Chip Forum gonna shut down in a few months

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I got to know from one of the super-mods of Chip Forum that they are shutting it down in a few months.
So now our TDF gonna more popular,though its already very much popular but still :wink:

I hope have posted this in the right section.
And if not then I requests mods to move it to the right section.
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I am a cat
One of the forums which I visit very often announced the same thing a few years back around the exact same time i.e mid March and came back on 1st April.


Sad news, chip was my first forum ,although i was not very active there. After some time it is shutdown for d month bcoz someone hacked it.after that i joined tdf.


Cyborg Agent
sad news..but is it not dead because of their own politics ?
I used to be a subscriber(for around 2 early nerd days) to chip magazine..and loved it. Magazine quality and contents used to be awesome. Never purchased any Digit magazine :D


sad news..but is it not dead because of their own politics ?
I used to be a subscriber(for around 2 early nerd days) to chip magazine..and loved it. Magazine quality and contents used to be awesome. Never purchased any Digit magazine :D

I believe their forum is shutting down not their magazine publication. ;)


Firecracker to the moon
Their forum is not good,But their magazine is actually better than digit(Dont ban me for this)In terms of qualtiy,presentation and content :D


The Power of x480
Staff member
When I first heard about this, I became sad since I thought maybe their magazine is being shutting down. I am glad I was wrong. Since competition is always good for consumers.

But, I also thing shutting down of Chip forum should not be something to rejoice on. Even if they were TDF's competitor, we should respect the guys who invested their efforts in helping others. A forum after all, is a reflection of the members who actively participates in it to make it better.


sad news..but is it not dead because of their own politics ?
I used to be a subscriber(for around 2 early nerd days) to chip magazine..and loved it. Magazine quality and contents used to be awesome. Never purchased any Digit magazine :D
Bro their forum is shutting down not the magazine.
Forum is shutting down because its almost dead

When I first heard about this, I became sad since I thought maybe their magazine is being shutting down. I am glad I was wrong. Since competition is always good for consumers.

But, I also thing shutting down of Chip forum should not be something to rejoice on. Even if they were TDF's competitor, we should respect the guys who invested their efforts in helping others. A forum after all, is a reflection of the members who actively participates in it to make it better.

Well said bro...

And one thing.
Sorry guys.
I was suppose to write few more months and I wrote in a months.
Sorry my mistake.
So it is gonna shut down in a few more months
Here is the message which I got from the supermoderator of chip forum:
*****this forum is now dead.*******************
Just a few more months and it will be shut down.

Note:the * represents the text that can't be disclosed.


ya there a mod named coolpcguy but I don't know much about him.
And what do you mean by cpg?

@All I have edited the thread/post a lil bit


Resistance is Futile.
And what do you mean by cpg?

cpg == coolpcguy aka me ;p

@red dragon Still am.

And in case you're wondering, the forums are on life support (well, you've seen the activity, right?). As for the future, keep an eye. Things are supposed to happen. Whether they'll happen is anyone's guess


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Happened because Chip (company) stopped caring about the forum. *


Their forum is not good,But their magazine is actually better than digit(Dont ban me for this)In terms of qualtiy,presentation and content :D

It used to be much better. But then CHIP too started having gimmicky Cover Stories and went the DIGIT way , although that is what it takes for Good Circulation :( Have All CHIP maagazines from 2005-09 to 2007-03.

Their forum looks dead, hardly any activity since weeks.

Since months :( Years even.

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
Hardware scene in India is not really in that stage where one should be having competition, but making efforts to make it more healthy (and not being a pain in the backside). ;-)

Not really sure if chip forum or whatever shuts down or that, eventually it was bound to happen. What one needs to concentrate is that people have helped and contributed. Afterall, that's the point in running forums in the first place. The management didn't push it, rather its decaying very badly so its best if its left at that.

But if you think about it, except Digit which Mainstream media owned PC Tech forum in India is in best shape (as of now to say the least)? UTV's Techtree is now managed by someone else and a LOT of people were being asked to leave- and according to what I have read in Medianama maybe some got to know they had to put the papers down and the notice to vacate the premises within hours (like 4pm that one should leave by 7pm). PC World India? Back then when I used to post EVERYWHERE the editor (prathap..yeaah) doubted me if I am the same guy and he acted funny. Who else do we have? VarIndia? OnlyGizmos? The mobile Indian? I don't those are gadget stuff. I don't bother to see that.

If you don't have a forum with a really good admin for starters and then mods without those ego-boost pills being a support to a population that is in the forum, it will die off. It happened before (except back then most were gaming forums- similar to Indian Video gamers forum), it will happen again. Also the member leeching thing will need to end. Its not just annoying but its going to be the same discussion anyways and its going to be a stale experience, hence people will leave that new forum- back to square 1. There are so many Indians online and don't associate with forums. Rather than taping that, you're leeching guys who are there in all forums to begin with. Would you like to be in a forum where all members are there in all forums and discussing the same thing? What's up with that?
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