Camera talk...



Aspiring Novelist
So, no D300s. No D7000/D7100. :(

Probably, in another few years I will be up for buying a used dslr. I will be buying if it's in this price range and even cheaper (expecting to be) with a prime lens. :)

How about 550D/D5100 by then?


Grand Master
Nac reality is pic quality got stagnent after D5000, D90, D300s sensor ....just ISO is improving ...and my cam can take ISO 1600 without any issue soo it dont make sense to get a similar DSLR just for better ISO ...

other things like metering and focus points are immeterial in real life....I donno y companies give soo much emphesis of know I mostly use single point focus and point metering ....only in case of landscape i find matrix metering useful...more focus points are needed in wildlife and car races...but then u need big lens to use it.

Now that most nikon canon and third party lenses have motor I find inbody motor also not too just add on weight

the most important thing I miss is wetherproof body, two dials .....except these my D3100 is no less ...I want better lenses like a nice sigma 10-20mm,nikon 35mm f1.8 and a nikon 300f4+1.4x tc :D

raja manuel

In the zone
I edited (heavy) one of my self portrait. Windows thumbnail, shows one colour and when I open the picture it shows another colour. I don't know what's the issue? Any idea guys???
Most probably the thumbnail (which I think is stored in Thumbs.db) wouldn't have updated. Used to happen to me a lot when I was using XP.


Aspiring Novelist
Oh!... I thought windows image viewer couldn't get the colour produced in adobe...


Allllright !
Guys a quick question.. One of my friend plans to buy a DSLR around 50-55k with basic zoom lens..

Would it better to buy D5100(body only) + Sigma 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 (27k+29k) or D5200 + Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 (39k+10k) ?


Grand Master
hmm its a difficult choice between the two

the sigma 18-250 OS HSM have both optical stabilisation and hypersonic motor for fast focus...where tamron 70-300 dont have both..

Sigma 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM review: Digital Photography Review
the review is good for sigma 18-250 OS HSM

soo if your friend is fine with a single lens superzoom solution then I think 1st choice is also fine ...remember superzoom lens are always compromises...there will be softness at max aperture and maybe after 200mm

2nd one have D5200 with better metering and better focus module...its futureproof ...but lens dont have VR soo may not be useful at low light conditions.

just check again and ask him what he wants.


Grand Master
guys is giving awesome offers....

D3100 =25k - 15% flat discount = 3750 = RS.21250

1100D dual lens combo is selling for 26k

FZ200 = 30000-15% = 25500


Aspiring Novelist
That's nice discount.

Just few days ago, I came to know of while looking for a medicinal product. Good... Hoping soon we will get some nice wide range of products.


Grand Master
the good thing is that amazon is keeping almost all lenses and dslrs and also nice range of tripods in the collection...check that out


Allllright !
What do guys you think of this: Buying Choices: Canon EOS M 18.0 MP Compact Systems Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD and EF-M 22mm STM Lens

APS-C sensor for 300$ ! But only 22m lens though.. Is it worth it? (Maybe for somebody who already has lenses?)


Allllright !
Macro fans check this: Francis Prior: Teenage photographer captures close up images of bugs | Mail Online


Grand Master
problem with EOS M series is that it again needs M lenses and with those large size lenses the cam doesnt stay small....m4/3 lenses r much smaller then these


Allllright !
Guys your thoughts:

Panasonic announces Lumix DMC-XS3

Panasonic announces Lumix DMC-FZ70 compact with the largest optical zoom


Grand Master
wow XS3 looks soo good ....and its just 14mm sleek ...I will keep a watch on it coz I wanted a sleek partner to my DSLR :)

FX70 is just another zoom upgrade of FZ60


Allllright !
I have a question. Is it possible to program focus? Consider the situation: While shooting a video you want to pull focus manually (say from infinity to object in front of you).
Is it possible to set the focal length of that object beforehand to make sure you don't overshoot or fall short that precise focal length to ensure image sharpness?

raja manuel

In the zone
DSLRs (and possibly other cameras) have the focal plane marked on the body from which you can precisely measure the depth of focus. Therefore, yes, you can position an object to make sure it is in focus when the lens is moved to a particular focal length.


Grand Master
@quagmire but you can not pre-program that can just mark to what length u need to come back...and do it manually


Aspiring Novelist
I thought Panny won't up the zoom this year. But they did... Will they do for FZ300??? I doubt it... if they wanna keep constant aperture.


Grand Master
300mm f2.8 will be awesome...but I dont think its easy...the size will increase and cost will be double then fz200
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