Death = Solution ????

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Ambassador of Buzz
hummmm do meditation and if possible play games as much as u can... those games which u think are difficult to complete...
life is like a game mate... everyone here facing problem... some have problem with GF some with parents some with money.... if u poll " are u facing problem"
i bet the result wud be 99% for yes....
1% me main aata hu :p

yaar i almost lost everything, my home my bussiness my .... so on....
once me too thot to kill myself....
but time went and now after some time i get back and stand on own feet :D
now all those ppl who laughed on me try to be close ....
yaar jo ho raha hai hone do... let it be... everyone have CREAM PERIOD OF LIFE and The worst period of life....
best of luck buddy and do take care...


yes problems in life r common i know it but my main fear is my parents could be in shame coz of me ...


No longer here..
If they are your parents then they must be loving you .... they might get a bit distressed but they will choose your LIFE anyday over your DEATH ... ok ..remember that.

Put yourself in position of your parents....think that you are a father of a child ...and your child is going through what you are going thro at present ..... ask yourself will you let ur child commit suicide ..??? Absolutely not.

Think over it.


hey its not about suicide was jus askin for ur help man in my probs was thinkin jus is death perfect soltion for all probs but still i think its the perfect sol :(


A guy here in the forum posted a thread that pointed to this article. READ IT man, youll love it:


beautiful. I loved it, youll love it too.

And this is not the age to die, if you die then there will be a girl who wont get the best guy that she would have got.;)

Chill man, nobody is a shame for his/her parents.


talk to ur parents.......give them dhumki that u will run away from home ! just say u can't do it all !! or u just failed !! if they want they will accept u...or just leave it...try to do what they say !! u can't do soo much....endless options !!!


M$™ Certified Spammer
nice link cynosure
and @the guy who started this thread. why did u start this thread its useless there is only one answer, what lil jinx said


egg man nothin like that just was thinkin
i sure wouldnt do it after readin this whole thread but still ......


yeah azzu, when i was caught hold by my girl friend's dad, i was almost dead. but my friend cheered me up. . . . now i'm happy then before. i sued her and she dumped me :D now i'm happy


High without substance...
s18000rpm said:
die (suicide) = you are a COWARD.

face the crap = you're the MAN.

Simmmmmple :)):)):))

take the life a bit easy at this stage.

go & watch this
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
[Time: 02:30]

Download the same as mp3 [2.2MB]

this is the second time you are posting this song.i think you like it, i love this song on of the best.


death is not the only solution.

problems are not created, they made to be created. so there must be some solution some where within the problem itself. all you need to do is think of what caused the problem and what was its effect and how to fix it.

@ s18000rpm, nice track


High without substance...
i think if you have the courage to do such a thing than you have the courage to face your problems.

maditate(rightly said) go to some nice place away from the city, there is a nice place near bangalore(yoga camP) try it out you will like it.

people from different walks of life come there to gain their strength to face their problems.


chicha said:
this is the second time you are posting this song.i think you like it, i love this song on of the best.
i dont like it, i LOVE it :))

its a Beautiful World, live it as much as possible.
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