Do UFOs/Aliens exist, is Time Travel possible and more...


Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

reddick said:
One thing is clear that Their is no UFOs or Aliens exists in this universe...It's all Fake! :rolleyes:

Hmmm! THen what do you think is happening in this thread with such a huge discussion & readership? Go through the entire contents taking your own sweet time & then try to quote the same!


The Devil
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

OK, now I'm going to jump to something different, the Bermuda Triangle. Actually, there is enough stuff to discuss about bermuda triangle and that topic probably demands a seperate thread, if others are willing. Anyway, the reason I mention bermuda triangle here is a story, a true story, according to the writer that has some connection to the topic being discussed here. I request the interested persons to read it. The only hint I can give is by quoting the last line of the story. It says:

"We had traveled through 100 miles of space and 30 minutes of time in a little more than three minutes."


Read it and tell me what do you think of it.


Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

blackpearl said:
"We had traveled through 100 miles of space and 30 minutes of time in a little more than three minutes."

i didnt understand


Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

Read the article and you'll come to know :)

Anyways, coming back to the train and 5C speed. What if we somehow manage to build a railway track in the hypothetical 5D universe, capture the video using camera capable of sharp-shooting even at 10C, convert the video format to earhtly one and view it at an extremely slow speed. I suppose we can see the train and lights separate then :D
@Raabo: In the book you read, humans travel at .9C (appx) and reach andromeda at a later time (cuz, their own children had died some 500 years back). How can this be possible? This means the normal people (even if they had decades as against a few years fo those on spaceship) also employed a super-fast spaceship to reach there; perhaps comparable to C. Which is opposite to what was said. Why didn't the time-dilation take place for normal people (as they reached before the spaceship)
Bit confusing :(
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Mobile Freak
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

s18000rpm said:
^^how come you're sure that its a fake??? :D

we still havent left our Galaxy to explore the others.
Because they haven't met me yet! :lol:
Well I'm talking abt majority...70% of people think that UFOs does'nt exists :rolleyes: google for it n u'll understand my theory :cool:


The Devil
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

One website attempts to explain this. I'm copy pasting it.

I am driving my car at the speed of light and I turn on my headlights. What do I see?

Sadly this question and all others about experiences at the speed of light do not have a definitive answer. You cannot go at the speed of light so the question is hypothetical. Hypothetical questions do not have definitive answers. Only massless particles such as photons can go at the speed of light. As a massive object approaches the speed of light the amount of energy needed to accelerate it further increases so that an infinite amount would be needed to reach the speed of light.

Sometimes people persist: What would the world look like in the reference frame of a photon? What does a photon experience? Does space contract to two dimensions at the speed of light? Does time stop for a photon?. . . It is really not possible to make sense of such questions and any attempt to do so is bound to lead to paradoxes. There are no inertial reference frames in which the photon is at rest so it is hopeless to try to imagine what it would be like in one. Photons do not have experiences. There is no sense in saying that time stops when you go at the speed of light. This is not a failing of the theory of relativity. There are no inconsistencies revealed by these questions. They just don't make sense.

Despite these empty answers, nobody should feel too put down for asking such questions. They are exactly the kind of question that Einstein often asked himself from the age of 16 until he discovered special relativity ten years later. Einstein reported that in 1896 he thought,

``If I pursue a beam of light with the velocity c (velocity of light in a vacuum), I should observe such a beam of light as a spatially oscillatory electromagnetic field at rest. However, there seems to be no such thing, whether on the basis of experience or according to Maxwell's equations. From the very beginning it appeared to me intuitively clear that, judged from the standpoint of such an observer, everything would have to happen according to the same laws as for an observer who, relative to the earth, was at rest. For how, otherwise, should the first observer know, i.e., be able to determine, that he is in a state of fast uniform motion? One sees that in this paradox the germ of the special relativity theory is already contained. Today everyone knows, of course, that all attempts to clarify this paradox satisfactorily were condemned to failure as long as the axiom of the absolute character of time, viz., of a simultaneous, unrecognizedly was anchored in the unconscious. Clearly to recognize this axiom and its arbitrary character really implies already the solution to the problem.''

In 1905 he realised how it could be that light always goes at the same speed no matter how fast you go. Events that are simultaneous in one reference frame will happen at different times in another that has a velocity relative to the first. Space and time cannot be taken as absolute. On this basis Einstein constructed the theory of special relativity, which has since been well confirmed by experiment.

Questions of relative velocity in relativity can be answered using the velocity subtraction formula v = (w - u)/(1 - wu/c2) (see relativity FAQ: velocity addition). If you are driving at a speed u relative to me and you measure the speed of light in the same direction (w = c in my frame), the formula gives v the speed of light in your reference frame as, v = (c-u)/(1 - u/c). For any speed u less than c this gives v = c so the speed of light is the same for you. But if u = c the formula degenerates to zero divided by zero; a meaningless answer.

If you want to know what happens when you are driving at very nearly the speed of light, an answer can be given. Within your car you observe no unusual effects. You can look at yourself in your mirror which is moving with the car and you will look the same as usual. Looking out of the window is a different matter. The light from your headlights will always go at the speed of light in your reference frame. It will strike any object in its path and be reflected back. Everything else will be coming towards you at nearly the speed of light, so the light reflected from it will be Doppler shifted to very high frequencies--towards the ultraviolet or beyond. If you have a suitable camera you could take a snapshot. The objects passing are contracted in length but because of the different times of passage for the light and effects of aberration, the snapshot will show the objects you pass as rotated.


I hope this clears some confusion. Also those who are following this thread out of interest, should also go through the following discussions from

What causes time to progress?
Time dilation. I don't get it
Time dilation, twin paradox and others


Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

reddick said:
Because they haven't met me yet! :lol:
Well I'm talking abt majority...70% of people think that UFOs does'nt exists :rolleyes: google for it n u'll understand my theory :cool:
we cant say Alien's dont exist, reason..they might be just as intelligent as us-- NO Space Travel Yet :D

& another reason, We havent Left our Galaxy (or the Solar System itself) yet. :cool:


Precision Processor
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

maybe the cloud on bermuda triangle was a small worm hole and it warped them through time.


The Lord of Death
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

I didn't want to post in this thread because of the bitter experience before. But, I'm amazed with all this pseudo-techno-discussion going around in here. IMO, a baby learns to crawl before it can stand up straight and walk, let alone run blindly in all nakedness of a narcissist.

Sure, it's all fine and dandy talking about aliens, time-travel et al. Makes us feel special and gifted, doesn't it? This is exactly the point of both science and religions. Religions made us believe that we were offsprings of gods - divine and royal. That we were destined to rule the Earth and take all we ever wanted to. That the stars and other celestial bodies were revolving around us. That the whole shebang existed because we did. And the Earth was flat, so we could walk easily on our feet. Too convenient to be true, ain't it?

Science is the new religion; at least a better attempt at it. Promises haven't changed much, and neither have the believers. Now we have simple formula for everything known and unknown to the mankind. As they say, Mathematics is the language of God! Sure, there are more contradictions than proofs, but they still teach it to children much the same way their ancestors were teaching religious texts. The truth is, only a few enlightened among us truly understand what, where, how and why we are. Only a few will accept that there are no universal laws that define the mechanics of the Universe. And I doubt if there's any who can explain what exactly the Universe is, or if it exists at all. Others, like us minions, blindly believe them, because we are promised in our school days that science has all the answers to all the questions ever asked. Or does it?

I have my doubts. I've long been called an 'unbeliever', and rightly so. There is a lot to say on my side, but respecting the title of this thread, I'm starting with a simple question. Let's see if we can find an answer, for without one we wouldn't even expect any aliens or time-travel anytime soon.

What is time?

And, please keep the "4th dimension" crap out of context if you can't explain it or don't understand it yourself.
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Loading . . . please d'nt
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

whew ....... sum serious discussion goin on here !!!

but sum nice info ... though i too support non-existence of aliens :)


Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

@ yamaraj: time :D
The link may look stupid but read it, it does give lots of info. :)


The Lord of Death
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

SE><IE said:
@ yamaraj: time :D
The link may look stupid but read it, it does give lots of info. :)
Oh dear! You didn't have to point me in that direction. You didn't get the sarcasm. ;)
I want to know how many of those discussing time-travel actually understand what time really is. Because time doesn't exist, and you can't travel back-n-forth in nothingness.


18 Till I Die............
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

So then how is it considered the 4th dimension and how do we see passage of nothingness.
I don't really know how to define time.
Please can u shed some light here?


The Lord of Death
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

tech_your_future said:
So then how is it considered the 4th dimension and how do we see passage of nothingness.
I don't really know how to define time.
Please can u shed some light here?
I don't know either. To be frank, nobody knows but everyone pretends to know about it. We sure do change gradually, and many other things do. But a change in state doesn't give birth to a new dimension.

Given enough time and motivation, our talented scientists will even come up with a gazillion dimensions. Wait, they already have! Here you can enjoy the "Tenth Dimension" - *

Physicists consider time as 4th dimension simply because it helps them in calculations and assumptions. We, as mere mortals, have the tendency to assume that everything has a beginning and an end. Well, what if the Universe (or should I call it 'Multiverse' now?) never started with a loud bang, and it's never going to end? Do we really understand what this 'thing' is? Countless of scientists have come and gone with their theories, but not a single person can claim to understand even the "time" itself, let alone Universe or Multiverse.

Recently, I watched a video, which was about the accuracy of the Gravitational Constant and Multiverses. Many scientists in that video agreed that the constant and many other things were exceptionally fine tuned for everything to exist as it does. And we are talking about the fine-tuning of Einstein's Cosmological constant within 120 orders of magnitude. That means: -

The cosmological constant can be considered as the intrinsic mass and volume of empty space, which Einstein had suggested was not zero. It turns out that this number needs to be set to an accuracy of one part in a trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion trillion, trillion. Any minuscule variation and life is a non-starter.

Now there are two sects within physicists - one, that believes in Intelligent Design and/or Simulation Argument, and another, that's trying to come up with an "Infinite Universes (Multiverse)" theory.

Fine-tuned Universe - *
Is Life only a dream - *,,2087-1358588,00.html

Read these too: -

0. *
1. *
2. *
3. *
4. *
5. *
6. *,9171,1555132-1,00.html

Hmm, so we were talking about time-travel? Anyone for a trip to "Nothingness"?
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Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

Geez, Thanks yamaraj. Even I saw string theory concept in discovery. :D
Anyways, here's a forum from your link *

Dunno what to say; Overhead Transmission :D
Lots of info :D
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Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

One teeny-tiny question: Why does one hear a Sonic BOOOOM when an aircraft travelling faster than sound goes by?


The Devil
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

krazyfrog said:
One teeny-tiny question: Why does one hear a Sonic BOOOOM when an aircraft travelling faster than sound goes by?



Broken In
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

Originally Posted by DeSmOnD dAvId
Before seeing the video, ask yourself a few questions:
-Why do UFOs be seen only in other parts of the world and not in India?
-How can some intellingent being several lightyears away com to contact us?

Originally Posted by amitava82
i have a question to ask:
- How many Indians know WHAT IS AN UFO? ask - not yourself, your neighbour.

Man it was Damn funny:D ...u really got a gr8 sence of humor:p

well this topic is controversial the more we say the lesser we know in Actual.......


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Re: UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel and more...

Hi, sorry was busy finishing off the January issue. Let's get back to the whole complicated mess that this thread has become:

yamraj said:
Sure, it's all fine and dandy talking about aliens, time-travel et al. Makes us feel special and gifted, doesn't it? This is exactly the point of both science and religions. Religions made us believe that we were offsprings of gods - divine and royal. That we were destined to rule the Earth and take all we ever wanted to. That the stars and other celestial bodies were revolving around us. That the whole shebang existed because we did. And the Earth was flat, so we could walk easily on our feet. Too convenient to be true, ain't it?

Science is the new religion; at least a better attempt at it. Promises haven't changed much, and neither have the believers. Now we have simple formula for everything known and unknown to the mankind. As they say, Mathematics is the language of God! Sure, there are more contradictions than proofs, but they still teach it to children much the same way their ancestors were teaching religious texts. The truth is, only a few enlightened among us truly understand what, where, how and why we are. Only a few will accept that there are no universal laws that define the mechanics of the Universe. And I doubt if there's any who can explain what exactly the Universe is, or if it exists at all. Others, like us minions, blindly believe them, because we are promised in our school days that science has all the answers to all the questions ever asked. Or does it?

You clearly do not understand the very clear difference between science and religion... let me elucidate:

Two scenarios:
1: I can use biology and chemistry to explain everything called a “miracle” in the Bible.
2: I can prove Einstein wrong using mathematics and physics.

What do you think would happen at the end of both cases? In the first case, the Church would hush me up, make up some new stories, ignore me; I’d get death threats; preachers would condemn and curse me… you get the drift…

In the second, I would be asked to prove it, and once I did, it would make front page news, I would be given a Nobel prize; I’d get millions of dollars in grant money and be written about in text books…

The difference here is that Religion is based on things that have already happened, on events, and is based solely on faith and belief. Religion does not work without this “faith”, simply because it cannot be either proven or disproven.

Science on the other hand is quite simply humans trying to understand the world around them, and using logic to do so. There is no “faith”. Even when something cannot be proven, it is estimated using current knowledge. The Earth was the center of the universe; it was flat. The sun rotated around the Earth, as did the moon and all the other planets and stars. Then we discovered that the earth was an oblate spheroid, and rotated!.

Bottom line: Science welcomes change, so long as it is backed by concrete evidence; religion discourages it. The only way a person could equate the two is if he treated science like a religion, and just accepted what he was told instead of understanding and questioning. Perhaps it was because of lack of interest, bad teachers, rote learning… whatever…

yamraj said:
I have my doubts. I've long been called an 'unbeliever', and rightly so. There is a lot to say on my side, but respecting the title of this thread, I'm starting with a simple question. Let's see if we can find an answer, for without one we wouldn't even expect any aliens or time-travel anytime soon.

[color=“red”]What is time? And, please keep the "4th dimension" crap out of context if you can't explain it or don't understand it yourself. I want to know how many of those discussing time-travel actually understand what time really is. Because time doesn't exist, and you can't travel back-n-forth in nothingness.[/color]

I don't know either. To be frank, nobody knows but everyone pretends to know about it. We sure do change gradually, and many other things do. [color=”red”]But a change in state doesn't give birth to a new dimension. Physicists consider time as 4th dimension simply because it helps them in calculations and assumptions.[/color]

The easiest thing to do is label yourself an unbeliever, because it exempts you from having to take the trouble to understand. Let’s see if I can get a definition of time, not from “stupid” textbooks, or “religious scientists”, but from my own understanding:

Time: The first dimension for every object that exists as matter in our universe.

What this means is that, even subatomic particles, which are the closest things we know of to “nothingness” experience time, and are thus one dimensional objects.

A point is thus one-dimensional, a line, 2-dimensional, a plane, 3-dimensional, everything else, 4-dimensional — us included.

Consider this:
If you and your entire universe that you see, exist on just a plane. You are therefore a point or a line, and your universe is the plane. This is a three-dimensional universe, considering that X, Y (axes) and Time are the measurements of the three dimensions. Now, I am a 4th dimension normal human, who also experiences time, in addition to X, Y, and Z axes as measurements.

What if I were to insert a ruler into your universe (the plane). You would see a line appear, and when I removed the ruler, you would see the line disappear. No motion, no movement, just appearing and disappearing. This would stupefy you! If time did not exist, you would not see the line, you would not notice anything change, ever.

You are bound by limits: the distance you can see on the X axis, the same for the Y axis, and Time. Since these limits do not allow for a Z axis, which it does only for me (in this example), my ruler is nothing short of magic and mystique to 3-dimensional planar beings. Now consider the same trick being played on linear (2-dimensional) beings by planar (3-dimensional) beings, and then again by linear beings on point beings (uni-dimensional), and you will see that this trick of being from a superior-dimension stops at point beings. This means that the first dimension is time, and there’s nothing (currently perceivable, at least) that’s below the dimension of time.

If this is not clear, try and understand what the word “dimension” means. It is nothing but a measurement. This is why a box, 10x10x10 cm is measured 10 cm on the X, Y and Z axes, but can also be measured as “2 years old”. If it can be measured, in a perceivable way, then it must be a dimension. Because humanity has already measured and mapped X, Y and Z axes as three unique dimensions, to avoid confusion, time is called the 4th dimension. In fact, it is the first dimension.

An interesting question this raises is that if you travel faster than light, will you actually experience the 5th dimension, or are you actually becoming dimension-less (the Zero-dimension).

yamraj said:
Hmm, so we were talking about time-travel? Anyone for a trip to "Nothingness"?

Dimension-less, perhaps, “nothingness” is the wrong word to use.

Now I’m tired of typing, and I’m sure there will be some replies and disagreements, so I’ll save the rest as replies to those…

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