The rated R superstar.
I think we are the original Aliens...
Well, if they are developed, then they would only try to take over us?
Universal Domination!!!
try visiting this link n see the video(sceptics also)Do u think UFOs exist? i started thinking of it when i saw this video, its so real.
I wish to say, the answer to these questions r in our mind........the best thing about homo sapiens is our brain power....There is a part in our brain called sub-conscious part, which has all da answers in it.....But we r not just concentratin enuf to understand our brain.......accordin to me mind power is the greatest thing in da whole universe.....ability of our brain to dream, imagine the wildest thing we never can c in reality, etc points out the wat we use is infinitely small part of brain.......Once we know all abt our brain ..everythin is possible....TElepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and even time travel....IF we fully understand our brain power, then we wont need a time machine to travel.......u can just do it wid ur mind power...brain is da most powerful and complex part of our body...its lyk a 10000Tera byte HDD with the universe' best configuration and with a awesome OS installed in it, but we r just using it to play minesweeper........And for aliens, i think if they exist they wont have highly advanced technologies lyk we think , Simply they would have understood themselves well....For us, there's still a lot to evolute..So my question is how to understand oneself?
that doesn't make any sense^^ Copy pasting images from net doesnt prove anything..