@ vickybat Regarding the video game industry slowdown and the pursuit of visual realism
I think dead5 was referring to the school of thought that sooner or later visual fidelity will reach a saturation point vis-a-vis development budget. The question is not whether new engines like Unreal 4 and idtech 5 can be used by developers to raise the bar for visual quality, but if it is feasible for them from a financial standpoint.
As pointed out before, major AAA titles already require millions of $$$ in development budget to make. To increase visual quality, this development budget will have to be increased further. The question is, how many developers have franchises which will get enough sales to recover this development cost? Infinity Ward, DICE, Blizzard maybe?
The rest of the devs will have to rely on artistic world design and innovative gameplay mechanics to differentiate their product. If they rely only on great graphics and rehashed gameplay, simply put, they wont be able to recover the development cost, because gamers will stick to their CODs and Battlefields rather that pick a unknown product which offers the same gameplay.
This is why new engines like idtech 5 and Unreal
may not have the same impact as their predecessors.