convert .exe files to .c files

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Lucky Rathod

Friends is it possible to convert .exe files to .c files as i have deleted my .c file accidentally
If the program was your own, there is no reason why you can't rewrite it.
If it was downloaded, there is no reason why you can't download it again.

But exe to c is a next to impossible job.


Think Zen.
Decompiler work for languages that write byte code and not binary.
I did use one once, when i acidentally deleted my java files instead of my class files, Yeah, Stupid me.
They dont give you the exact code , but its helpful instead of starting back from ground zero.


Mobile Addict
Whose program was it anyway? If it was yours, you could have rewritten it easily.

Have you forgotten the site from where u downloaded it? ? ?


Commander in Chief
Err why do you guys thing rewriting code is easy? It could have been over 500~ lines, a piece of art put together day by day! It'd be downright frustrating to rewrite the entire process again.

And why is it a common thing with you guys to think that every other poster here in this section only downloads or asks for code and never codes himself? :\


Mad and Furious
Dunno, think a decompiler should work...
I have tried Java decompilers for that matter, dunno about C


java decompilers might work..coz it is an interpreted language. But getting .c from exe is IMPOSSIBLE....

all you can do now is try file recovery.. or rewrite the code..


Broken In
You can get assembly code out of your exe, and if you understand assembly then you can write C code by looking into it.

As while doing name mangling compiler puts different name for variables in exe so you can not get back original C file. but surely you can get your code back.


Err.. what?
Even if it is possible to actually get back the code manually, it would take days, if not months. Its better if you rewrite the whole thing or use a recovery software to find the deleted file.


Wise Old Owl
Use can try Reverse Engineering Compiler (REC 2.1) to convert EXE to a
C language file.


I don't know how good it is, since I haven't tested it.
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