Camera talk...

raja manuel

In the zone
Canon users: Canon's DPP software ver. 4, which previously supported only 1DX down to 6D, has now (with version 4.4.30) expanded support all the way down to 450D and several Powershot cameras as well. Enjoy the new image processing goodies.

raja manuel

In the zone
DPP (Digital Photo Professional) is Canon's raw processing software (JPEG also, but its big advantage is in raw). It allows Canon users to get the most out of a raw file based on Canon's own understanding of the sensor and processor, which is generally regarded as superior to other raw processors as it considers features unique to Canon's sensor implementation. It also has features that you cannot find in any other raw processor: Digital Lens Optimisation which gives an enhanced raw file that is much much sharper based on Canon's research into their own lens/sensor combination at the cost of file size - my 600D's raw files would jump from 26 MB to 40-45 MB if I used DLO. This software is bundled along with Canon DSLRs and advanced Powershots so you are getting an excellent raw processor for free.

There were complaints previously that owners of older cameras were getting left out with the ver. 4 upgrade and Canon have now addressed that for most models that are still in use. It is an important selling point for Canon cameras as lifetime free upgrades and ever increasing raw capabilities is not something you can expect with other commercial products.


Aspiring Novelist
Did anyone tried Mercury transit?
I can shoot sun few minutes before sunset with my camera, but the clouds covered the sun, couldn't get the opportunity. When the sun was well up around 5pm, I went to a nearby museum to watch the transit. That's the best I got this time. Next transit is on 2019, but we can't see it from India. :(

raja manuel

In the zone
Did anyone manage to get the transit on a camera without Solar/ND filters or welding glass? Whenever I have seen discussions on this subject the successful photographers have heavily stacked filters to reduce sunlight - understandable I suppose as Mercury or other body is so much smaller than the sun from our perspective and, without heavy filtering, it would get enveloped by sunlight much like a motorcycle disappearing between a lorry's headlamps.

I'm not into astrophotography so I don't even know if these photos are possible without a telescope. I occasionally get lucky though, like this evening when I was fooling around on the roof of my house and got a photo of the waxing crescent moon backlit by the sun.
I didn't even know I had captured this until I viewed the photos on my computer. I don't think I could have seen this with the naked eye as the sun was a very intense highlight. Luckily the camera cuts down on a lot of light. I would imagine that photographing a visually much smaller body like Mercury must be much tougher.

raja manuel

In the zone
I originally thought that the orb of light in the photo must be the moon as it is too small to be the sun and the sun is the bright patch of light above it. After studying the position of the moon today I'm not so sure. If it does turn out to be the sun it would be very anti-climatic :) though I would still like to know how to replicate that as I've never photographed the sun like that before.


Grand Master
raja its a play of metering system...maybe your spot metering was on the bright light above the sun which in turn made everything else dark ..but since the sun is equally exposed you can see it nicely.


Aspiring Novelist
I originally thought that the orb of light in the photo must be the moon as it is too small to be the sun and the sun is the bright patch of light above it. After studying the position of the moon today I'm not so sure. If it does turn out to be the sun it would be very anti-climatic :) though I would still like to know how to replicate that as I've never photographed the sun like that before.
I have taken similar disc shape sun during day time (similar to the one you posted), you can replicate it when its cloud covered yet you can able see that disc shape. You can see that with your naked eye.


Grand Master
guys I posted my engagement pic on this thread, in case anyone wants to see :D


it was on 5th of may :)

raja manuel

In the zone
Congratulations Sujoy. I just have to ask about the lighting - I'm guessing you didn't handle that as you'd have avoided the shadow on the wall. The style of photo looks a typical wide angle P&S shot but the shadow suggests an off camera flash towards camera left at around or slightly below eye level. Is that correct?


Grand Master
Double congos Sujoy bro . :))

thanks :)

- - - Updated - - -
[MENTION=133607]raja[/MENTION] to tell you the truth I was soo disappointed with the photographers photos..they all had shadows..he took it stright from front..he used a nikon D700 but bad lightning..I will share what I took

this pic is taken at same place by me....

and this below one by photographer..he had some pro flash which definitely he didnt know how to use :(


Aspiring Novelist
Congratulations Sujoy. I just have to ask about the lighting - I'm guessing you didn't handle that as you'd have avoided the shadow on the wall. The style of photo looks a typical wide angle P&S shot but the shadow suggests an off camera flash towards camera left at around or slightly below eye level. Is that correct?
It seems like it's taken in a house. Probably photographer may not have enough space to prop up umbrella and all. He could've bounced the flash or use some kinda diffuser, but...
I didn't notice the shadow until I saw your comment.

The photograph taken by Sujoy seems like high ISO shot, is it?

Recently, I attended an engagement function. Many of the shots were out of focus and took too much time to focus. Is this a sign of ageing?


The scene for wedding and all is pathetic at this time. None of the photography guys I've encountered know even the basics of photography. They just point and shoot, full flash, subject and composition be dammed
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