do you seed???


of course it relates to torrents... I read somewhere that Indians are amongst the top 4 for downloading but in the bottom 2 when it comes to seeding.... its created a bad impression in the sharing world... i am being honest and i personally dont seed, but am thinking of starting to... what do you guys have to say?


not a newbie.....
I don't seed. Downloading itself takes days. No patience left to seed. Plus seeding doesn't work properly on my system coz port forwarding not setup up.


Broken In
I personally seed only for a few.
My download speed is around 200kB/s and upload(seeding) is 30-40kB/s
seeding 100% takes 5 x time taken to download.
So, seeding is a big NO :evil:


not a newbie.....
Not every one lives in Mumbai. I have power cuts a number of times in a day. Still I try to run it 24x7.


Sith Lord
Staff member
yes. At least till 1.0 ratio, consider it an obligation, like negative karma police will come and get me if I dont seed.
but I dnt nid to pirate at the same time, im seeding things that will never be sold again

its very much a moral decision
i do seed. I clean my utorrent once in 4-5 months or so. Otherwise i never delete torrents. My upload speed is equal to my download speed (1Mbps), so no issues to seed. Doesnt matter if its private or public tracker. The upload amount is almost double than download every month. I guess this answers the question !


--> Techie - Maharaj
I seed !! But not for a long time...had made my old pc as a seed box for sometime...i e seen that downloads are faster when seeding..


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I hardly download anything.

Usualy my interaction with torrents is when a new Linux distro is released. At that time, I seed for ~7-10 days.


I used to seed a lot, but because UPLOADS are also counted in AirTel FU(CK)P, I seed very rarely now a days :( :banghead:

Those who wanna seed can Try Seedbox :)


The Power of x480
Staff member
Seeding is every torrenters moral duty as well as an obligation to do It.
It's what the entire eco system of torrents is based on.

For me, how much I seed depends on the existing ratio of seeders to peers. I seed to ratio of 1 for each torrent atleast.
Then if the contents of a torrent is rare or if their is a high shortage of seeders, I try to seed it as long as I can.

Btw, seeding is one of the chief reasons for me to have a "true" unlimited connection as I have currently.


Well to be honest i seed untill downloading is finished. Then click on remove.

And "only reason" is slow connection, nothing related to morals and all.

The day my city have fast and cheap connections , i'll do for sure. I like sharing.


In the zone
I used to see a lot, but recently my seed ratio has gone down from 2.0+ to ~1.4. I see that I hardly get any leeches now, despite for how many hours I leave the torrent on seeding.

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