Does downloading a file and browsing at the same time effect the speed?

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If I download a file without browsing anything compared to downloading a file when I'm browsing. Will it effect the download speed of the file? I didnt find much difference. Is it preferred to download a file when you are not browsinng for a faster download or it doesnt matter?


Wise Old Owl
Don't worry. Even for broadband, surfing speed does get affected sometimes due to downloading since Download takes the complete bandwidth available.


Beware of the innocent
most downloaders have light and heavy settings. Just set to light mode while browsing. Or if feature not available, set a speed limit for download.


Web Junky 2.0
The remaining bandwidth after it is used by download is used for browsing contents. So downloading will affect browsing, but it will not affected by browsing many pages at that time.

Choto Cheeta

navjotjsingh said:
Download Speed affects browsing speed but browsing speed cannot affect download speed.

umm... I dont agree completelly :lol: if you are not using any Download Manager and even with Broadband you are download a file uisng IE 7 :p and u open a Youtube window :p u would see download speed getting droped :p

I agree with Navjot when when some one is downloading using a Download Manager (note not accelarator :lol:)


If u use IDM, browsing will go down.

Just download using normal firefox, U can download as well surf


Another Brick in the Wall
When your internet line is at work - then it will show in browsing speed.

Wrote a article about this sometime back. You might want to check it out: Browsing effectively with Torrents running
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