Does the Indian censorship board think we're kids?


Firecracker to the moon
Well as you all know India has kind of a pretty lame censorship of movies.
They have pretty lame certificates to i.e U,U/A And A.
Well Once when i was 15.Went for A-team(Rated A).They dint allow me.
Well later i somehow saw it my friend passed me.Well guess what??The Movie had no such bad scenes at all.How can they even rate it A?
Do they Think Indian Teens are immature to see kinds of movies?
Like take the example of Hangover Movies,My friend entered the theater in great-great difficulty(He's 16).
Well,The movie was heavily censored no bad-scenes at all. Completely clean then why did India give it a A certificate.
Well Why doesnt India Start giving certificates like Usa , U,PG-13/PG-16/R
Isn't that better?
Or will Indians keep thinking we are to young seeing such movies?
Another example of dirty picture in which 52 scenes were deleted and was supposed to be aired on TV.And was given U/A for TV.
Still it wasn't allowed to be aired in the last moment
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I am convinced that the Indian Censor board is run by monkeys, the black faced kind and lead by one with a white face. I was watching 300 on TV and all the scenes containing Ephialtes (who is actually an important character for the betrayal of the spartans) were removed! W-T-F!?

The censor board needs a new generation of staff.


Firecracker to the moon
^^ Your right.Now these days a scrolling comes on TV.If you have any problem with the content of this channel please write to us.(Indian broadcast stuff).Well this also creates lots of problems.Like one i was seeing big bang.In 2 mins around 5-6 words were censored


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I am convinced that the Indian Censor board is run by monkeys, the black faced kind and lead by one with a white face. I was watching 300 on TV and all the scenes containing Ephialtes (who is actually an important character for the betrayal of the spartans) were removed! W-T-F!?

The censor board needs a new generation of staff.
Don't get me started on the censor board. My paragraph will have so much profanity in it that I'll run the risk of being banned. So you can imagine how I feel about all of this.


Firecracker to the moon
Well.The Indian Censor Board is run by Old people they are scared of movies like ghost rider,zombieland also :lol:.


Well as you all know India has kind of a pretty lame censorship of movies.
They have pretty lame certificates to i.e U,U/A And A.
Well Once when i was 15.Went for A-team(Rated A).They dint allow me.
Well later i somehow saw it my friend passed me.Well guess what??The Movie had no such bad scenes at all.How can they even rate it A?
Do they Think Indian Teens are immature to see kinds of movies?
Like take the example of Hangover Movies,My friend entered the theater in great-great difficulty(He's 16).
Well,The movie was heavily censored no bad-scenes at all. Completely clean then why did India give it a A certificate.
Well Why doesnt India Start giving certificates like Usa , U,PG-13/PG-16/R
Isn't that better?
Or will Indians keep thinking we are to young seeing such movies?
Another example of dirty picture in which 52 scenes were deleted and was supposed to be aired on TV.And was given U/A for TV.
Still it wasn't allowed to be aired in the last moment

You spoke my mind friend... I am too pissed at these guys.. forget the shows.. and the big long beeps... what abt the movies.. have u ever tried watching Blade on television channel? I dont see why they even broadcast such muvees if they are to cut out almost everything.. :(

I wish there was some option like "Child Lock" with these indian channels which can be enabled and disabled at will... :(


THE GREAT INDIAN CENSORSHIP BOARD runs by bunch of morons, who will allow all kind of ki$$ing scenes, seductive dances, nude or half nude dancers on street, violence, gore, double meaning dialogues only inside Bollywood & Regional language Movies.

Very much pathetic advertisements like "Lady taking bath in a Jacuzzi for Hindware", "Kasmira Shah promoting Gutkha's with her bold scenes" etc.... can be shown in public.

But when it comes to Certification of Hollywood Movies words like "FACK" is converted into beeps. But words like "WTF", "What an A$$HOLE/JERK" can be a exception over Bollywood Movies.


Game & anime Lover
even the advertisements of condoms or axe which are too vulgar are allowed to air while movies which dont even hav scenes are rated A reason is coz advertisement pay them a lot for short time and also due to corruption which has become common in india.


^^ Only reason that might be because Indians know to how does work go around here(below the table.)

This is also the one reason to watch/get series and movies online. so no BS full movie without any cuts even director's cut


Alakh Niranjan
in our country, in most of the cities, a minor can go and watch an A Certificate movie in a cinema hall and no one stops him / her. i have myself done that. i fail to understand when the movie is aired on tv, there is a almost 100% possibility that someone is there in the house and can advise / stop a minor, then too it is passed with way too many cuts and even stopped like this.
i can vote, marry but i am not intelligent enough to decide what i should watch. jai ho.


In the zone
The Indian Censor Board is filled with old people still living in 1950s........... The whole censorship system needs to revamped and the old people need to be kicked out !


~Bulletproof Monk~
Have you ever heard of the saying "N00bs gone wild"?
Its applicable here, where the censor board staff is n00b.


Firecracker to the moon
^^ :rofl: Like when i see some movie like ghost rider,zomieland or any dam movie with lots of blood.My grandpa says offf the tv


Forget that..The worst part is the Promotional Movie Posters around the walls, hoardings etc etc. Its very much annoying to find a B-Grade movies poster near by a College or School wall.

How to correct these idiots ??? Whom to blame, GOVT or PEOPLE OF INDIA ??

Naturally its pretty much easier for us to Blame the GOVT. How about people then ??


knocking on heavens door
in our country, in most of the cities, a minor can go and watch an A Certificate movie in a cinema hall and no one stops him / her. i have myself done that. i fail to understand when the movie is aired on tv, there is a almost 100% possibility that someone is there in the house and can advise / stop a minor, then too it is passed with way too many cuts and even stopped like this.
i can vote, marry but i am not intelligent enough to decide what i should watch. jai ho.
Have you ever heard of the saying "N00bs gone wild"?
Its applicable here, where the censor board staff is n00b.



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Or perhaps the Hollywood guys are paying the censor board to deliberately censor the movies so that people will get frustrated and buy original DVDs :p


^Hollywoods flicks are hardly getting any promotions in india. Buying Original VCD's, DVD's might be another issue due to their availability.

Not every Hollywood flick also get released in India.
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