Do UFOs/Aliens exist, is Time Travel possible and more...






aliens exist long before humans were here on earth we are not the first civilization to be here on earth and we are not the most technically advanced civilization either
some aliens are seen as god and angels and some are seen as demons all that mythical stuff in history can be scientifically proven





well there is some line in Contact (the book and the movie) which goes something like the universe is a waste of space without ETI. Life cannot be a miracle that happens on earth alone... with so many stars out there, and so many planetary systems, there simply has to be life on many planets. Island societies - we probably won't meet each other mostly because they would be here if interstellar travel was possible. The distances are simply too vast. We can always hope for radio contact though - that will possibly be the only mode of communication across the vast distances. So pump in more funds into SETI.
seti is said to be a public organization but all it works only favorable to the nasa and the governments
look at nasa now they went to moon because of pressure from president john f kennedy
after that no progress is there the shuttle launches are about to be stopped by 2010 cause they are too outdated
all nasa did so far is to put up military equipment for the government
nasa ans seti cannot be trusted


Staff member

Fist image is B2

2nd is a photochop

Research about the subject and then say anything. Copy-pasta is lame.

Btw tell me your age.


Fist image is B2

2nd is a photochop

Research about the subject and then say anything. Copy-pasta is lame.

Btw tell me your age.
yes it is a b2 bomber in case you dont know there are two b2 bombers
the one i have posted is suppose to be a nuclear powered MHD driven one
the moon picture could be fake but a lot of anomaly has been observed in moon i can direct you to some link if you are interested

these are called the fast walkers
they can travel at least at mach 10
some of the pictures i posted are true you can verify and read more if you know where to look
i thought that no one will listen to my ranting here on this forum
if you want me to continue i can show you some more interesting stuff 8)
BTW im 26 old enough i think



this one is a real Egyptian artifact look at the lizard like snout
it is known as pindar to david icke pindar is aslo known as a greek poet

another reptilian looking figure

these two are real artifacts


ancient art describing a man flying inside a sphere like structure

hieroglyphs from Egypt
more artifact looking like Grey aliens

this is a Mayan representation of a tall reptilian looking person


these are real skulls some of them are known have the spinal junction to the middle
unless like us where it is placed a little bit back to the lower skull region
the brain capacity is also said to be more when compared to human skulls



this one is real
the disc inside said to be in binary form it contains info about the dna and other things like language
math can be universally applied throughout the universe
it is similar to what we sent out in a probe with our dna form and language form
it is said to be a reply


these are known as hanebu crafts supposedly developed by the Nazis
now remember the Nazis traveled all over the world like Tibet,Egypt,both the poles in search of the ancient artifacts
they are also the first to have the rocket technology and a lot of secret research were going on when the allied forces captured Germany they also took possession of the many secret technologies and the Nazi scientists were recruited into NASA and CIA

like these in Germany which are said to be the test bed for the UFOs these structures also have dedicated power line for them

more crafts with nazi symbols



this is a MHD generator

giant human remains are found all over the world
some of the reported skeletons are about 15 feet tall

there also some giant human remains found on the beach after the 2004 tsunami along with some undiscovered fish types

there are also mentions of giant humans in the bible as Nephilim
David and Goliath story also have mentions about gaint humans those days
you have to remember that they wouldn't be able to walk and move like as if they were here due to the gravity
you should also remember that lot of the prehistoric animals are huge like huge dragon fly and crocks and sharks like megalodon
there must be something different about the gravity in the ancient times


if you want me to continue by posting any article i will continue
or i will stop with this i don't like talking alone...


Staff member
Well then tell me why such discoveries are not made public, I mean they are awesome so why don't show them on main media ?

Its easier to fool people with photoshop. Many of them are proved to be urban legends and baseless.

I Nazis had that much power then they would have never gone defeated.

The MHD B2 bomber you have shown is a pathetic attempt at photoshop.

Look I can only believe in these stuff if there is credible evidence and proof, or else its just a way of people earning quick bucks.

Come on, Aliens are not pussies.


Staff member
Here is the link to Giant Human Skeleton hoax.

"Giant Skeletons" Fuel Web Hoax

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