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Player A v/ Player B

Game 1
A -> Radiant, picks a hero (no restrictions, any from the list)
B -> Dire, takes same hero

Game 2
B -> Radiant, picks a hero (no restrictions, any from the list)
A -> Dire, takes same hero

Game 3 (if required)
A -> Radiant, takes a hero as per random chance (maybe I will roll a dice?) (that's chosen from Shadow Fiend, POTM, Invoker, Puck, Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, a surprise hero)
B -> Dire, takes same hero


In the zone
Basic rules as per TI3 Solo Mids

Win by: gg by other player, two towers destroyed, 2 kills (however match may continue if both parties agree)

No soul ring, no neutral creep farming, no bottle refill via courier, no creep stacking.

Player with the higher seed goes first as Radiant and picks his hero. Second player switches to Radiant and choose hero for the next game. Tie breaker hero is chosen from the following: Shadow Fiend, POTM, Invoker, Puck, Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, a surprise hero

[MENTION=91805]hdknitro[/MENTION] you still can, until Saturday evening! :D

Wat abt courier and starting gold ??


I was just thinking, its better to lose 1st match and go to loser bracket. That way one will have more chances in reaching final match :D

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Thinking of buying these

Dota 2 laptop skin

Ok guys, I'm just starting it up with my buddies playing against each other as the first match. That's Skillgannon v/ ShhwaVa
LAN lobby, sorry!

You guys can also speed things up if both of you find a better time and see I'm online :)
People can still join, but the schedule will only be filled accordingly.


bringing the world down
I was just thinking, its better to lose 1st match and go to loser bracket. That way one will have more chances in reaching final match :D

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Thinking of buying these

Dota 2 laptop skin


I don't think you need a skin for your plastic "dust"bin but you do need a mouse and mousepad

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Basic rules as per TI3 Solo Mids

Win by: gg by other player, two towers destroyed, 2 kills (however match may continue if both parties agree)

No soul ring, no neutral creep farming, no bottle refill via courier, no creep stacking.

Player with the higher seed goes first as Radiant and picks his hero. Second player switches to Radiant and choose hero for the next game. Tie breaker hero is chosen from the following: Shadow Fiend, POTM, Invoker, Puck, Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, a surprise hero

[MENTION=91805]hdknitro[/MENTION] you still can, until Saturday evening! :D

Thanks, filled the form.


bringing the world down
Check out my new loading screen, lovely. he he



  • 2014-04-25_00002.jpg
    194.7 KB · Views: 99


Hardcore Gamer
Spring Cleaning Update:
Ausp item(mythicals,rares) gonna be cleaned in this update :(
Spring Cleaning Update :)
lina's laguna blade with agha can damage Magic immune units:flamethrower:
Lich's chain frost with agha has no bounce limit
Phantom Assassain evasion is increased to 50% on max
Tinker heat seeking missile no longer blocked by etheral
Ursa Fury swipes is no longer a UAM it means we can build skadi+MoM(everything) on that F*** Bear:bear:
To Share wards.Hold ctrl and click on allied heroes
wards cant be placed inside fountain(TY VALVE)
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Spring Cleaning Update:
Ausp item(mythicals,rares) gonna be cleaned in this update :(
Spring Cleaning Update :)
lina's laguna blade with agha can damage Magic immune units:flamethrower:
Lich's chain frost with agha has no bounce limit
Phantom Assassain evasion is increased to 50% on max
Tinker heat seeking missile no longer blocked by etheral
Ursa Fury swipes is no longer a UAM it means we can build skadi+MoM(everything) on that F*** Bear:bear:
To Share wards.Hold ctrl and click on allied heroes
wards cant be placed inside fountain(TY VALVE)

Son of a *****. Pubstomper's will rejoice.

Not too long ago I was wondering about alternative builds for Ursa which does not require Vlads and couldn't think of anything since Fury Swipes was UAM. Now the possibilities are limiteless. Fury Swipes + Desolator = GG. Roshan will melt in seconds.

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Edit :

Also :

Axe got nerfed. Counter Helix is now Pseudo random. That means, no more effective jungling.

Chaos Knight's Phantasm now has a chance to create an extra illusion when cast.

Huskar's Burning Spears is no longer a UAM. So, now you can stack it with lifesteal.

KOTL : Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Provides permanent Spirit Form. Additionally, the following effects are active during the day: Keeper of the Light gains unobstructed vision and Illuminate heals allies for 75% of the damage values

Tresdin : Moment Of Courage is now pseudo-Random. No more effective jungling now.

Lich : Frost Armor can be cast on buildings. Pretty great.

Necro : Reaper's Scythe now adds +30% duration to the respawn timer. A serious buff. This will force a lot of buybacks.

Riki : Backstab now works when attacking allied units. Does that mean that allied heroes will take damage?

Vengeful Spirit : When Vengeful Spirit is slain, her killer is inflicted with a negative Vengeance Aura, which decreases the damage of her killer and their nearby allies, until she revives. That means, she is pretty useful even when dead. A true support.
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Spring Cleaning Update:
Ausp item(mythicals,rares) gonna be cleaned in this update :(

lina's laguna blade with agha can damage Magic immune units:flamethrower:
Lich's chain frost with agha has no bounce limit
Phantom Assassain evasion is increased to 50% on max
Tinker heat seeking missile no longer blocked by etheral
Ursa Fury swipes is no longer a UAM it means we can build skadi+MoM(everything) on that F*** Bear:bear:
To Share wards.Hold ctrl and click on allied heroes
wards cant be placed inside fountain(TY VALVE)

Son of a *****. Pubstomper's will rejoice.

Not too long ago I was wondering about alternative builds for Ursa which does not require Vlads and couldn't think of anything since Fury Swipes was UAM. Now the possibilities are limiteless. Fury Swipes + Desolator = GG. Roshan will melt in seconds.

- - - Updated - - -

Edit :

Also :

Axe got nerfed. Counter Helix is now Pseudo random. That means, no more effective jungling.

Chaos Knight's Phantasm now has a chance to create an extra illusion when cast.

Huskar's Burning Spears is no longer a UAM. So, now you can stack it with lifesteal.

KOTL : Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Provides permanent Spirit Form. Additionally, the following effects are active during the day: Keeper of the Light gains unobstructed vision and Illuminate heals allies for 75% of the damage values

Tresdin : Moment Of Courage is now pseudo-Random. No more effective jungling now.

Lich : Frost Armor can be cast on buildings. Pretty great.

Necro : Reaper's Scythe now adds +30% duration to the respawn timer. A serious buff. This will force a lot of buybacks.

Riki : Backstab now works when attacking allied units. Does that mean that allied heroes will take damage?

Vengeful Spirit : When Vengeful Spirit is slain, her killer is inflicted with a negative Vengeance Aura, which decreases the damage of her killer and their nearby allies, until she revives. That means, she is pretty useful even when dead. A true support.

Liked KOTL , VS update
Necro buff should have been with Agha instead.


Hardcore Gamer
Necro : Reaper's Scythe now adds +30% duration to the respawn timer. A serious buff. This will force a lot of buybacks
Riki : Backstab now works when attacking allied units. Does that mean that allied heroes will take damage?
1)Necro scythe with agha prevents buyback so OP
2)only when denying creeps and heroes ..i hope so
else Some retard R player goes psycho :bandanafighter:and kill their own team
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