Re: Do u think UFOs exist
Mediator is right to insist on the usage of the term "relative" because it's all important when dealing with the speed of light.
Let me first talk about UFOs:
But when we are talking about UFOs we mean aliens. A secret government aircraft doesn't become a UFO by defination. Unidentified to the common people but not to the government. A flying bird you can't recognize doesn't become a UFO, does it? These UFO sightings could actually be secret government projects and not aliens, atleast most of them. Consider that most sightings occur at US and near Nevada where the "famous" Area 51 is located.
It's sad that you equated what I said with a BIRD being identified as a UFO. In a discussion that is talking about intelligent alien life, speed of light and time travel, I'd expect you to read posts a little more carefully and take the trouble to understand them. I prefer the term
Unidentifiable Flying Object to the standard
Unidentified… Why? Consider this: If you are video shooting, capture something weird looking flying across the sky, take the video tape to the media, they have experts look at it, no one knows what it is (and no I DON’T mean “what species of bird”, or, “what is that pet parakeet’s name”). It’s a UFO!
Is it necessarily Alien? Absolutely not. When the Stealth bombers were being test flown, triangle shaped UFOs were sighted all over the states. Little less than a year later everyone knew they were the stealths. However, for that period of time until the US government admitted that the “triangles” were in fact the stealth bombers, they “were” UFOs!
So until and unless a UFO hovers your house, beams down an alien with 2 fingers and telepathic capabilities, and mind-tells you, “Take me to your leader.”, even the fact that aliens visit us remains to be proved. A statement like “But when we are talking about UFOs we
mean aliens.” is unfounded. My point remains the same: UFOs could be:
1. Aliens visiting us
2. Secret government airplanes
3. Time travel machines in which humans / robots from the future come to observe us
4. Optical illusions
5. Figments of our imaginations
6. Well executed fakes
Now to Superluminal possibilities:
Mathematically, superluminal speeds are achievable. They are not observable by us, but possible nonetheless. Einstein’s theories and equations are being pasted in this thread, even his theory of special relativity, but without being understood.
Einstein’s theories hold true for the “observable” universe of us four dimensional beings. However, newer theories in physics suggest that there are many more dimensions to the universe. We, being four dimensional, can only observe and understand the boundaries of what we see. A wormhole, as you pointed out, is an “error” (if I can take the liberty of calling it that) in our 4-dimensional observed universe.
Since you have used the example of a wormhole I am taking that to mean that you believe in their existence, as many others do, and this proves that the universe has at least one more dimension. Why? How else would you explain that particles with mass can enter a wormhole at X point and exit at Y point in the universe which is billions of light years away (or even 1 light year away) almost instantaneously (say 1 second). In a 4 dimensional world, that is like traveling 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 times the speed of light! (considering you travel 1 light year in 1 second)
But since superluminal speeds are impossible, wormholes must not exist! Yet they do… Thus Einstein must have been wrong, or at best right about only what holds true in the 4-dimensional boundary we exist in!
Let’s consider the mathematically proven particle called the Tachyon next. Everything that makes up our universe, as we know it, is made up of particles that we can unofficially call Tardyons. (From the word Tardy, i.e. Slow). Physicists and great mathematicians have spoken about Tachyons, which basically are (5th dimension??) particles that ONLY travel at superluminal velocities. Though it’s probably wrong to say this, you might consider these particles similar to the anti-matter that we’ve heard mentioned in Star Trek!
Just as 4-dimensional physics and Einstein’s theory of special relativity suggest that it would need infinite energy to accelerate even a mere electron to light speed… using the same equations, it would need infinite energy to SLOW down a Tachyon to light speed. In theory, a Tachyon accelerates as it loses energy.
Also, due to our 4-dimensional limitations, if we were to try and observe a tachyon, we would find that it is moving backwards in time. This is because observations are always relative. Discussions about Tachyons and superluminal speeds always seem to run into pages and pages, so I’ll stop here unless someone replies and asks for specific clarifications…
Back to the point:
blackpearl said:
Practically its impossible to approach the speed of light because as you increase your speed your mass increases. The closer you get to the speed of light your mass increases exponentially and at the speed of light it becomes infinite, a physical impossibility. To move a space ship having infinite mass at the speed of light would require infinite amount of energy.
I'm not saying that space travel over large distance is not possible but certainly not by conventional method. If UFOs exist and aliens do visit us, they must have done it by some other method like through a wormhole.
As I have illustrated already, the very presence of wormholes makes superluminal travel a possibility (all we need to do is figure out how to survive the journey through a wormhole). Since time is relative, as is speed, as is mass, nothing is impossible. And if we accept that travel through space is possible, using wormholes, at superluminal speeds, time travel also must be possible.
Some theories suggest that the grandfather paradox will never occur, simply because time travel to the past isn’t possible. The future sure, the past, no way! This is because that when you approach the speed of light, relative time slows. So if you leave earth traveling at the speed of light, and travel for 10 years (observed from earth)… 5 years moving away and the other 5 spent on returning… you will find yourself back at earth in what was an instant to you, but was a decade to the people on earth…
Now, theory suggests that if you travel through a wormhole, go to a place 5 light years away, 5 to return, you will find yourself 10 years from the time you left. Thus the wormhole somehow accelerated the ship to about 10 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 80 times the speed of light! All we need to do is find what properties of a wormhole can accelerate a ship to such speeds…