assault cuirass,abyssal blade.


Living to Play
Winning matches with the bounty hunter but one question : what to do with the gold? I bought most of the recommended items like Vladmir's Offering, Sange and Yasha, Medallion of Courage, phase boots etc but still had plenty of gold left towards the end game, is this always like this or am i doing something wrong? 11, 2, 8 stats of the match :)

Butterfly will serve BH well, also if Carry then Daedalus.


Winning matches with the bounty hunter but one question : what to do with the gold? I bought most of the recommended items like Vladmir's Offering, Sange and Yasha, Medallion of Courage, phase boots etc but still had plenty of gold left towards the end game, is this always like this or am i doing something wrong? 11, 2, 8 stats of the match :)

If enemy team have a good spell user them make Orchid and make him useless for 5 secs.
Battlefury is also a good item... almost a core item for him.
MKB butterfly Abyssal.. etc are fine


Living to Play
Holy ****.....How did I got on that list of Face off ?? I never registered but well if I am there then I'll play....DOTA 2 working fine also now. And who made that, does he have a vendetta against me that he matched me against Vegeta. **** I have only played 126 matches so far and you guys out me against 2000+ match guys. Bad for arijit. :D :p


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Winning matches with the bounty hunter but one question : what to do with the gold? I bought most of the recommended items like Vladmir's Offering, Sange and Yasha, Medallion of Courage, phase boots etc but still had plenty of gold left towards the end game, is this always like this or am i doing something wrong? 11, 2, 8 stats of the match :)

This is how I play BH :

For starting items, get a Ring Of Protection instead of a Stout Shield. This can later be upgraded to a Ring Of Basilius. The mana regen will maintain a decent mana pool till you get your Bottle.

As for skills, get Jinada first. This will give you a guaranteed last hit every few seconds, if you time it right. Follow this with Invisibility and then your Shuriken. Max out Jinada and Shuriken first, with higher priority on Shuriken because its damage scales very good at 100/200/250/325. So, you can use level 2 Shuriken to take down low health escaping enemies. Skill your ult (Track) at the normal 6/11/16 levels.

Complete your Basilius, then get Bottle and Phase boots. Then rush Desolator. Keep roaming after level 6 and gank with your teammates. Always remember to Track heroes so that you and your team gets the extra gold which you can use to complete your deso. Also, it is very important to maintain rune control to offset your mana and health losses. The runes spawn every 2 mins at either one of the two locations and try to grab them everytime. This way, you can deny them to the enemy and keep your own health and mana maintained at the same time.

After the Desolator start making a Sange and Yasha, Yasha first, since you will benefit greatly with the extra move speed and attack speed. The Maim passive of Sange And Yasha stacks very well with the slow from Jinada.

After this you can try for these items :

Butterfly (A great luxury item on all Agility heroes. Great attack speed and evasion),

Assault Cuirass (The -5 armor debuff + -7 armor debuff from Desolator = -12 armor debuff for enemies. Note that armor can have negative values, therefore, if you reduce the armor of enemies to less than their current armor, you will deal bonus damage),

Drums Of Endurance (Another situational but good item to kill enemies that are too fast to catch up. Good against enemies such as Spirit Breaker and a tracked Bone Fletcher)

Orchid Malevolence (Again a situational item. Should be bought to silence the annoying nukers/stunners who could botch your gank attempt)

Vladimirs (Lifesteal for you and your team and also stacks with your Desolator. Don't make this if someone already has one of these in your team)

Divine Rapier (Buy only if you are confident that you won't die and lose it. But, if you manage to get your positioning and hits right, you can eat up more than half of your enemies HP in a single shot with Jinada. Supports could die in a single shot itself)

- - - Updated - - -

How are you guys watching the game?

I am in office. If someone can broadcast on Twitch, I can watch.


Thanks all :) btw do you guys play together or is there some level restrictions? as i am just level 4.

My steam id:*steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132064310


How to play/counter when the other team have gem of true sight or when the other team have Slardar or Riki? The previous match the other team had Riki with gem of true sight, he first silences then chases and kills me :( i couldn't even put track on him. Is Riki better choice than Gondar? who will die more quickly in aoe attacks?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
How to play/counter when the other team have gem of true sight or when the other team have Slardar or Riki? The previous match the other team had Riki with gem of true sight, he first silences then chases and kills me :( i couldn't even put track on him. Is Riki better choice than Gondar? who will die more quickly in aoe attacks?

Just stay back with your team and track the enemies. Let them do most of the damage, you can just finish off low HP heroes who are trying to escape. Your positioning should be good to accomplish this. If any enemy hero drops the gem, grab it.

Carry dust/sentries for invi heroes.

As for Riki, he is very dependent on farm. If you let him free farm, he will rape late game. Keep ganking him early game, BH has a upper hand since Riki cannot go invi before level 6. Screw up his farm and you screw up his game.
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